
Search results for: "extreme weather"

A new assessment of extreme weather trends: hurricanes

Via Roger Pielke Jr. we have learned of a new comprehensive assessment of extreme weather trends published in The European Physical Journal Plus. The authors go systematically through the major...

16 Feb, 2022| Science Notes

A new assessment of extreme weather trends: floods

...lead to a mindless chorus about climate change. In our continuing review of the new assessment of global indicators of extreme weather we find the following regarding scientific evidence of...

09 Mar, 2022| Science Notes

A new assessment of extreme weather trends: tornadoes

Last week we drew attention to a new, detailed peer-reviewed analysis of extreme weather trends. Yes, yes, very boring, we all know there’s nothing to report. But the trouble is...

23 Feb, 2022| Science Notes

A new assessment of extreme weather trends: droughts

We continue our summary of a comprehensive new peer-reviewed survey of extreme weather trends, this week looking at droughts. The imagery of droughts is reliably horrifying, so whenever the media...

16 Mar, 2022| Science Notes

It's never just summer anymore

The weather forecast as of the time of writing is for a blast of hot weather along the US west coast, possibly hot enough not to be mere weather but...

10 Jul, 2024| News Roundup

Worse than the worst thing ever

...seen in floods, fires and drought around the globe”. And Canada’s ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Climate Change and Climate Change hollered: “Canadians are increasingly experiencing record-breaking extreme weather...

08 Jan, 2025| News Roundup

Insurance and Climate Change

...about extreme weather getting worse because of your carbon dioxide emissions, did anyone mention that the weather isn’t actually getting worse at all? Wondering what else you haven’t been told?...

04 Sep, 2019| Fact Checks

IPCC AR6: Extreme Rainfall, Unspun Edition

...the text of the new IPCC report where it pertains to the big topics of the day, especially apocalyptic extreme weather and the like. Today we start with extreme rainfall....

18 Aug, 2021| Science Notes

Oh the weather outside is frightful

...wacky weather stories into dreary polemics in the 2024 edition by saying “With each year, Canada sees the impacts of climate change on weather events, making many extreme weather events...

18 Dec, 2024| News Roundup

Weather in Texas, climate in New York

...meteorologists and weather scientists gathered to share the latest research at the 103rd meeting of the American Meteorological Society. …Scientists are in consensus on the increasing frequency of extreme weather...

08 Feb, 2023| OP ED Watch

IPCC AR6 Extreme Event Attribution: Unspun Edition

...of the new IPCC report says about the science of attributing extreme weather events to greenhouse gases: “[New] approaches have been developed to answer the question of whether and to...

27 Oct, 2021| Science Notes

Lack of terrible weather not blamed on GHGs

...no, nowhere at all: “In a summer already full of extreme weather, it's the heat waves roasting hundreds of millions of people across three continents that are confirming a grim...

08 Sep, 2021| News Roundup

A Flooded Condition

...extreme weather event happens anywhere in the world, people immediately look at it and say… climate change. The response is automatic and unconscious. Which should be a clue about what’s...

27 Feb, 2022| Backgrounders

Back to California

...as January 9 the New York Times was just reporting bad storms as bad weather. But two days later it pulled itself together with: “Extreme weather has plagued many parts...

18 Jan, 2023| News Roundup

The time travel crisis

...other. Global heating is now translating into extreme weather rapidly: there has been a huge hike in these events over the last few years, during which time the global average...

28 Sep, 2022| OP ED Watch

A year unlike all the others

...his Minister of “Environment and Climate Change” George Heyman: “We’re seeing and living the effects of climate change, whether it’s extreme weather, whether it’s droughts, whether it’s the two worst...

12 Jan, 2022| News Roundup

Extreme cold deadlier than extreme heat

...have learned to live with the widest range of temperature extremes the planet has to offer, and second, that extreme cold is, overall, deadlier than extreme heat. If we are...

10 Jul, 2019| Science Notes

A bright future for U.S. blackouts

...is due to “extreme weather”? How about “extreme optimism” and “extreme unreality” blowing in from Balnibarbi? Including one of the Democrat commissioners saying “On top of all of this, extreme...

29 May, 2024| News Roundup

Extremist rhetoric

...sure enough, the CTV story presents a totally unbiased and disinterested assessment of the fact that “Extreme weather events are going to get more extreme going forward” from the totally...

22 May, 2024| News Roundup


...another of theirs, “10 Facts About How Nature Adapts to Extreme Weather/ Discover the incredible ways nature bends and flexes to survive extreme weather! 🌍✨ These amazing adaptations highlight the...

12 Feb, 2025| News Roundup

Ida vultures

...reality: The United States is not ready for the extreme weather that is now becoming frequent as a result of a warming planet.” Note how this assertion that extreme weather...

08 Sep, 2021| News Roundup

Heat and cold

...for a throwaway line about “extreme weather becoming more frequent”. But another NBC story said “The situation is reflective of a global trend in extreme weather. ‘Between 2000 and 2016...

10 Jul, 2019| News Roundup

We are all going to have died later

...‘render a significant portion of the Earth uninhabitable’.” Got that? It was here last year, with extreme weather destroying your house. Which in a way is not surprising since it...

12 May, 2021| OP ED Watch

That's IFAR enough

...to measure the costs from extreme weather events that can be attributed to your gas stove, i.e. greenhouse gas emissions. “FAR” stands for “Fraction of Attributable Risk”, as in attributable...

08 Nov, 2023| Science Notes

Code repetitive

...that they come along but once a century – are now extreme yet usual. … In news reports about extreme weather events it’s become de rigeur for the reporter to...

18 Aug, 2021| News Roundup

Stuff you're not allowed to know #3: extreme rainfall

A reminder that you are not supposed to read this paper on extreme weather trends now that your intellectual superiors have decreed that the implications of you knowing what’s in...

06 Sep, 2023| Science Notes

Bottom feeders

...of our warming planet, we are going to see more radical and frequent shifts in extreme weatherextreme heat to extreme rain.’” What facts might this reporter have unearthed...

24 Nov, 2021| News Roundup

Name that weather

...climate change. But it is worth noting that the shortage is attributed by supermarkets to… bad weather in Spain and North Africa. Any particular kind of bad weather? When the...

08 Mar, 2023| News Roundup

A storm is just a storm, unless...

...the help of an alarmist mayor. You knew someone would and they were a good candidate. And Global News also recited that: “Experts are warning that extreme weather events are...

27 Nov, 2024| OP ED Watch

Turning Down The Heatwaves

...know why the heatwave was so extreme, and whether the method they used, called Generalized Extreme Value or GEV analysis, actually works. They even admitted that the weather conditions giving...

26 Feb, 2024| Fact Checks

Everybody knows: climate change is a crisis

...scare campaign comes at a cost in terms of scientific integrity: “Every extreme weather event is now attributed to global warming, even extreme cold outbreaks and heavy snow. Scientists who...

21 Dec, 2022| Science Notes

Storm (lack of) warning

...climate models, that global warming is causing more extreme weather. And guess what? Using long term weather data from the British Met Office the GWPF paper finds that “although the...

08 May, 2019| Science Notes

The settled science of unsettled science

...the changing climate and the frequency and severity of extreme weather events.” As for settled science, NBC announced that “With global warming making heat waves and other extreme weather events...

14 Jul, 2021| OP ED Watch

Yes, it was hot in Oregon

...weather blog that the heat would give way to dramatic cooling on Monday June 28. If so, what will alarmists say? Why, that “extreme weather” is the real meaning of...

30 Jun, 2021| News Roundup

Making arguments is just so tiring

...energy from fossil fuels was key to reducing the death toll from extreme weather. Better still would be if he acknowledged that most forms of extreme weather haven’t gotten worse...

03 Nov, 2021| News Roundup

Now that we have made you miserable...

...and extreme weather events to global warming and climate change. More recently, by putting these events into context with the past, researchers have revealed clearer connections. This has allowed us...

01 Mar, 2023| News Roundup

So about that heatwave

...weather, from southern heat wave to possible snow in the Rockies” and spoke of a “chaotic weather map”. Atop a dogmatic climate one in which everything including rain in Florida...

03 Jul, 2024| News Roundup

If you say it often enough...

...and Climate Change Canada blared, “Canada’s Top Ten Weather Stories of 2019 clearly show, once again, that more and more Canadians are being impacted by extreme weather, from devastating wildfires...

15 Jan, 2020| News Roundup

The future is now, or something

...the extreme weather our fossil fuel use has unleashed. Thus NBC mixes up present and future with “Chinese farmers hit by floods and drought say extreme weather is getting worse/...

22 Nov, 2023| OP ED Watch

Cold is hot

We’ve been seeing record-breaking temperatures across the western and central U.S. along with wild weather extremes. More proof of the climate crisis? Not exactly, since it was record cold and...

04 Nov, 2020| News Roundup

Hot and bothered

...“birthstrike” at least for now. And CNN says people struggling to survive extreme weather “are vulnerable to the influence of extremist recruits”. Calling to mind a study last fall saying...

13 Mar, 2019| Science Notes

Causality is a difficult concept

...it, Bill McKibben rants about “the increasingly extreme weather that will be driven by climate breakdown.” Driven by it, please note. Not described by it. But increasingly extreme weather isn’t...

27 Mar, 2024| OP ED Watch

Because we never used to have heat waves

...by doubts. “In the burgeoning field of event attribution, this is one of the clearest results yet. Japan has robust historic weather data, unlike most poorer countries vulnerable to weather...

05 Jun, 2019| OP ED Watch

Unless it doesn't

...is a 60 per cent chance it will continue to fuel high temperatures and extreme weather events until May, according to WMO.” Now hang on. You’re saying it was El...

08 May, 2024| OP ED Watch

Summer gets it

...to public health, extreme violence, extreme division, extreme weather.” Temperature in Los Angeles on July 29? Glad you asked. High of 29, low of 18. Typical for this time of...

04 Aug, 2021| News Roundup

Symptoms include headaches, irritability

...by this story that he wrote a response that zeroes in on this key point. The BC “heat dome”, he rightly notes, was weather. Yes, it was extreme weather. But...

17 Nov, 2021| OP ED Watch

Didn't tell you so

...matters worse, Libyans are especially vulnerable. ‘Libya is ill-prepared to handle the effects of climate change and extreme weather,’ said Malak Altaeb, an environmental expert.” What has climate change to...

20 Sep, 2023| News Roundup

Cyclones don't surge

...the people in southeast Africa. The absence of increasing trends in extreme weather is no secret. For instance, in their special report on extreme weather a few years ago, the...

01 May, 2019| Science Notes

Hurricane gotcha

...slumbered, prompting, “You might have thought, not that long ago, that the arrival of extreme weather could wake us up, belatedly, from climate complacency. But the dull drumbeat of disaster...

09 Oct, 2024| News Roundup

Here now, and coming soon

...running fevers over the past couple of months, with consequences for weather systems around the globe.” So evidently they’re saying the weather is now markedly different from, and, we assume,...

20 Sep, 2023| OP ED Watch

Told you so...

...saying in a chronologically muddled way that “With climate change there are going to be more extreme weather events”. But if there are going to be, then there aren’t already,...

24 Jul, 2024| News Roundup

So about those floods

...others in Germany, had been culpably slow in the fight against an actual instance of extreme weather. The claim that being “faster” in the fight against climate change could have...

28 Jul, 2021| OP ED Watch

California burning

...are spreading faster, too.” Joe Biden’s “senior advisor for international climate policy”, John Podesta, yapped “As the unfolding disaster in California demonstrates, ‘these challenges from extreme weather events that are...

15 Jan, 2025| News Roundup

Can't get enough of that Arctic ice

...above normal”. Except the numbers, on inspection, come from weather models, not thermometers, which right away tells us that the AP is being, well, just what you’d expect. As Anthony...

30 Mar, 2022| News Roundup


The climate “crisis” in a nutshell: Reuters “Sustainable Switch” emails “African leaders called this week for rich countries to commit record contributions to new financing, amid rising extreme weather events...

08 May, 2024| News Roundup

Dare you to post it on Facebook

...extreme is peddling fake news.” The source for this too-hot-to-handle item is the 2013 IPCC Report on Managing Risks Associated with Extreme Weather, Chapter 3 Page 124: One approach for...

12 May, 2021| Science Notes

Scientists say

...or AR5. The AR5 also surveyed evidence on extreme weather and its conclusions regarding extreme precipitation echoed the SREX: In summary, further analyses continue to support the AR4 and SREX...

10 Mar, 2021| Science Notes

Data versus slogans

...Urban Heat Island effect and then, as if it weren’t enough of a downer already, “Chapter 4: Extreme Weather and Weather-Related Disasters Are Not Getting Worse”. From droughts to cyclones...

12 Feb, 2025| OP ED Watch

Here came the flood

...to exonerate Merkel and her colleagues, insisting that “‘No One Is Safe’: Extreme Weather Batters the Wealthy World/ Floods swept Germany, fires ravaged the American West and another heat wave...

21 Jul, 2021| News Roundup

Maybe if you told the truth

A professor of panic, sorry, English, says the plan to frighten people by mentioning climate change in every story about extreme weather has mysteriously backfired. He has a new plan:...

03 Apr, 2019| OP ED Watch


...matters which ideology they hold. For instance, Kenneth Richards reports on NoTricksZone, while extreme weather events are actually becoming less frequent in the case of rainfall and hurricanes, or holding...

09 Feb, 2022| News Roundup

Waking up to woke science

...BBC Lies About Extreme Weather”. And backs it up by citing the IPCC’s own AR6 to refute the one about extreme rainfall. But there is reason to think that the...

25 May, 2022| News Roundup

Nature blue in rain and flood

...preparation for extreme weather in the province has been just as shocking. Ed Fast, the MP for Abbotsford, one of the worst affected cities, said all levels of government have...

01 Dec, 2021| OP ED Watch

IPCC AR6: Atmospheric Blocking, Unspun Edition

One of the main building blocks of extreme weather is so-called “Atmospheric Blocking”. When a block forms, the weather gets stalled and builds in intensity, whether it’s heat, cold, drought...

15 Dec, 2021| Science Notes

Another glorious climate triumph

...and wildfires. We are taking measures to make Canadians safer by providing better early warnings of extreme weather events, and we’re also tackling the emissions that are fueling climate extremes.”...

15 May, 2024| News Roundup

Any century now

On the subject of expecting the unexpected, a recent piece “It’s Later Than You Think: Climate Fueled Extreme Weather, Part 3” by Roger Pielke Jr. addresses the somewhat recondite mathematical...

31 Jul, 2024| OP ED Watch

The Nostradamus Times

...extreme temperatures can bring.” The last point, of course, isn’t a prediction. And it’s wrong. The world has seen a precipitous drop in deaths from extreme weather in the last...

31 May, 2023| News Roundup

What if it's not?

...extreme weather at mountainous ultramarathon in China” you’re a bit surprised to hear that, as the story it linked to said, it wasn’t heat that did them in but cold....

02 Jun, 2021| News Roundup

Shuffle off to Buffalo

...for Buffalo because the weather is so much better. “The question of ‘climate havens’ – places where extreme weather events are rare and which tend to be located in the...

04 Sep, 2024| OP ED Watch

Oh snap!

...Environment and Climate Change Canada who uses climate models to figure out whether certain extreme weather events can be linked to climate change.” And: “‘In general, cold extremes are becoming...

24 Jan, 2024| News Roundup

Hottest coldest driest wettest year ever

...gas infrastructure.” Why’s it bad? “The one certainty in the era of climate change is that we are in an age of extreme weather.” And if they got that wrong,...

18 Jan, 2023| OP ED Watch

Just more weather

...had to close as white stuff fell from sky. And what the heck the Weather Network was thinking telling us “Canada’s first -40 reading a harbinger of a frigid week...

06 Dec, 2023| OP ED Watch

Florida flimflam

...Wednesday was a harsh -27 degrees Fahrenheit (-32 C) in Davis, West Virginia, according to the National Weather Service.” But weather, weather everywhere, and not a climate to cite. Others...

05 Feb, 2025| OP ED Watch

Because it's rubbish

...groups cause in comparison to the extreme disruption already produced and threatened by climate breakdown, such as extreme droughts, wildfires and tropical storms.” No, no and no. The disruptions are...

03 Nov, 2021| OP ED Watch

The great climate food surplus shortage

...“Regardless of whether a specific extreme weather event is linked to anthropogenic climate change, the common denominator is human suffering. In the era of extreme weather, it’s crucial to know...

22 Jun, 2022| News Roundup

He's the Mann

No extreme weather event would be complete without Michael Mann doing a victory dance. And sure enough, “That Heat Dome? Yeah, It’s Climate Change.” Coauthored with a climate scientist holding...

14 Jul, 2021| OP ED Watch

Nottest summer ever

It is an article of faith among many untutored alarmists that “the warming we are now witnessing” is already causing a massive increase in extreme weather. Meanwhile many scientists, including...

22 Sep, 2021| News Roundup

The '70s Cooling Scare Was Real

...that same year, Epstein also says, the American Meteorological Society announced that this cooling would increase extreme weather. Got that? Today the experts say warming will increase extreme weather, and...

20 Dec, 2021| Crystal Ball

Who'd have thought

...increasing frequency and strength of extreme weather events or the expanding range and spread of vector-borne diseases like malaria or dengue. For others, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the connection...

08 Apr, 2020| OP ED Watch

Facts are fun

Perhaps that’s the nerd’s credo. But we have nowhere to hide. We’re excited at a NOAA website that lists all sorts of extreme weather records in the United States, NOAA...

01 Jul, 2020| News Roundup

What's up, doc? Trees in flames?

...reality. We have seen the heightened effects of climate change across the planet through extreme weather, crop failure and the burning of forests… A healthy population requires a healthy planet,...

24 Aug, 2022| OP ED Watch

AOC not A-OK

...that people find this assertion puzzling “when we are constantly told that extreme weather is wreaking ever-greater devastation.” But in fact, “Since 1990, the cost associated with extreme weather worldwide...

13 Feb, 2019| OP ED Watch

Suddenly cold weather isn't so cool

...Nordic countries.” Yes, even in advanced economies a combination of bad weather and bad policy can create potentially lethal circumstances, in this case with the weather dipping as low as...

17 Jan, 2024| News Roundup

1919 or 2019? The Movie

...you got it right. But you were just guessing, right? Either that or you’d seen the quiz in our newsletter a year ago. But what about all that extreme weather...

24 Oct, 2020| Crystal Ball

Unlike a great wind

...severe weather season is about to begin. Of course, with any type of extreme [sic] weather that occurs, someone with zero credibility will attempt to link it to man-made climate...

25 Mar, 2020| OP ED Watch

Prove it

...now is the test, and its results are necessarily hugely ambiguous. Some people think not. They say the huge increases in extreme weather prove that we’ve busted the planet. Which...

20 Sep, 2023| OP ED Watch

Alberta on fire, must be you-know-what

...and stepping up to help get the devastating wildfires under control. With thousands displaced from their homes and incalculable damages, Canadians are on the front lines of extreme weather events...

24 May, 2023| OP ED Watch

Weather v climate

...declares that: “The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time. Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time, and climate is...

13 May, 2020| OP ED Watch

It's just weather

...and mass starvation of reindeer and caribou in the region. Scientists think the rapid heating in the Arctic may also be increasing extreme weather events such as floods and heatwaves...

12 Jan, 2022| News Roundup

On the origin of extreme climatic events

...extreme climate events require extreme forcings? Geophysical Research Letters 40: 3440-3445. What was done In further exploring this subject, Kumar et al. addressed it within the context of the severe...

23 Aug, 2023| Science Notes

Mind-blowing hogwash

...Unmoored/ The weather of catastrophe is here” soon went on to detail how “unmoored” California’s weather has always been, from Joan Didion’s 1968 “Los Angeles weather is the weather of...

28 Feb, 2024| News Roundup

Hawaii has weather, Ohio has climate

...That Weird”. See, cold is just weather. In Hawaii, we didn’t even get talk of “atmospheric rivers”. Instead NBC, in a climate-free piece, explained that “The weather system responsible for...

15 Dec, 2021| News Roundup

#GettingWorse: Extreme Dryness in the US

...from lack of moisture, not from too much. Or both because the problem is “extreme weather” and anything will do. OK, we’ll go to the same source and check for...

10 Apr, 2024| Science Notes

When the IPCC misrepresents the IPCC's reports

...extreme events... [including] compound flooding in some locations.” Then in the Working Group 2 report they threw caution even further into the swollen river and said “Extreme weather events causing...

23 Aug, 2023| Science Notes

This year in climate disaster

...“We mapped a year of extreme weather” during which “Temperatures in the United States last year set more heat and cold records than any other year since 1994”. Wait, cold?...

19 Jan, 2022| OP ED Watch

Don't they know history?

...is also to blame for more extreme weather events, like the lengthy drought that devastated the Horn of Africa, the torrential downpours that wiped out dams and killed thousands in...

17 Jan, 2024| OP ED Watch

Media bias smoked out

...in the Lancet that “describes how extreme weather has increased pressure on health services globally already grappling with the Covid-19 pandemic…. But it said there are solutions. ‘Despite the challenges,...

02 Nov, 2022| OP ED Watch

We don't need no stinking debate

...are suffering’ as climate change triples chance of extreme wildfires”. Reuters “Sustainable Switch” emails that “extreme weather continues to plague nations around the world.” A Guardian fundraising email says “In...

28 Aug, 2024| OP ED Watch

Greta of Arc

...extreme weather already hit and is also about to. In their Times Op-Ed, Thunberg and the grown children snarl that “Last week, some of the world’s leading climate change scientists...

25 Aug, 2021| OP ED Watch

Fire burn and ocean bubble

...phenomenon that influences weather patterns around the world. After an unusually long period of La Niña, one of ENSO’s two extreme phases, the Earth returned to its neutral phase at...

05 Jul, 2023| OP ED Watch

Out of the mouths of Ubers

...before human relevance. Extreme weather events were odd, but nothing to worry about and certainly no reason to change anything.” Cann retorts: “He was unaware that the Great Barrier Reef...

27 Apr, 2022| OP ED Watch


...leave permanent impacts on the land… With climate change, he said, we’re only going to see more of this kind of extreme weather.” Except all the places where we see...

23 Aug, 2023| News Roundup

It's going to have been hot

Oh no. “El Niño is forecast to return in 2023. Here’s what it means for extreme weather and global warming” says Euronews.green. And the short answer should be “nothing” since...

19 Apr, 2023| OP ED Watch


...extreme weather. The melting glaciers. The weirdly warm oceans. They’re all the product of global warming, which is being driven by the release of the three most important heat-trapping gases:...

17 Apr, 2024| News Roundup

Polls polls and more polls

...Goldstein wrote: “a Leger poll released this week found that while 72% of Canadians are worried about climate change, 74% believe that extreme weather events are linked to it and...

08 Nov, 2023| OP ED Watch

We just can't get no respect

...Environment and Climate Change Canada (and with a name like that you can’t really back down, can you?) declares that extreme weather driven by climate change pounded relentlessly on our...

27 Jan, 2021| OP ED Watch

Those weren't the days

...the mid-1870s related to extreme weather and climate – That equates to about 4% of global population. Today, that same proportion of the world’s population would be over 320 million...

31 Jan, 2024| News Roundup

This just out: planet warming since...

...come as historic wildfires and extreme weather events in the U.S. have sharpened focus on global warming and the catastrophic impacts of climate change.” To stick with just one standard...

23 Sep, 2020| News Roundup

Ice wine, and not in a good way

...weather. For instance one of them, “Theodore DeJong, a fruit-tree physiologist at UC Davis”: “told me his main worry now is rain. His state has been pummeled with extreme precipitation...

20 Mar, 2024| OP ED Watch

Nothing it can't do

...For instance that the cause is… climate change. “The full effect of lingering pandemic-related food supply chain disruptions, high inflation, labour and transportation issues, climate change and extreme weather events...

22 Dec, 2021| OP ED Watch

Unprecedented unprecedentedness

...between climate change and some extreme weather phenomena can be hard to distinguish from natural weather variability without extensive attribution analysis, but the links between wildfires and a warming planet,...

16 Sep, 2020| News Roundup

To someone with a hammer

One effect of climate change is to induce people to regard any odd weather as significant even when weather has always been odd. It’s a one-size-fits-all explanation that makes journalism...

21 Aug, 2024| OP ED Watch

We'll all be weathered in our beds

...coast.” Under threat? What does that even mean? Well, there could be weather, you see. Or rather, there is weather, since with climate alarmism the doom that looms is also...

17 Apr, 2024| OP ED Watch

When Backroom Met Zealot

...about extreme weather. The intervenors, on the side of the motion, all felt that it was getting worse, directly due to climate. Thus, typically, the second presenter showed a slide...

01 Apr, 2024| Fact Checks

Now rain is dangerous

...find all kinds of stories of extreme weather as far back as there were newspapers. Oddly, in Britain it has also been raining. No really. The famously damp chilly island...

06 Sep, 2023| News Roundup

Now it's heating

...their heads. And to global warming, which became “global heating”. And then “extreme heat” even if the temperature doesn’t go up: “1bn people will suffer extreme heat at just 2C...

24 Nov, 2021| OP ED Watch

The end of snow as we know it

...at National Geographic they explain “Why cold weather doesn’t mean climate change is fake” and, patting our cute but empty heads, inform us that “Weather and climate aren't the same...

24 Jan, 2024| News Roundup

Speaking of weather

The New York Times warns of bad American Thanksgiving travel weather and shows a picture of Colorado under more than two feet of snow. But what has it to do...

04 Dec, 2019| News Roundup

What is that thing?

...says: “Climate is the general weather over a long period. This can include rainfall, temperature, snow or any other weather condition. We usually define a region’s climate over a period...

10 Apr, 2024| OP ED Watch

Weatherbell winter outlook

...range forecasting. There are patterns in world weather systems that together give each year a unique character. By comparing springtime conditions to detailed data on past weather events they determine...

20 Oct, 2021| Science Notes

The end is nigh/here/out there

...Nations has issued its predictions for 2024… ‘The unfolding climate crisis and extreme weather events will undermine agricultural output and tourism, while geopolitical instability will continue to adversely impact several...

14 Feb, 2024| OP ED Watch

By the gardens of Bangladesh

...about trends in extreme weather: “Climatic extreme events such as cyclones and storm surges, flood, river erosion and salinity stress have been severely affecting agriculture, fishing or fish cultivation and...

21 Apr, 2021| OP ED Watch

Harris the pale green savior

...only offered the usual “Last year was another 12 months of record-breaking heat and extreme weather” framing but fact-checked Trump in advance: “Trump has falsely claimed that climate change is...

18 Sep, 2024| News Roundup

The Supreme Scientists speak

...current rate of warming continues. These temperature increases are significant. As a result of the current warming of 1.0°C, the world is already experiencing more extreme weather, rising sea levels...

31 Mar, 2021| News Roundup

All tipping points all the time

...John Shewchuk commented, “Funny how climate alarmists claim everything they see is extreme weather, while the vast majority of the rest of the planet is experiencing extreme climatic grandeur.” But...

31 Jan, 2024| OP ED Watch

Bad prediction rising

...an unprecedented cocktail of dangerous air and ocean conditions – and is likely to be extremely active, Axios extreme weather expert Andrew Freedman reports.” And you guessed it: “The big...

29 May, 2024| OP ED Watch

You didn't really want that car

...like much, but it’s the primary driver of more extreme weather and a cascade of other dangerous effects from climate change. Under the current status quo, greenhouse gas emissions from...

15 Mar, 2023| News Roundup

Strangely unconcerned about heat

...they find extremely cold weather easier to handle than extreme heat.” Well yes. They live in Northern Canada. They haven’t seen extreme heat in their lives unless they went on...

23 Feb, 2022| OP ED Watch

English weather

...some rightwing British media gave it their best shot.” And included the Daily Mail in that category for some reason. NBC swooned “Heat waves overlap as warming climate makes extreme...

27 Jul, 2022| News Roundup

The backlash lashes on

...what the real state even of the IPCC’s science is on warming, extreme weather and so on, let alone less zealous outfits and individuals. But partly it’s economic. They do...

14 Feb, 2024| News Roundup

So about those Canadian fires...

...Canadians in communities across the country to help them better prepare against the impacts of wildfire and other forms of extreme weather. Just last week, we announced a new half-billion...

31 Jul, 2024| News Roundup

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the climate

...before cawing “While autumn storms are not uncommon in Spain, the intensity of the flooding has stunned the country. Extreme weather events like this one are becoming more common around...

06 Nov, 2024| OP ED Watch


...The same report adds: “Canada is warming at roughly double the global rate, and even more in the north, which leads to more frequent and intense extreme weather events.” You...

11 Dec, 2024| News Roundup

Don't Panic!

...warming since 1950 is probably man-made, but before 1950 it may have been mostly natural. It says there’s no clear connection between greenhouse gases and most forms of extreme weather...

03 Jan, 2021| Backgrounders


...at least the good stuff? Chocolate certainly gets it again, courtesy of The Atlantic and, of course, “extreme weather, heightened by climate change.” Plus a huge range of other stuff...

24 Apr, 2024| News Roundup

When solar met wind

...exceptionally powerful, points out Chris Hewett, chief executive of trade association Solar Energy UK. ‘It is just the kind of extreme weather that scientists have been telling us to expect...

18 Dec, 2024| OP ED Watch

Free lack of money

...consequences of exceeding that threshold includes mass species extinctions, water shortages and extreme weather events that will be most devastating to the poorest countries least responsible for causing global warming.”...

28 Apr, 2021| News Roundup

Glad you asked

...heat: The U.S. is getting hit by extreme weather from all sides/ Climate scientists say it’s an all-too-real look at how global warming increases the risks – and consequences –...

25 Oct, 2023| News Roundup

City nights

...so they don’t seem very clear on whether there has been any net natural warming at all since the Crimean War.) Despite even the IPCC’s caution about extreme weather, NBC...

29 Sep, 2021| News Roundup

Far be it from me to mention your criminal record

...extreme weather has become such an essential component of the scare campaign that it shows up constantly when it’s hot. Let a scorching wind from the Sahara hit Europe and...

03 Jul, 2019| OP ED Watch

A PhD in sounding like an expert

...Environment, Enterprise and Development at the University of Waterloo where “His research focuses on innovative strategies designed to reduce the economic impacts of extreme weather and climate change.” On the...

20 May, 2020| OP ED Watch

How to lose friends and not influence people

...a week of weather extremes upended the lives of millions of Americans” that, after blaring “It was a week of fire and ice” beneath one of those classic red-tinted photos...

29 Jan, 2025| OP ED Watch

It's always hot somewhere

The eyes of alarmist media are on Texas right now because it is having, of all things, hot weather in mid-summer. Which is apparently due to “global” warming although for...

05 Jul, 2023| OP ED Watch

Putting the Heat on Climate Dogmatism

...have data back to the late 1800s, official Canada-wide weather records only begin in 1948. The world’s atmosphere now has complete coverage from weather satellites, but that record only starts...

04 Jul, 2022| Backgrounders

Climate Catastrophe

...high. The air and water is cleaner, especially in wealthy countries. And the number of people dying from extreme weather events is down by over 90 percent since 1900 even...

15 Jan, 2020| Backgrounders

What little we know

...may have other, vastly unequal effects — drought in lands of plenty, perhaps, or fierce storms in areas that are normally untouched by extreme weather. That could lead to political...

20 Mar, 2019| Science Notes

Climate Emergency Tour: Disaster Fatality Edition

...faded to almost nothing. Using Oxford University's Our World in Data website we plotted the total annual deaths from floods, extreme weather, heatwaves, drought and wildfires. The numbers tell the...

18 Dec, 2019| Climate Emergency Tour

Something odd about the weather

...climate change. It’s just some weather. We all know the jibes about predicting the weather. (Though it is surely fair to ask with Daniel Turner of the Daily Caller if...

10 Jun, 2020| News Roundup

Hot is climate, cold is weather part 63

...the story. Just as “Cold blast to bring record-breaking temperatures to large part of U.S. this week” is merely weather whereas “Summer heatwaves ‘killed record number of pensioners’” is definitely...

09 Nov, 2022| News Roundup

Climatey weather snow thingy

...The state of Victoria, Australia just posted its coldest-ever November temperature while “Western Australia braces for unseasonal cold spring weather as front moves across state.” More weird weather for sure....

23 Nov, 2022| News Roundup

Proof by happenstance

...isn’t the alleged trend in extreme weather. It’s the alleged trend of rising temperature. And in fact there isn’t one. As Paul Homewood reminds us, courtesy of the University of...

25 Aug, 2021| News Roundup

That was the year that will have been

...record…. 2024 may be even hotter than the ‘gobsmackingly’ hot 2023, which featured extreme – and often deadly – weather and climate events around the globe.” We don’t want to...

10 Jan, 2024| News Roundup

Soaking Man

...specific weather events to climate change instead of just going well, sometimes we just get bad weather. Thus: “As firefighters and other first responders battle an unprecedented summer of fires,...

13 Sep, 2023| OP ED Watch

Big Trouble in the Little Ice Age

...is it brings bad weather. But Fagan’s research paints a very different picture, namely that warming brought good weather and cooling was the problem. Narrator “The generally stable weather of...

05 Apr, 2022| Backgrounders

Weather or not

...1888, 2001, 1959, 1903, 1991 and 1912. It’s just weather. As with The Weather Network’s May 16 headline “It never ends: Snowfall forecast for these six provinces this week”. They...

25 May, 2022| OP ED Watch

Baby it's cold outside

...possible that Australia would get its first mainland white Christmas since 2006. It was however just weather, obviously: “Short bursts of cold weather are far from unprecedented in early summer...

21 Dec, 2022| News Roundup

Stop Them If You've Heard It Before

...where things like increased urban flooding have occurred, it’s doubtful greenhouse gases are the cause since extreme precipitation rates haven’t changed. Nor has extreme weather generally gotten worse. So where’s...

06 Dec, 2022| Fact Checks

On a sticky wicket

...to start: “Extreme wet-bulb temperatures (Tw) are often used as indicators of heat stress. However, humid heat extremes are fundamentally compound events, and a given Tw can be generated by...

19 Jun, 2024| OP ED Watch

The mouse that roared

...heat content, ocean acidity, sea level, area burned in the United States, and extreme weather and associated damage costs have all been trending upward”. These statements, alas, belong in the...

13 Nov, 2019| News Roundup

How many degrees have you got?

...for posting claims of increases in extreme weather cribbed from environmental activists and said their hearing on the subject “spreads lies”. At the Climate Discussion Nexus we are far more...

03 Jul, 2019| Science Notes

Climate climate everywhere

...by emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, melting ice will raise sea levels and extreme weather events are expected to become more frequent and intensify, battering vulnerable coastlines around the world”.)...

11 Mar, 2020| News Roundup

#GettingWorse: Tropical cyclone edition

Alarmists like to claim that extreme weather is getting worse and worse. They drop the claim casually and repeatedly but never offer, um, any data to back it up. We’re...

21 Feb, 2024| Science Notes

And great was the fall of it

...any quick check whether they’re remotely plausible. No one fact checks off-hand lines like “an unprecedented surge of extreme weather as wildfires devastated the American West, hurricanes lashed tropical coastlines...

16 Feb, 2022| News Roundup

How 'climate science' is done

...mitigated the short growing seasons and foul weather of the Little Ice Age and saw an inexplicable burst of material human flourishing including dramatic drops in extreme hunger even as...

29 Mar, 2023| OP ED Watch

Trust us, it's for your own good

...— are on course to hit taxpayers and the housing market as the effects of climate change worsen, a POLITICO analysis finds”. The problem here is that extreme weather is...

17 Jun, 2020| News Roundup

Warm regards

...demonstrate that they exist. Corcoran quotes part of Layton’s motion, that “Extreme weather is already causing massive damage to Toronto-area infrastructure, homes, services and businesses. According to the Insurance Bureau...

03 Apr, 2019| News Roundup

The debate is closed

...threat to communities and watersheds throughout the province, according to a new report released today. The increase in extreme weather events brought on by climate change intensifies this threat: severe...

20 Jul, 2022| OP ED Watch

Green death

...the sea and extreme weather events”. He quotes Nobel prize winner and theoretical physicist Richard Feynman that “It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart...

03 Apr, 2019| OP ED Watch

The war on nothing

One reason scary words aren’t leading to effective action is that many of them are obviously wrong. The apocalyptarians talk a great deal about extreme weather and disasters. But the...

12 Jun, 2019| OP ED Watch

The incredible vanishing U.S. tornado losses

All together now: climate change is causing damage from extreme weather to get worse and worse. And don’t say you weren’t warned. As Roger Pielke Jr. notes, the Fourth US...

22 Nov, 2023| Science Notes

Court jesters

...that Irish emissions affect the weather in the Emerald Isle, and Chinese emissions the weather in the Middle Kingdom, these people are clods. Switzerland could go back to burning nothing...

17 Apr, 2024| News Roundup

It's snow laughing matter

...been a decline in extreme cold waves (and windstorms) the overall picture is that weather has become less extreme. Also, the planet is no warmer today than it was in...

06 Jul, 2022| News Roundup

It never rains in climate California

...drought that would never end and did this spring. With a wintery blast that wasn’t climate change at all, just weather, unless it was bad in which case well duh...

22 Mar, 2023| OP ED Watch

The heat wave from climate

...evidence at all regarding weather. We have anecdotes, including brutal heat waves. But since people didn’t use to assume that bad weather was the end of the world or proof...

26 Jun, 2024| OP ED Watch

Oh that snow

...to avoid non-essential travel.” So you know what’s coming. An ad for global warming. As in “The bad weather is intense.” Just weather? Yup. “The cold snap is expected to...

22 Feb, 2023| News Roundup

What do they really think?

...of those extreme weather events, with 51% being of Native American descent, 31% Latino, 30% Asian, 29% Black and 18% white, according to the report.” But if anyone including him...

06 Jul, 2022| OP ED Watch

We'll take it

...New York City area. Global warming has produced more extreme weather patterns in much of the world, according to climate scientists.” Not including the IPCC, but why quibble? The main...

11 Oct, 2023| News Roundup

Dam nonsense

...collapsed due to bungling before. As have claims about extreme weather. The louder the yelling gets about reputable scientists versus denialisticismists or whatever we’re now being called, the less the...

21 Aug, 2019| OP ED Watch

It's gone

...the extreme weather, pretending they already did. So bye bye marsh, polar bear, merlot and anything else you like (including tropical forests, about to go crackle whoosh). Hello cannibal wolf...

27 May, 2020| News Roundup

The war on normal

...country, and it’s only getting worse.” Most likely. As in you just made it up? After all, if extreme weather is not getting worse, and it’s not, then “climate change”...

13 Nov, 2024| OP ED Watch

Semi-apology from CDN

...quantities, 10 times as many lives will be saved from reducing cold weather risks than will be lost due to increasing hot weather extremes. CDN expresses its sincere apologies for...

02 Aug, 2023| Science Notes

Who let it snow let it snow let it snow?

...random weather: “The network’s winter outlook says a La Nina — a weather pattern characterized by cold ocean temperatures in the equatorial Pacific Ocean — is returning for a rare...

07 Dec, 2022| News Roundup

A reminder that cold is worse than heat

...fall, even committed alarmists secretly know that warmer weather is better. On Dec. 28 NBC sighed with relief that: “Warmer weather is expected to spread across much of the United...

11 Jan, 2023| News Roundup

Now you see it, now you do

...week of weather to describe climate change is problematic and may reveal a lack of understanding of weather and climate.” Glad to hear it. So if we stop pointing to...

30 Oct, 2019| OP ED Watch

Whatever you do, don't mention the climate

...of cold-related deaths in Britain had “extreme cold snap” and “severe weather warnings” and the closure of Britain’s busiest highway, the M25 that circles London, as well as flight cancellations....

18 Jan, 2023| OP ED Watch

A broken temperature record

A friend recently wrote to suggest we launch a game to see how far into any story about bad weather you have to read before they mention climate change. And...

23 Feb, 2022| News Roundup

The ghost of weather stations past

...Administration, a major alarmist U.S. government agency with an annual budget of over $6 billion, reports data from something like 777 U.S. weather stations that actually don’t exist any more....

10 Jan, 2024| OP ED Watch


...Fine. Now apply that analysis to those who claim all bad weather events are due to climate change, climate skepticism is a lavishly-funded “Exxon knew”, a storm proves the weather...

22 May, 2024| News Roundup

Remember snow?

...with extreme weather ravaging continents, if it goes up by another 0.4° we’re in even worse trouble and if it’s another 0.9° children won’t know what civilization is, or possibly...

11 May, 2022| News Roundup

It matters what you believe

California’s weather woes continue. Which is not surprising if you know that the Golden State has had extreme weather as far back as anyone can tell and then some. Despite...

05 Apr, 2023| OP ED Watch

Shocked by ice

...goes all in on extreme weather, riding cyclone Idai in Mozambique. But the reason so many people died in Mozambique is that it’s a poor country, not that it got...

03 Apr, 2019| Science Notes

All hail the downward trend in hail storms

...he suggested that aircraft contrails may play a role in suppressing them. It’s just a conjecture. But whatever the cause, the data show that this aspect of extreme weather is...

18 May, 2022| Science Notes

Have a cold one

...by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that uses a 30 year moving average to create a “new normal”. The Times of course drags in extreme weather: “Updated every 10...

19 May, 2021| News Roundup

Yes, that Little Ice Age

...blowing and they don’t give you context. They don’t tell you about how it felt to be in that extreme weather. I think there’s something to be said about combining...

20 Apr, 2022| OP ED Watch

Warming turns your face red

...in France and Germany during the 2019 heatwaves.” So there’s one example. As for the rest, “Estimating the real-world response of power plants to extreme weather is difficult due to...

24 Feb, 2021| OP ED Watch

Anthropogenic influence on extreme rainfall

...to be more extreme than it otherwise would have been. After all, they reason, what else could it be? We now have an answer to that question based on a...

01 Jul, 2020| Science Notes

#GettingWorse: Extreme wetness in the US

...so if it gets warmer extreme levels of rainfall must go up. The convenient thing about a prediction like that is that if a bad storm happens the scientists can...

03 Apr, 2024| Science Notes

More evidence of things not seen

...weather in the U.S. It involves cooler sea surface temperatures and strong east-to-west winds in the Pacific Ocean, and it affects weather around the globe.” Eh? Cooler sea surface temperatures?...

08 Jun, 2022| OP ED Watch

Believing is seeing

...them with green chrism. Likewise, in a year-end denialism-has-ended-again-due-to-extreme-weather-evidence snoozer quoting such neutral observers as Katherine Hayhoe and Naomi Oreskes, Discover magazine says “Surveys show rising alarm about climate change....

12 Jan, 2022| OP ED Watch


...calls it the ‘most extreme event’ in climate history… ‘Thousands of records are being brutalized all over Asia, which is by far the most extreme event in world climatic history,’...

15 May, 2024| News Roundup

Weird, it's cold in winter again

...old head and wonder if cold weather can come out of nowhere, even brutally. As we’ve observed before, the science is totally settled on climate while weather is mysterious. And...

08 Nov, 2023| News Roundup

A timely reminder that cold kills

Via NoTricksZone we learn of a new study in The Lancet that confirms what many other authors have found: Cold weather kills more people than hot weather. A lot more....

20 Oct, 2021| Science Notes

Greenland is burning up! Uh... never mind

Via Watts Up With That we learn that a claim of an all-time temperature record of between 2.7 and 4.7 degrees C at Greenland’s Summit weather station, which triggered worldwide...

21 Aug, 2019| News Roundup

Just weather

...National Weather Service, with temperatures some 25 degrees below normal in spots” the Post would have treated it as vindication of the Earth Day gab-fests on stopping global warming. But...

28 Apr, 2021| News Roundup

They just won't know what snowboarding is

...the weather in December 2100. Speaking of weather forecasts, Paul Dorian predicts that “Winter will not loosen its grip anytime soon in the eastern US”. So we close this item...

26 Jan, 2022| News Roundup

Speaking of predictions

...relationship between atmospheric CO2 and temperature delivered a cool spring and “Summer weather has been unusually slow to arrive across most of the country this year.” Now we know weather...

26 Jun, 2019| Science Notes

Because we never used to have wildfires

...good weather on another day is too. Instead, the comparison with some unseen, imagined alternative is only employed when we have bad weather and the assumption is always that the...

24 Apr, 2019| Science Notes

Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded

NBC blares that “Extreme heat in cities a growing problem as climate warms, study finds/ People flocking to cities in rapidly urbanizing areas such as southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa...

03 Nov, 2021| News Roundup

Oh Gaia I'm soooo depressed

...of extreme weather are preventing us from a really bitter ecofeminist panic. “Disasters, as forms of crisis, can offer opportunities to more sharply focus on historical and ongoing inequalities,” they...

11 Sep, 2019| OP ED Watch

Climate change comes for your unbuilt road

...and extremes, humidity, maximum and minimum temperature means and extremes, surface winds, jet stream’s location and strength and so on), producing negative cascading effects to ecosystems and the human communities...

15 Mar, 2023| News Roundup

Speaking of math

A piece in “The Conversation,” whose slogan is “Academic rigour, journalistic flair”, just hyped the sexy new “attribution science” that claims to attribute specific weather events to climate change even...

15 Sep, 2021| OP ED Watch

#GettingWorse: Global Disaster Losses edition

...and despite there being more stuff in their paths, as the world gets richer we get better and better at avoiding damages due to extreme weather. Elsewhere Pielke Jr. notes...

13 Mar, 2024| Science Notes


...by wildfires” so maybe you can’t see at all. A story popular with the usual suspects is that, as Reuters “Sustainable Switch” puts it, “Risk specialists see extreme weather and...

17 Jan, 2024| News Roundup

Is it wet or dry down here?

...in ’52. As in 1852. And proxies suggest that by and large, over the last 2,000 years, Australian weather has been extremely nasty with drought predominating, while the middle of...

23 Mar, 2022| OP ED Watch


...extreme weather – but their Achilles’ heel is their massive electricity use.” And thus the much-hyped “AeroFarms filed for bankruptcy in early June, citing ‘significant industry and capital market headwinds.’…...

12 Jul, 2023| News Roundup


...care sector has a responsibility to urgently respond to the accelerating impacts of record temperatures, extreme weather events, and rising sea levels that are contributing to a full-fledged public health...

08 Nov, 2023| News Roundup

Can't say we didn't try

...the blast of climate-change-driven extreme weather last year “we saw growing consensus on the need to act with urgency”… as we were told to.) Trudeau may well be telling them...

26 Oct, 2022| News Roundup

Is Toronto burning?

...that we’re seeing unprecedented extreme weather without bothering to look it up. They don’t check current records to see whether the number of forest fires and floods is increasing before...

29 May, 2019| News Roundup

When in doubt, blame Bush

...word, that extreme weather is rumbling ominously toward us but when it arrives we probably won’t even notice. The implication is that your failure to notice only means you’re thick:...

06 Mar, 2019| OP ED Watch

Experts say

...been heard of, let alone gone through its climate change phase. Extreme weather happens at the strangest times. (Just as having 10 named storms hit the U.S. mainland breaks a...

14 Oct, 2020| News Roundup

Come fire and high water from... cars in Kelowna?

...to more floods, where’s the warming? Narrator For instance, in a special study on extreme weather in 2012, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change itself concluded: “In the...

10 May, 2020| Fact Checks

Question everything, except you-know-what

...how to talk to kids about the increase in extreme weather. And you guessed it. You tell them the science is settled, all these hurricanes and fires and what-all are...

14 Oct, 2020| OP ED Watch


...is virtually nowhere the electricity grid isn’t vulnerable to the rising severity and duration of climate change-related extreme weather.’” Right, that’s the problem, not the rising severity and duration of...

24 Jan, 2024| News Roundup

Why stop at saving the planet?

...one thing at a time. Just as Greenpeace insists that “The threat of violence increases as the climate crisis makes extreme weather events more intense and frequent. The impacts on...

29 Mar, 2023| News Roundup

Not King Canute

...of which may be associated with global warming.” What’s especially remarkable is that you can have extreme weather that’s not proof positive of climate breakdown. Or maybe it’s not remarkable...

19 Jan, 2022| News Roundup

So about that stable climate

...Revelation”, which is how he described the supposedly extreme weather conditions prevailing 15 years ago, which awkwardly is before climate change really hit us according to more up-to-date alarmists? Or...

19 Jan, 2022| OP ED Watch

Climate Emergecy Tour: St. John's Edition

...looks low but the year is incomplete): And despite great rhetorical gusts about an increase in extreme weather, wind speed is not going up. Instead as in many Canadian cities...

23 Oct, 2019| Climate Emergency Tour

Stripes Across My T-Shirt

...Period conditions, conditions that, whatever else they may have been, were not a time of climate crisis. They weren’t even a period of extreme weather; if anything the reverse is...

15 Sep, 2023| Fact Checks

A great wind

Climate alarmists frequently claim increased extreme weather proves pernicious human impact on the environment. Even if they have to invent it, as with British media gullibly reprinting a recent study...

20 Feb, 2019| Science Notes

Remember Portland?

...climate heating or whatever the scare term du jour is. But while these temperatures were extraordinary, it then cooled fast, so last week it was seeing very non-frightening weather, with...

14 Jul, 2021| News Roundup

That was the summer that wasn't

...that: “Hot weather – along with extreme humidity levels that are usually associated more with the sultry U.S. Southeast – has enveloped much of the Midwest and will move into...

11 Sep, 2024| News Roundup

Oh that winter

...Instead “meteorologists expect the overall weather pattern to remain favorable for more arctic outbreaks through the end of January.” Just weather. As was true when NPR informed us in December...

22 Jan, 2025| News Roundup

Big Trouble in Tropical Troposphere

...as well as some computer models’ predictions. Narrator Temperatures in the troposphere have been measured independently by weather satellites since 1979 and weather balloons since 1958, so there’s data we...

27 Aug, 2021| Crystal Ball

From the people who plan to control the weather

...saying red meat causes bad weather embody an assumption rather than proving a proposition. And second, they embody the assumption that someone somewhere has tracked out all the impacts of...

25 Jan, 2023| News Roundup

Ten years after the end of winter

...change but to “inclement weather”. Actually Reuters conceded that “Heavy snowfall is rare in Athens but the city has now been hit by snowstorms for a second consecutive year”. But...

02 Feb, 2022| News Roundup

Taking climate mountain by wet drought

...climate change, according to World Weather Attribution, a network of climate modellers.” What does that claim even mean? WWA has models that attribute all bad weather to climate instantly, which...

10 Jul, 2024| OP ED Watch

Just weather

...they’ll say OK, you can relax, climate change isn’t disrupting the jet stream. So no, it’s not just Ottawa and it’s not just weather. It’s winter and it came early...

20 Nov, 2019| News Roundup

Snowing on their parade

...snowfall is just the weather we get whereas climate is the weather we expect to get. Or, how shall we put it delicately, the weather we’re definitely not getting, whether...

02 Oct, 2019| News Roundup

Here come the refugees

...weather patterns had not changed. The difference between what we would have predicted, based on the counterfactual weather, and what actually occurred reflects the influence of climate change.” So any...

17 Jul, 2019| OP ED Watch

Scorching, scorching, gone

...“UK weather forecast: Scorching Azores plume to trigger 32C heatwave in Britain as maps turn red” as if maps turning red were evidence of anything other than the capture of...

30 Aug, 2023| OP ED Watch

The not so great green fleet

...significant increase in convective storms, and hail and severe thunderstorms.” Never you mind, lubber. “We will see more extreme heat events such as the record-setting heatwaves in the normally temperate...

22 Jun, 2022| OP ED Watch

Weather modification, Mexican edition

No, contrails are not mind control. And no, the world’s governments are not secretly changing the weather in some vast Davos-centred cabal. If they were, do you seriously think it...

10 May, 2023| OP ED Watch

And this time last year...

A perceptive reader suggests to us that instead of colouring 26°C charred red on weather maps that used to show it as pleasant green, weather forecasts might usefully also list...

14 Sep, 2022| OP ED Watch

Of moonshine and sunshine

As we noted last week, and most weeks prior, the computer models are terrible at making predictions. And then we cited Weatherbell’s prediction based instead on past weather patterns that...

27 Oct, 2021| OP ED Watch

Colour us skeptical

...feeling the pain. As the fossil fuel industry roasts the planet, more extreme weather records are being broken.” If the fossil fuel industry was trying to roast the planet they...

03 May, 2023| News Roundup

Speaking of predictions

...is quite reasonable but their explanation interlaces sensible points with hyperbole about extreme weather, bad math about warming, and scare stories. The piece starts fairly well, warning that “Kerry is...

03 Mar, 2021| OP ED Watch

Happy Hump Day

...Global Warming Policy Foundation report “Weather Extremes in Historical Context“ shows that panic over floods, tornadoes and yes droughts is driven by ignorance. Not ignorance quite as bad as that...

01 May, 2024| News Roundup

Alice in Climateland

...season of long, lazy days, ice cream cones, and sand somehow getting into everything. But it’s also a season of extreme weather, from heat waves to hurricanes”. We shall see....

28 Jun, 2023| OP ED Watch


...the rule won’t affect many people because contrary to what alarmists keep saying about insurance and extreme weather, it really is the case that “Electric car owners may face shocking...

25 Oct, 2023| News Roundup

The climate nervous breakdown continues

...scariest, most extreme weather events of recent years. No hurricanes decimating neighborhoods. No major wildfires scorching the landscape.” Whereas in Manhattan everybody’s hair is on fire, at least metaphorically. Including...

07 Feb, 2024| News Roundup

Proof positive of... nothing

...New York Times reported in what seems to be its “Extreme Weather” section, did eight other cities while four more tied records. And “A number of other places came close...

12 Oct, 2022| OP ED Watch

Rubbish-based decision-making

...oft-quoted climate scientist: ‘The damaging impacts of climate change, and in particular from more extreme weather events, such as wildfires, floods, heatwaves, more intense hurricanes, are actually in many respects...

02 Oct, 2024| OP ED Watch

Science notes in passing

...his expose on the “tactical” science behind extreme weather attribution. (We discussed Part I here.) In it he discusses the formation of a new panel of the US National Academy...

27 Nov, 2024| Science Notes

IPCC AR6: Low-likelihood, high-impact events, unspun edition

...occurrence of LLHI events linked to climate extremes is generally associated with low confidence, but cannot be excluded, especially at global warming levels above 4°C. Compound events, including concurrent extremes,...

17 Nov, 2021| Science Notes

Everybody knows: BC droughts are worse than ever

...occurred that were more extreme than recent ‘severe’ events like those in 2003 and 2009. Recent droughts are therefore not anomalous relative to the ~400-year pre-instrumental record and should be...

19 Oct, 2022| Science Notes

Rainstorms, eh?

...routinely analyze the data, and they publish their analyses. Indeed a few years ago the weather folks at Environment Canada went over all the numbers on short-duration downpours across Canada...

05 Jun, 2019| Science Notes

Scientific snow job

...but to a more extreme level, with longer periods of dry weather when we’re not getting these storms. But when we do get these storms, they have the potential to...

03 May, 2023| OP ED Watch


...notion that computer programmers in particular have extremely complete and reliable factual data about pretty much everything on Earth, under the sea and up in the sky and also extremely...

10 Apr, 2024| News Roundup

What you see is not what you get

...to mass melting, giant glacier break-offs and dangerous weather conditions with global implications” to “Scientists wondered whether these events meant Antarctica had reached a tipping point, or a point of...

04 Sep, 2024| OP ED Watch

Cold kills yet again

...we have previously reported, cold kills far more often and reliably than heat. For that reason, if the number of extremely hot days goes up and the number of extremely...

09 Oct, 2019| Science Notes

The last of us, climate edition

...is increasingly wide swings between extremely wet and extremely dry conditions,’ said Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at University of California, Los Angeles. Humans are finding it difficult to adapt...

13 Mar, 2024| News Roundup

Hottest day never

...through anything approaching record temperatures. Sure, the Earth is a big place and someone somewhere is setting some kind of weather record every day and would be even if the...

31 Jul, 2024| News Roundup

1919 or 2019?

...to climate change, it’s more extreme, it’s bad and so are you. But what if the weather today is not much different than, say, a hundred years ago? Impossible, right?...

11 Mar, 2020| 1919 or 2019

Don't get smart

...we can’t control – like hot weather. When NSW Premier Chris Minns asked Sydney residents to switch off appliances on Wednesday, he confirmed that the electricity system we’re building won’t...

11 Dec, 2024| OP ED Watch

Death by climate

...dying from climate change because it says so on the death certificate. Though if they start doing this it won’t be long before they have to add weather as another...

27 May, 2020| OP ED Watch

So about those hurricanes...

...calm before the storm. Hurricane season doesn’t peak until Sept. 15 on average, with activity often lasting well into November. Moreover, the weather patterns expected to help fuel an active...

31 Jul, 2024| OP ED Watch

The only thing worse than warming

...hot weather. Based on a sample from Rhode Island, the study authors found that colder-than-normal weather led to 10 times the number of excess deaths as warmer-than-normal weather. Under future...

10 Apr, 2019| Science Notes

Historic climate event

We already noted the irony that the great September 27 strike for climate was followed immediately by cold weather and even snow in western North America. Well now NBC and...

16 Oct, 2019| News Roundup

But it was

...via email that “The weather in September was so ‘gobsmackingly bananas’ that even scientists are spooked”. Which might lead the unwary to think NBC and other mainstream outlets have not...

11 Oct, 2023| OP ED Watch

Here comes the moon

...The Climate Alarm Network formerly known as the Weather Network blares that “Moon’s ‘wobble’ to amplify coastal flooding due to climate change, says NASA”. And CTV, quick to spot the...

21 Jul, 2021| OP ED Watch

Precautionary principle, RIP

...models are infamous for their inability to predict weather, even past weather, while the IPCC insists that we do not have much certainty even about what is happening let alone...

18 Oct, 2023| News Roundup

Let's make 2025 the year of climate straight-talking

No, really. We say so, being tired of unfounded hysteria about trends in weather, preposterous claims of measuring temperature globally to two decimal places even today let alone long ago,...

08 Jan, 2025| OP ED Watch

Eco-Colonialism: The Green Man's Burden

...fan in hot weather, no heater in cold weather, no refrigerator, and no cell phone. Which is not something to laugh at if you live in a county where the...

02 May, 2023| Backgrounders

Tick tick tick

...means ticks thrive in hot weather, right? Yes. Or, maybe no. They also like cool, wet weather. Either way it’s probably your fault. The increasing risk is real. In Ottawa,...

24 Jul, 2019| News Roundup

Hot cuisine

...dishes – salmon, oysters, coffee, wine – that could drastically change or disappear in the coming years as the climate warms and brings more volatile weather.” Could. Might. Or might...

06 Mar, 2024| OP ED Watch

Children aren't going to know what spring is

...cold weather warnings remain firmly in place.” The UK is not the only place grappling with, of all things, cold weather in February, so is the United States where the...

12 Feb, 2025| News Roundup


...warns under the heading “UK weather: Records smashed as Britain sees hottest January day ever with temperatures warmer than Ibiza” that the place is on fire and quotes a “Senior...

07 Feb, 2024| News Roundup

Anatomy of a hurricane scare

...Michael hit as a Category 5 storm. Proof of climate-induced weather disaster? Well, not really, as it was “the first Category 5 hurricane to hit the United States since Hurricane...

06 Sep, 2023| News Roundup

We told you we told you so

...Ice Age. But it’s not. It is coming from the global warming and it threatens all the normal weather patterns.” And of course in reporting his remarks CBS went into...

24 Feb, 2021| News Roundup

But but the models...

...created a model that links weather and climate – answering the question of why climate models can be reliable despite weather being changeable and chaotic.” So here instead we quote...

20 Oct, 2021| OP ED Watch

So now it's drought

...Times David Leonhardt just said in the US Midwest “The main cause of the floods is extreme rain. The 12-month period ending in May was the wettest 12 months over...

19 Jun, 2019| Science Notes

#GettingWorse: Sea level rise edition

...to crank the SLR projections up just to 0.8 m, less than half of that figure. And if some even more extreme and highly unlikely scenarios concerning extreme ice loss...

29 May, 2024| Science Notes

Back to droughts

...that recent ‘extreme’ events fall within a natural range of multi-century variability means that rather than being considered anomalies, extreme droughts should be expected and incorporated into drought management strategies.”...

10 Nov, 2021| Science Notes

Lies, d**n lies and rainfall data

...in this regard is extreme rainfall, because one of the simplistic truisms of climate science is that warmer air can hold more water ergo we should find extreme rainfall events...

20 Apr, 2022| Science Notes

Dust to Beijing

...change and extreme weather have made SDS [sand and dust storms] a threat to more than 150 countries, causing economic damage and threatening health.” And in 2018 it was “Climate...

24 Mar, 2021| OP ED Watch

Speaking of your livelihood

...weather that we've never seen before. Forest fires ravaging our country in extreme circumstances that we've also never seen before. People can't breathe the air. People are seeing flooding, heat...

01 Sep, 2021| OP ED Watch

Here come the dissenters

...Here let us repeat that Lomborg is not any sort of “denier”. He makes rational points about supposed increases in extreme weather, the comparative deadliness of cold v heat and...

22 Jul, 2020| OP ED Watch

So what should we do?

...mature, dependable, safe technologies ready to go. And if you believe one quarter of the yelling about extreme weather and social collapse and mass death if we don’t cut net...

18 Aug, 2021| OP ED Watch

That old thing again?

...that rapid Arctic warming has ripple effects elsewhere around the planet. The warming alters the Earth’s atmosphere in ways that scientists believe can affect extreme weather events and other climate...

21 Jun, 2023| News Roundup

1919 or 2019? Back to Ranfurly

...in extreme weather, all of it bad, from floods to droughts to “extreme rainfall events”. So we’re going to revisit some of the same places whose temperature we charted in...

27 May, 2020| 1919 or 2019

The bad ship Alarmism hits another iceberg

...is weakly negative, and even significant for Antarctica overall. This finding suggests that recent extreme calving events such as the break-off of A68 in 2017 are not necessarily a symptom...

29 Jan, 2025| Science Notes

Climategate 10 years later

...tend to focus on arguments about low climate sensitivity and the lack of warming-induced extreme weather, and they quote the IPCC a lot. Alarmists talk about the climate crisis and...

20 Nov, 2019| News Roundup

The IPCC would have you know

...raves “Deadly with extreme weather now, climate change is about to get so much worse. It is likely going to make the world sicker, hungrier, poorer, gloomier and way more...

09 Mar, 2022| News Roundup

Floods: the new same old

In its 2012 report on extreme weather the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that there was little evidence of changes in the magnitude and frequency of floods regionally and...

05 Jun, 2019| Science Notes

All bad all the time

...CO2-driven climate change on human health and welfare are complex, ranging from greater incidence of extreme weather events, more frequent storm-surge flooding, and increased risk of crop failure (Duffy et...

09 Mar, 2022| OP ED Watch

CBC admits error... sort of

...one. If you’re a journalist, don’t invent extreme weather. The corrected story is here. But, Muir tells us, the CBC promptly put the inaccurate claims into a new story. And...

13 Feb, 2019| News Roundup

Warming pandemic

...exceptional driving experience”. And of course “407 ETR recognizes the effects of increased frequency of extreme weather events due to climate change, such as heavy rainfall resulting in flooding and...

20 Jan, 2021| News Roundup

1919 or 2019? Atlin BC

...contestants have told us they look for the series with higher volatility to spot the 2019 record because of the supposed increase in extreme weather. Others look for the series...

06 May, 2020| 1919 or 2019

Seeing the forest for the trees

...states.” Bosh. As we’ve repeatedly documented, not even the IPCC says extreme weather is increasing. And it was warmer than today at numerous points “since the last ice age”, more...

20 Apr, 2022| OP ED Watch

Tempest in a blog post

With everyone suddenly an expert on extreme weather, an actual scientist threatens to spoil the fun. Dr. Judith Curry, former chair of Earth Sciences at Georgia Tech, spent much of...

27 Feb, 2019| Science Notes

The penguins get it

...few months we’ve published a lot of dramatic-looking charts about extreme weather and climate change. But perhaps one of the most alarming has focused on Antarctic sea ice.” How “alarming”?...

06 Sep, 2023| OP ED Watch


...record number of extreme weather events such as floods, heatwaves and forest fires this year.” Since we didn’t have a record number of extreme weather events, is it possible everything...

04 Oct, 2023| News Roundup

So not a climate scientist, then

...easily be far better informed than they are. So what does he say? Well, before he’s cleared the “Introduction” he’s gotten rid of the increase in extreme weather, melting Greenland...

26 May, 2021| OP ED Watch

Fox viewers know more about climate

...admit to the uncertainties, don’t invent extreme weather, and speak politely to skeptics. As Eric Worrall put it in commenting on Crawley’s piece “Until activists produce evidence there actually is...

26 May, 2021| OP ED Watch

Aw snap!

...WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE! Seriously. The article goes on that, as everybody knows: “Higher temperatures, extreme weather, melting glaciers, and rising sea levels – all indicators that the...

12 Jun, 2024| News Roundup

That sinking feeling

...Economist, under the neutral heading “Extreme Weather”, insists that “The ‘Venice of Africa’ is sinking into the sea/ Megacities on the continent’s western coast are being swamped by rising oceans”....

10 Jul, 2024| OP ED Watch

Stupid Alps

...In the Alps however, located at the crossroads between the Mediterranean and Atlantic weather systems, the differences are extremely localized.” A bit of a contradiction there. But let’s not get...

05 May, 2021| News Roundup

Shuffle off to Buffalo Part II

...fevered brains of opinion writers. The piece insists that: “Researchers now estimate tens of millions of Americans may ultimately move away from extreme heat and drought, storms and wildfires.” Not...

09 Oct, 2024| OP ED Watch

Scientists say (5)

...instalment we quote them on deaths due to extreme temperatures. Yes, heatwaves are bad, and yes, if the world warms we’ll have more. But cold snaps are also bad and...

27 Jan, 2021| Science Notes


...knows by now that nothing either one says would have any connection to the aforementioned weather hazards. From the “weird weather in the past” file, Modris Eksteins’ 1989 Rites of...

18 Sep, 2024| News Roundup

All the drought that's fit to drink

...gas and coal, the drought would have been far less extreme, the analysis found.” Well they would, wouldn’t they? Except the IPCC doesn’t. It mentions some past precipitation deficits in...

31 Jan, 2024| News Roundup

Henderson the carbon king

...more could a progressive outfit ask than for capitalists to change the weather? But what if it works? What if, for a mere $1 billion, Google, Facebook and other heroes...

20 Apr, 2022| News Roundup

Where are the boiling hurricanes of tomorrow?

...immune from the devastating consequences of climate change. Rising temperatures are fueling environmental degradation, natural disasters, weather extremes, food and water insecurity, economic disruption, conflict, and terrorism. Sea levels are...

17 Feb, 2021| News Roundup


...them. From the “hottest year ever” file, we bring you such toasty news as “Wind chill to hit -11 C as winter arrives in Ottawa” plus “BC’s weather forecast is...

04 Dec, 2024| News Roundup

#CoolClimateData: Dr. Maue's Climate Atlas

...combination of observed data where available and data generated from 6-hour weather forecast models to fill in the gaps). These go back to 1958, and by clicking on a year...

17 May, 2023| Science Notes

Having your Alberta and eating it too

...of fire retardant on glib claims of climate-driven trends in the kinds of weather that promotes forest fire (pp. 172-173): “The Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) System is a...

14 Jun, 2023| News Roundup


...a bit higher than at other times of the year, other than June. In many areas. Yes, folks, “The Weather Network is predicting more sunshine and warmer temperatures for the...

12 Jun, 2024| News Roundup

All bad all the time

One curious feature of climate alarmism is that if there’s bad weather we’re told it’s because the Earth warmed, as if we know what it would have been like otherwise....

08 May, 2019| OP ED Watch

The insurance company gets it

...are destabilizing the weather and wrecking your house and it serves you right. And indeed his insurance company more or less did tell him so, just more tactfully: “The increased...

09 Jun, 2021| OP ED Watch

Satellite vs satellite

Atmospheric temperature data from weather satellites has long been a thorn in the side of alarmists because it tends to show less warming than computer models predict or surface thermometers...

22 May, 2019| Science Notes

NOAA's "Billion Dollar Disaster" disaster

...data properly they get to draw an upward-sloping line: But this approach doesn’t measure the severity of the weather, it measures the size of the economy. The relevant number, and...

17 Jan, 2024| Science Notes

And iffn they don't?

...snide about weather. At least not very, because the press release the other press release announced says: “The annual global mean temperature forecast is produced by the Government of Canada...

22 Jan, 2025| OP ED Watch

In tomorrow's news... doom may loom

...weather will bring, whether China will invade Taiwan this year or whether Vladimir Putin is going to die tomorrow. But they now must determine what their data centre will do...

20 Mar, 2024| News Roundup

Nothing to do with climate change

...and some climate-change-driven flooding, the Golden State got, of all things, some good weather. Just at random of course. Not due to global warming or boiling, climate change or breakdown,...

11 Oct, 2023| OP ED Watch

Skin in the game

...purity of what I love is being destroyed…. today’s dialogue on climate and weather in reality have little to do with climate and weather. That’s the biggest shame of all.”...

20 Mar, 2019| OP ED Watch

A linen shroud for your horny crab?

...email teaser from Gizmodo said “Linen Is the Hot New Fabric of Summer Because of Climate Change”. Right. Because nobody wore linen in hot weather until… well, roughly 30,000 years...

18 Aug, 2021| OP ED Watch

Henderson the climate king

...doing so fail horribly. As Williams points out, efforts to alter the weather have been going on for a long time, sometimes through mechanisms hard to understand in retrospect. For...

28 Oct, 2020| OP ED Watch

Climate crisis in California

...in two ways. First, it makes no attempt to downplay the severity of the weather horrors regularly inflicted on the residents of the Southern and Central California regions. The 19th...

11 Jan, 2023| Science Notes

No, not that Antarctic ice

...right? Before man-made warming caused bad weather? Yes, and afterward: “a massive concrete seawall was built to keep future storm surges at bay. The engineers thought making it 5 metres...

24 Apr, 2024| OP ED Watch

Help help Montreal is melting

...North America as a whole has been getting more snow coverage in recent years, not less. Ah, but that’s just weather. Montreal is having climate. We are often lectured that...

13 Mar, 2019| News Roundup

It's... it's... impossible

...and Diplomacy” from the Fletcher School, which apparently invented this cumbersome thing. Cliff Mass begs to differ. He puts forward the “Golden Rule of Climate Extremes” that “The more extreme...

31 Aug, 2022| OP ED Watch

ClimateMovie Fact Check: The satellite records

...data now agree with it. So does the ongoing weather balloon record. So there are now no grounds for ignoring the weather satellite record. Comparison of the satellite data against...

22 May, 2024| Science Notes

The no-scenario scenario

...and nobody seems very sure what this thing called “climate change” is that supposedly causes weather to get worse rather than being the worse weather we’re not even having. And...

19 Jun, 2024| OP ED Watch

And set like cement

...much like the weather of, say, 1850 or 1450 or a million BC or the Cretaceous? Now we have to add: Do they think that before “climate change” the weather...

23 Oct, 2024| OP ED Watch

The frozen warming crisis

The Guardian, which heartily endorsed all the policies that led to high energy prices while denying the reality that they make freezing weather a disaster, complains that “Nine million homes...

08 Jan, 2025| News Roundup

Dude, it rained in California

...The Model T? And why it wasn’t a hurricane when it hit. Isn’t climate breakdown making them frighteningly routine? Also, the National Weather Service “official weather station for L.A. at...

30 Aug, 2023| News Roundup

Chilly down there?

...for the new normal never-ending heat waves suddenly to end. According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, which like all government media is all in on climate change, “The cold weather...

06 May, 2020| News Roundup

Everything cold is new again

...must point out, yet again, that while all sorts of weather extremes are inconvenient, unpleasant and even dangerous, cold remains more deadly than heat, especially if the power goes out....

15 Jan, 2025| News Roundup

Comrade Geoengineerov to the rescue

The people convinced we never had bad weather before are not resting on their lack of laurels over their failure to cut greenhouse gas emissions. Oh no. They are aiming...

15 Mar, 2023| OP ED Watch


...are facing one of their worst harvests in decades as a result of months of wild weather and a lack of labourers to pick the grapes…. The unstable weather, which...

06 Sep, 2023| News Roundup


Now that it’s fall, with characteristically large swings between warmth and cold it can be hard to keep track of what’s weather and what’s climate change. For instance GB News...

01 Nov, 2023| News Roundup

Don't tell the polar bears

Last week we introduced the website weatherstats.ca from which you can easily obtain long term charts of all kinds of historical weather data for Canadian locations. Once upon a time...

10 Jul, 2019| Science Notes

Credibility that could disappear by 2030

...and more intense and frequent extreme weather events impacting society and ecosystems, until we stop emitting greenhouse gasses,’ Burgess said.” Now “more climate records” is kind of vague and invites...

15 Nov, 2023| OP ED Watch

One hundred and one years of Netherlands windstorms

From the CO2Science Archive: Climate alarmists contend that extreme weather events, such as windstorms, tend to become more frequent or more intense – or both – when the world warms....

24 Jan, 2024| Science Notes

Et tu, calor?

...destroying habitats and natural landscapes with flooding, droughts and other forms of extreme weather.”) But the year we narrowly beat out was 1908, and the ones we didn’t were in...

18 Oct, 2023| OP ED Watch

Candidates, candidates everywhere

...the links between extreme weather events and climate change, but every cold snap gets trumpeted by those who deny the scientific evidence for global warming.” Regrettably “people may become inured...

13 Mar, 2019| OP ED Watch

The lash of back

...vexing. Inflation, rising energy demands, volatile natural gas prices, and extreme weather are all contributing factors. The transition to renewable energy is, too.” And of course it’s one case where...

28 Aug, 2024| News Roundup

And on a macro scale...

...sees it. The ultra-Establishment Globe & Mail in Canada recently editorialized, in a piece comically credulous about “rapid attribution analysis” including regurgitating the since-repudiated World Weather Attribution paper on the...

25 Sep, 2024| News Roundup

#CheerfulCharts #4: Death rates from climate disasters

...credit. But they do. Better weather forecasting also helped, a bit. But our ability to build more secure buildings, heat and cool them efficiently, evacuate in the face of looming...

28 Aug, 2024| Science Notes


...‘turning the extreme weather into a humanitarian disaster’, scientists have said. Global heating made the levels of rainfall that devastated the Mediterranean in early September up to 50 times more...

27 Sep, 2023| News Roundup

The fire and brimstone snoozefest

...many of the infamous Renaissance witch trials targeted people for causing “hellish weather”. Gee. (We might add that it was during the Little Ice Age when cooling temperatures brought extreme...

27 Sep, 2023| OP ED Watch

Transition to we know not what

...was Canada’s 3rd worse year for insured damage from extreme weather. The costs of climate change continue to mount.” Or maybe we got richer and more populous so bad weather...

08 Feb, 2023| OP ED Watch

Decreasing trend in tropical cyclone intensity

Speaking of evidence, among lazy slogan-slinging alarmists nothing is more common than to hear them insist that global warming means more and more extreme weather. Supporting evidence is unnecessary, of...

08 Jan, 2025| Science Notes

More on geoengineering

...hold, a panel of global experts has urged. Geoengineering is highly controversial, but discussions of its feasibility are gathering pace as the impacts of extreme weather, driven by climate breakdown,...

25 Oct, 2023| OP ED Watch

What if climate catastrophe made life better?

...a story at odds with the dominant doom-and-gloom narrative. But Eschenbach wisely picked one statistic central to the claim that a warming planet will bring lethal increases in extreme weather:...

27 Mar, 2019| Science Notes

Let's do it here

...with a spectacular capacity for failing upwards. And for making sonorous nonsense sound like wisdom. For instance, that story says, “With more frequent extreme weather, massive wildfires and natural disasters...

29 Sep, 2021| OP ED Watch

Both thumbs on the scale

...impossible’ if not for climate change, according to a group of scientists who study the probability of extreme weather events.” Because, apparently, we never used to have heatwaves. A British...

02 Aug, 2023| News Roundup

A Mann of the people

...– will face more frequent heatwaves which put them at greater health risk, while shocks from extreme weather and climate-related conflict displace hundreds of millions from their homes. We’re falling...

10 Apr, 2024| News Roundup


...be replaced by dire “flooding comments”. And sure enough, on June 28 the New York Times went west on him with “Extreme weather is threatening California’s dams, and a single...

05 Jul, 2023| News Roundup

Atafona: anatomy of a scare

...rise and making currents and weather patterns more extreme.” You are of course pulling our leg, right? Not just with the vultures of the apocalypse. Because if the oceans were...

17 May, 2023| News Roundup

Eat us last please. Will Sunday do?

...They say “There are many Canadians across the political spectrum who want to talk about our energy future, but don’t share the black or white extreme views.” The “extreme” views...

13 Nov, 2019| OP ED Watch

The true nature of climate journals

...on extreme wildfire behavior. Make no mistake: that influence is very real.” The problem is that, Brown also says, climate change “isn’t close to the only factor that deserves our...

13 Sep, 2023| News Roundup

We're so sneaky

...warming could also lead to extreme rainfall, affecting living conditions and the ability to grow crops. At the same time, other parts of the world would become uninhabitable as a...

24 Nov, 2021| OP ED Watch

Trees schmees

...of the province has experienced prolonged drought and extreme heat over the last two summers, and the seedlings have shallow root systems that don’t reach beyond the very dry layers...

11 Jan, 2023| OP ED Watch

So about that heat

...measuring temperatures outside those local hotspots? Heck no. Instead the New York Times “Climate Forward” chipped in a tale of “How extreme heat affects workers and the economy” that featured...

23 Aug, 2023| News Roundup

Placing recent flooding in Britain in a historical context

...physical evidence or epigraphic markings providing evidence of river flows, and instrumental river flow data from several catchment systems across the nation, building a reliable database of extreme flood events...

29 Mar, 2023| Science Notes

A 654-year streamflow history of Argentina's Neuquen River

From the CO2Science Archive: Climate alarmists continue to claim that global warming will lead to more extreme (both high- and low-volume) river flows, characteristic of more extreme drought and flood...

11 Jan, 2023| Science Notes

Here comes the rain

...especially Donald Trump. Leonhardt says the rain is exceptionally heavy and such events are “the new normal”. And the data say otherwise. According to Leonhardt, “Extreme rain is the new...

17 Jul, 2019| Science Notes

Cherries in the rain

...claim in the 2017 US National Climate Assessment that greenhouse gases were behind an upward trend in American 20th century extreme precipitation trends. Using data from cities across the US...

27 Nov, 2019| Science Notes

Run in circles, scream and shout

Edmundston, NB, like Halifax and Vancouver, declares a climate change emergency. The mayor alleges “torrential rains and extreme flood events, increased frequency and intensity of extreme heat, and the proliferation...

27 Feb, 2019| News Roundup

Urban Flooding - It's Not About Climate

...in the summer. And from our look at it here, the extreme rainfall events haven’t increased. I’m aware that many people have noticed that some extremes have gone up in...

31 Jul, 2019| Fact Checks

Changes in global precipitation over land in a warming world

...inter-annual (Rind et al., 1989; Held and Soden, 2006; Boer, 2009; Wetherald, 2010) timescales,” while additionally noting that “expectations are for precipitation extremes in storm events to increase with the...

08 Nov, 2023| Science Notes


...that moves heat gets closer to collapse, which could cause weather chaos, study says” and “Atlantic Ocean circulation nearing ‘devastating’ tipping point, study finds”. And if you’re into nameless dread,...

14 Feb, 2024| News Roundup

Where are the hurricanes of yesteryear?

Weather sure is complicated. But climate is dead simple, we’re told. Even a schoolgirl can understand it and all voters are meant to lean in to fix it… until you...

21 Sep, 2022| News Roundup

All climate all the time

...malnutrition, extreme poverty and deaths from natural disasters are plummeting. Facts be hanged, every topic is now climate change and it’s all bad. If they drop their guard they’ll praise...

26 Apr, 2023| News Roundup

1919 or 2019? London Ontario Edition

London Ontario, down there in tornado alley, is accustomed to the vagaries of weather and the ability of an ordinary thunderstorm to turn into an anything-but-ordinary funnel cloud. Is this...

01 Jul, 2020| 1919 or 2019

Not climate science

...data from airport weather stations, researchers from the London-based International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) found that from 2014 to 2023 there were nearly 6,500 cumulative days when one...

10 Jul, 2024| News Roundup

All that glitters

...the troposphere? Does it even matter at the Earth's surface? Will it be harmful? How does it affect weather extremes? None of these questions are settled. Breathless claims of 5-sigma...

20 Mar, 2019| Science Notes

With Tree Rings On Their Fingers

...125,000 years. But how do they know, when the earliest modern thermometers were invented by German physicist Daniel Fahrenheit in 1709, and we have very few systematic weather records anywhere...

19 Apr, 2024| Backgrounders

Philly turns to cheese steak as...

...the “Current Results” site offering “weather and science facts,” while conceding that the City of Brotherly Love was at its steamiest on July 3, 1966 and July 10, 1936, helpfully...

24 Aug, 2022| OP ED Watch

Looking for patterns

...pondering the question of Canadian temperature records more generally. And here’s something worth noting. In Wikipedia’s list of extreme temperatures in Canada by province or territory, the all-time highs for...

27 Oct, 2021| OP ED Watch

We just fiddle this dial here and...

...weather patterns and extremes in temperate zones.” Only in bad ways, of course, the science being settled that all impacts of warming are bad. Thus “Positive-feedback loops risk the release...

28 Sep, 2022| OP ED Watch

So about that polar vortex

...how global warming is making the polar vortex wavier, thereby accounting for all this cold weather over North America. Thus Tony Heller unearthed a 2014 video from Obama’s science advisor...

24 Jan, 2024| Science Notes

Some truly man-made warming

The Climate Research Unit or CRU at the University of East Anglia is one of a few places where weather data from around the world are gathered and analysed to...

03 Jul, 2019| Science Notes

Heatwaves then and now

Via a CDN correspondent we recently learned of the remarkable website weatherstats.ca. It lets you see today's temperature across the country at a glance. But of far more interest to...

03 Jul, 2019| Climate Emergency Tour

The penguins don't get it

...to Japan. But those were just weather, with death, disruption and heartwarming tales of Washington zoo pandas “frolicking in the wintry conditions”. It used to be the case that unusual...

17 Feb, 2021| News Roundup


...by the Australian government to say the weather is bad and getting worse and it’s our fault say the weather is bad and getting worse and it’s our fault and...

06 Nov, 2024| News Roundup

Not for sale, but...

...list the “Television & Multimedia”. Well, ABC, CBS, “Cheddar” (not comic relief or cheese, it’s a thing), NBC, MSNBC, two PBS programs, The Weather Channel (but you guessed), The Weather...

02 Mar, 2022| OP ED Watch

We have ways to make you notice

...attributed to our changing climate.” Which again misrepresents both the science and people’s actual experience, which is that the weather is weathery as always. As a reader/viewer reminds us, for...

27 Apr, 2022| News Roundup

If it destroyed Iowa...

...of Engineers' flood management and hang their hopes on a weather cycle that will come to an end, experts say those who work in agriculture need to prepare for climate...

16 Oct, 2019| News Roundup

Science notes in passing

...made up altogether. It’s the finding of UK journalist Ray Sanders (h/t NoTricksZone) who took it upon himself to visit the 302 official weather monitoring stations listed by the UK...

04 Dec, 2024| Science Notes

#Gettingworse: severe storms and tornadoes

...is now responsible and is making them worse. So when people claim that climate change means more severe weather, these are the storms they want you to think of. By...

20 Mar, 2024| Science Notes

Europe is burning up! Uh... never mind

...“good weather forecasts” including by interpolating where we don’t have data. (And before you laugh, he says short-term weather forecasts are actually pretty good when done right.) Using this approach,...

21 Aug, 2019| News Roundup

Or you can just eat it

...like a packet of uncooked ramen noodles glued to a green party streamer than anything of the navigational or weather-observing variety. These odd jellyfish had one role in life: to...

08 Jun, 2022| OP ED Watch

Common sense on the cob

...corn crop productivity. The result: changes in climate translated into improved growing conditions because farmers changed techniques to take advantage of new weather conditions. Quelle surprise: once we make realistic...

20 Mar, 2019| Science Notes

When was it again?

...in all of the world’s oceans”. And as we all know, hot weather only ever does bad things from killing nice birds, animals and coral to spreading nasty algae while...

30 Sep, 2020| News Roundup

The sun, the sea and European temperatures

...no hurricanes, or a pleasant summer and a mild fall? Well, the theory goes, that’s just nature at work. It’s weather. But how do we know? Perhaps we were in...

28 Oct, 2020| Science Notes

In today's climate news...

...of the weather being insanely different at 2.1°C than at 1.9°C is minimal. In fact, Roger Pielke Jr. just objected, the press keep reporting things like “heavier rainstorms driven by...

15 Nov, 2023| News Roundup

Dutch warming has nothing to do with CO2

...atmosphere, instead it happened unevenly, such as in a big jump in the 1980s. They also noticed that the weather in the Netherlands is strongly affected by which direction the...

13 Jul, 2022| Science Notes


On the left, the BBC weather forecast for July 12 1999 with temperatures reaching 29C shown as orange on the map and described as “one more day of fine and...

23 Aug, 2023| News Roundup

Oil industry hit by climate change

...is a thing of the past are dismissed with a patronizing sneer about weather not being the same as climate. For instance, the Telegraph said “Spring frosts, extreme summer drought...

13 Mar, 2019| News Roundup

In a Pickle over climate change

...any real lasting impacts from this kind of weather.” You get the idea? Life is weird and so is weather and it’s cool when something odd happens as long as...

17 Jun, 2020| News Roundup

Reef Not

...Narrator: “However, global climate change will also result in more variable weather patterns, including extreme cold periods. Some researchers predict that the Red Sea region is entering a cooling phase…....

21 Sep, 2024| Crystal Ball


...Jonglei state, South Sudan, July 2013”. So climate change is poking out eyes in Sudan in 2013. Wow. There really is nothing it cannot do. From the “weather porn” file,...

20 Dec, 2023| News Roundup

A sudden fit of sanity?

...without doing a dang thing to reduce even our trifling GHG emissions, let alone those of humanity generally, to say nothing of not fixing the weather. Thus socialist British Columbia...

25 Sep, 2024| OP ED Watch

Floods and droughts in the Amazon 1790-2016

...extremes. 1818 was exceptionally wet while 1865 was exceptionally dry. But there were regular episodes of extreme flooding or drought, and the authors quote from contemporary news reports that confirm...

23 Oct, 2024| Science Notes

Drought, heat, climate disaster

It was bound to happen. After a chilly spring due to weather, a hot dry spell in the United States caused by climate change is the harbinger of doom. According...

23 Jun, 2021| OP ED Watch

When we get the new computers

A lot of people believe that inadequacies in modeling weather and climate are due to the fact that the computers are not yet fast enough to do the complex calculations...

24 Apr, 2019| Science Notes

A half-century history of tornado-days in Missouri, USA

...warming leads to more severe weather, thus adding to the many other “specific parts of the planet” where several other types of severe weather have also not increased as predicted....

22 Nov, 2023| Science Notes

1919 or 2019? Back to Ottawa

...foregone conclusion that the weather now is completely unlike the weather that befell the city back when Sir Robert Borden was Prime Minister. You be the judge. One of the...

15 Jul, 2020| 1919 or 2019

This just in: summer warmer than spring

...heat?” you just know what’s coming. It’s merely weather. In this case “Blame the jet stream”. Now you may think you know where the summer heat is: in the pages...

22 Jun, 2022| News Roundup

The end of what?

...periods of snow, ice, heavy rainfall and arctic cold will result in highly disruptive weather through Friday for millions from coast-to-coast”. And in DC itself, as of March 12, the...

16 Mar, 2022| OP ED Watch

Baku breaking labours

...is an ill-considered claim because weather damages from hurricanes, floods, droughts, and other weather calamities have actually declined as a percentage of global GDP since 1990, both for rich and...

27 Nov, 2024| News Roundup

The dream dies hard

One day man will be able to predict the weather far into the future. Maybe. On his blog Cliff Mass notes that weather forecasts have improved in the short run...

06 Nov, 2019| OP ED Watch

Follow the science deep into left field

...too weathery for avocadoes (no, really, the punchline is “weather in these places is already changing” without any effort to say in what manner) and clearly avocadoes, being “tropical” according...

12 Apr, 2023| OP ED Watch


...need diesel heaters on board. As a fed-up viewer comments, “I guess the Edmonton city council was not aware that Edmonton usually has cold weather from mid November to Mid...

10 Jan, 2024| News Roundup

Blast, it's summer

...(Walmart). Even woke corporations can’t help but notice that hot weather is good. Canadian Tire also offers a corny “HOT SALE Find great deals on BBQs, smokers and outdoor cooking...

07 Jun, 2023| OP ED Watch

Proof that carbon taxes work

...quite prepared to shrug and say that weather is variable. Thus Ottawa in our absence had its wettest Remembrance Day on record, proving nothing. But if the Canadian west were...

16 Nov, 2022| News Roundup

Hotter than the hottest... uh...

...difference. But according to the online weather enthusiast “Ottawa Weather Records”, we in Canada’s capital are now tied for the fourth-highest number of days above 0°C in a year since...

16 Dec, 2020| News Roundup

It never used to happen

...No, wait. Damages and death are soaring, right? Absolutely. “Extreme rainfall and flooding is becoming more common” and: “According to scientists, weather events such as Storm Babet have become far...

01 Nov, 2023| OP ED Watch

Lomborg on the 21st century part 2: impacts of warming

...not. Plot spoiler: take a guess. This week we bring you Lomborg's look at projected impacts of extreme events like floods, wildfires and hurricanes. Although what he really looks at...

06 Sep, 2023| Science Notes

IPCC AR6: Run-off, Streamflow and Flooding, Unspun Edition

...flows and decreased summer flows where streamflows are lower and that the observed increases in extreme precipitation led to greater probability of flooding at regional scales with medium confidence. [The...

01 Dec, 2021| Science Notes

Uh-oh, we just had the best decade ever

...extreme poverty to education, health care, human rights and more, the trends are not only going in the right direction but the speed of improvement is breathtaking. Even our ecological...

22 Jan, 2020| Science Notes

Floods of the Namib Desert of Africa

From the CO2Science Archive: K. Heine notes that “droughts and floods represent extreme conditions, and are precisely those that are foreseen to increase in [the] future with global change.” Hence,...

06 Sep, 2023| Science Notes

Scare stories that didn't happen

...When baseline temperatures are higher, as they are in a world that has warmed nearly 2 degrees since 1900, extreme heat will likely be even more extreme.” Now that figure...

14 Jul, 2021| OP ED Watch

The fire next time

...when we’re “warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world” which has already “meant extreme heat, melting glaciers, thawing permafrost and rising sea levels” and “If you...

10 Apr, 2019| OP ED Watch

The snows of yesteryear

...than back then? (Or that periodically extreme cold does something like crack an LRT line in Edmonton, unlike the bucolic winters of our youth?) Maybe that climate is complicated and...

05 Feb, 2020| Science Notes

You can't just turn down the sun?

...cold weather (seriously, experienced gardeners keep insisting that CDN not attempt to put any seedlings in the ground until the Victoria Day weekend because… it’s too cold right now), it...

27 Apr, 2022| OP ED Watch

Precipitation in the Netherlands: 1906-2002

...“its incorrect use can lead to spuriously high probabilities of extreme precipitation levels.” Hence, using what they consider to be more appropriate and “more robust nonparametric techniques,” they found that...

01 Jun, 2022| Science Notes

Yes it's real

In the Financial Post, Henry Geraedts writes that “what actually happened” at the UN’s COP26 Glasgow Climate Change confab last November was extremely significant. “Net Zero’s magical thinking met unyielding...

19 Jan, 2022| News Roundup

Price check

...and is forbidden by law or regulation from doing so. In the case of Ontario, the IESO is forced to buy extremely expensive alternative energy and then dump much cheaper...

18 Sep, 2024| OP ED Watch

IPCC AR6: Severe convective storms, unspun edition

...associated with extreme phenomena such as tornadoes, hail, heavy precipitation (rain or snow), strong winds, and lightning. The assessment of changes in severe convective storms in SREX (Chapter 3, Seneviratne...

03 Nov, 2021| Science Notes


...from specific times in Earth’s four-billion-year history when the planet was extremely hot or extremely cold.” Which is apparently that humans are the cause of climate change, oddly enough. Over...

15 Nov, 2023| News Roundup

A drought of common sense

...including the Weather Channel. It’s hard to keep up; it seems only yesterday the US National Assessment was alarmed that the US was suffering from a century-long increase in extreme...

22 Apr, 2020| OP ED Watch

So about those fires...

...weekend of weather, including extreme heat and severe storms” that said: “In addition to increasing the risk of heat-related illnesses and deaths, the hot and dry conditions in the West...

19 Jul, 2023| News Roundup

Exactly the same as it wasn't

...years ago). The extreme ice loss caused more than three metres of average global sea level rise – and worryingly, it took less than 2˚C of ocean warming for it...

19 Feb, 2020| OP ED Watch

The RCP 8.5 Cheat

...They still used the same assumptions about radiative forcing per unit of GHGs. Rather, the surge in temperature came from a new extreme emission scenario called A1FI, which predicted a...

03 Oct, 2020| Fact Checks

That's a big wave... and a bigger ocean

...is a very strange place where technically it’s extremely hot, some 4,500F, because what few molecules it contains are in a state of extreme agitation. But you’d freeze to death...

25 Sep, 2024| OP ED Watch

Now is no time for quitting

...resilience in our most vulnerable communities, including a comprehensive strategy to protect Californians from extreme heat. With lives and livelihoods on the line, we cannot afford to delay.” It’s like...

05 Oct, 2022| OP ED Watch

California fireflam

...energy sources as solar energy, but if they go up in flames the blazes can be extremely difficult to put out.” Especially if you’re the equity-obsessed firefighters of deep blue...

05 Feb, 2025| OP ED Watch

The fall of Rome

...QED. The piece starts with the usual blast of selective alarums: “Since 2008, extreme rainfalls have increased in frequency and intensity, and roughly 20 of the most extreme events recorded...

28 Jun, 2023| News Roundup

Arctic in flames, film at 11

...2/3 of a degree. It also turns out that Verkhoyansk is known for weather extremes including a remarkable range between its bitter lows (average monthly temperature in January -45.4° C)...

08 Jul, 2020| News Roundup

#GettingWorse: Fatality rates from climate disasters

...look at data on floods, flash floods, coastal floods, extreme cold, extreme heat and wind. They first show that raw numbers of some of these hazards are increasing. But, they...

01 May, 2024| Science Notes

Then they came for the lawn

...start to the Times’ text: “This has been a year of extreme heat and extreme drought across much of the planet. We’ve all seen the pictures: cracked earth, roaring wildfires,...

07 Sep, 2022| OP ED Watch

Warming means fewer hurricanes

...areas where the smaller number of hurricanes had a greater tendency to be extreme ones. This happened in the Northwest Pacific near Japan, east of Madagascar and in a tiny...

15 Jul, 2020| Science Notes

So about that Arctic ice rebound...

...far cruder kind of misunderstanding about how you fit curves to data points… or at least how you should. To take an extreme example, if Arctic ice had gone down...

02 Oct, 2024| News Roundup

Do not ask questions

...they seem to have understood the website. On Fire was written by Naomi Klein, a controversial alarmist who pushes an extreme view on the need for radical climate policy to...

12 Feb, 2020| OP ED Watch

Back to heat deaths

...the CBC obliged with “What Canadians need to know about how climate change is affecting their health” followed by “Lancet report on health and climate highlights extreme heat, wildfire and...

10 Nov, 2021| OP ED Watch

The era of scalding rhetoric

...insisted that “Heatwaves kill more Americans than any other weather-related disaster.” And yet, they noted, Americans are moving en masse to the hot parts of the country. The headline told...

02 Aug, 2023| News Roundup

When volcanoes go bad

...the coauthors that the sky is more or less literally on fire: “Due to more frequent and more intense wildfires, as well as other extreme events, the composition of the...

08 Sep, 2021| News Roundup

But if the science is settled...

...really does tie himself in knots. He says: “Over the past few decades, climate scientists have made huge strides in understanding the future climate. But after recent weeks of extreme...

02 Aug, 2023| OP ED Watch

Yet another fake IPCC hockey stick

...years earlier: Aaaaaack. Devastating man-made warning in the mid-20th century. Horrible extreme weather, crop failure and mass extinction. We are all going to die. Except it’s a pure artifact. To...

13 Mar, 2024| Science Notes

Putting the war in warming

...the continent face higher levels of risk to extreme weather events, that study adds, as climate change makes them more frequent and more severe, outpacing the countries’ ability to adapt.”...

23 Mar, 2022| News Roundup

Scare stories we could do without

...awkward point that if the number has risen steadily since 1972, you either think climate change has been causing extreme weather for 50 years or you’re just throwing in a...

14 Jul, 2021| News Roundup

On climate you can say just anything

...average of 1.5 degrees Celsius higher than at the dawn of the industrial age, and extreme weather is becoming more frequent. But we now appear to be living through the...

05 Jun, 2024| OP ED Watch

So does Canada get serious?

...trends in extreme weather? Is there one provincial premier? As Binnion recently discovered to his dismay, the Quebec government and premier François Legault really think it’s OK to use fossil...

23 Mar, 2022| OP ED Watch

Alarmism eats your (ugh) school lunch

...of scarce water. Serving hamburgers supports an industry that generates planet-warming methane, accelerating extreme weather events that destroy homes and kill people. Add up all those extra hidden costs, and...

06 Nov, 2024| News Roundup

Washing away the economy

...obnoxious habit of seizing on a recent extreme weather event nobody predicted as proof of the theory that didn’t predict it. “Over the past two weeks, storms pummelling the New...

02 Sep, 2020| OP ED Watch

A century of drought in East Africa

From CO2Science: Droughts are a normal feature of climate capable of causing some of the most devastating natural disasters. And according to climate alarmist theory, such extreme weather events should...

02 Sep, 2020| Science Notes

Debate ends... again

...warning from the Met Office that the age of extreme weather has just begun.” In case you’re thinking it’s all getting rather stale, he does up the shrillness by rebranding...

04 Aug, 2021| OP ED Watch

We'll see your glacier and raise you an ocean

...and climate change. See “tornadoes are small. That makes them harder to model, and modeling is the primary tool that scientists use when attributing extreme weather events to climate change....

22 Dec, 2021| News Roundup

Hitting the beach

...And insurance companies who warn constantly of increases in extreme weather would be refusing to insure them. In short, follow the money, or watch what they do, not what they...

08 Apr, 2020| OP ED Watch

Aargh, what's this, scientific debate?

...say the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period existed. It claims that extreme weather increased dramatically as the planet cooled from the latter into the former, thus violating...

05 May, 2021| OP ED Watch

Down to two

...a rise in temperatures of more than 1.5 Celsius that would unleash more extreme weather and heat.” Which scientists? Unleash what exactly? You don’t need that to start your day,...

17 Apr, 2024| OP ED Watch

Bad on you, mate

...anxiety, not just because of all the extreme weather we’ve been having, but also because Australians fear that they are losing out on an economic opportunity.” One politicians and journalists...

01 Jun, 2022| OP ED Watch

We the people in charge

...were extremely high. As the Washington Post noted with misplaced sympathy: “Justice Elena Kagan, writing for herself and fellow liberal justices Stephen G. Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor, countered that the...

06 Jul, 2022| News Roundup

Must... have... oil...

...from the mass extinction of species to extreme weather and ecosystem changes that threaten global stability.” Scary yet vague. We’re not quite ready to open the sixth seal. But we...

11 Mar, 2020| News Roundup

Tornado roundup

...in, she quotes from the latest AR6 that “attribution of certain classes of extreme weather (eg, tornadoes) is beyond current modelling & theoretical capabilities”. Anyone claiming the story is simple...

22 Dec, 2021| Science Notes

And the kitchen sink too

...cubs. Finally, he says and we say told you so, extreme weather has not increased. Every politician, activist and online loudmouth hollers about hurricanes and wildfires. But not even the...

09 Dec, 2020| OP ED Watch

The end of winter, spring 2020 edition

...Or the wet early spring across much of the American south? Well see, it’s all about the extreme weather. “It’s this variability that leaves many wondering what the long-term trends...

04 Mar, 2020| OP ED Watch

Nothing beats panic

...evidence on things like extreme weather, and looks at what the IPCC really says instead of what people who didn’t bother reading its reports holler that it must have said,...

22 Feb, 2023| OP ED Watch

Not everyone got the memo

...change is accelerating with deadly consequences. The ecological systems that have sustained human life and societies for generations are being severely damaged by increasing heat and worsening extreme weather events.”...

21 Apr, 2021| OP ED Watch

Yay air travel

...but also the economic costs associated with extreme weather events, natural disasters and rising temperatures”. Who would consider videoconferencing with the need to mention that stuff to people who all...

11 Dec, 2024| News Roundup

Dare you to post it on Facebook

...guessed what the source is for this: the IPCC’s 2012 Special Report on Extreme Weather which reported (p. 176) “In the United States and Canada during the 20th century and...

21 Apr, 2021| Science Notes

Oh heh heh that invented data

The BBC, Paul Homewood notes, has been forced to retract fake claims about extreme weather based on a now discredited paper by Britain’s IPPR that we mentioned last week. Typically,...

06 Mar, 2019| News Roundup

IPCC Atlas on severe wind storms

We recently reported on the IPCC’s new map-based Atlas showing compilations of research on historical trends in all manner of climate data, including measures of extreme weather. Since politicians and...

21 Sep, 2022| Science Notes

The nub of the gist

...comments on our own website show all too well, alarmists very often take an “extreme weather has increased, case closed” approach to the complexities of climate. The first step in...

18 Mar, 2020| OP ED Watch

Stuff you're not allowed to know #4: floods

...Professor Alimonti’s assessment of global indicators of extreme weather we find the following statement regarding scientific evidence of flooding: “About floods it can be said that although evidence of an...

13 Sep, 2023| Science Notes

You don't need to see that information

...the Canadian economy billions annually.” Oh really? Where’d you get that number, given that historical data show no increase in extreme weather here? Or is it a state secret too?...

12 Jun, 2024| News Roundup

Dry scientific findings

...they have no clear reason to do so, almost as if the “extreme weather” mantra has convinced them dry conditions are an unprecedented novelty. But occasionally a glimmer of science...

29 Apr, 2020| Science Notes

Scientists don't say

...losses due to extreme weather. Economists and environmentalists had pushed the Biden administration to fundamentally change the climate modeling that's used to calculate social costs in ways that would increase...

17 Mar, 2021| OP ED Watch

Scientists say

...shift can be accomplished in the US by 2030 (Ocasio-Cortez 2019). Such claims are simply too extreme to be defended as aspirational. The complete decarbonization of the global energy supply...

17 Mar, 2021| Science Notes


...the “settled science” file, Heatmap tells us “We know dangerously little about how hot it’s getting inside” before insisting that “Heat is the deadliest extreme weather phenomenon in the United...

24 May, 2023| News Roundup

It's all over

...developing countries far short of the funds they need to build cleaner energy and cope with extreme weather. And it leaves unresolved the crucial question of exactly how the burden...

17 Nov, 2021| News Roundup

Comrade Rickford misspeaks

...is that politicians can even get themselves in trouble for quoting the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, with its very cautious assessments of things like extreme weather, rather than...

18 Dec, 2019| News Roundup

Don't let it snow

...course one explanation is to retreat into vagueness, blaming “extreme weather” on “climate change”. But as we have noted and will continue doing until it becomes as tedious as shoveling...

28 Oct, 2020| News Roundup

When scientists rebel

...in their adversaries, have no idea that the physics behind the models is not “simple”, that the data are not conclusive, that extreme weather is not demonstrably increasing or that,...

10 Jul, 2019| OP ED Watch

There they go again

...few weeks alone, extreme weather events continue to sweep the nation from the severe wildfires of the West to the devastating Midwest derecho and damaging Gulf Coast hurricanes,’ said Rostin...

16 Sep, 2020| News Roundup

If I could walk that way...

...people.” But to his discredit he then parroted the extreme alarmism in response to which massive civil disobedience is the logical result: “All these young people feel nothing is ever...

27 Oct, 2021| OP ED Watch

Saved by our valiant leaders, again and again

...cripple the economy. Unfortunately, it will be extremely difficult to do both at once.” And they never saw it coming. Plus he has to save the planet on the side....

01 Feb, 2023| OP ED Watch

Scientists discover talk is cheap

...usual untrue rubbish claims about extreme weather, scientific consensus, etc. But the themes of the messages differed. Some made appeals to patriotism, some offered doom-and-gloom warnings, some went in for...

21 Aug, 2024| Science Notes

We are all going to have died

...past decades the number of extreme weather events has increased by a factor of five in the WHO European Region, which covers 53 member states across Europe and Central Asia.”...

13 Dec, 2023| OP ED Watch

Carbon catch and release?

...to note, the problem with linking GHGs to an increase in extreme weather is that no such increase has occurred, making the alleged causal mechanism highly problematic, to say the...

20 Feb, 2019| Science Notes

Blimey, a climate emergency

...And Extinction Rebellion’s claims are almost without exception a load of codswallop unsupported by the facts about temperature, extreme weather or anything else including that politicians and the press had...

08 May, 2019| News Roundup

Let them eat nothing

...batteries and transmission lines – to harness widely dispersed, insufficient, intermittent, weather-dependent wind and solar energy to benefit Sub-Saharan Africans – are anything but clean, green, renewable or sustainable. In...

22 Jan, 2020| OP ED Watch

Vancouver: Where's the climate emergency?

...alarm. And what does the emergency consist of? Radically different weather than in decades past? Only if rhetoric counts as rainfall. As Ross McKitrick notes in his Vancouver Sun column,...

31 Jul, 2019| Climate Emergency Tour

The rain in America falls mainly on Democrats

...link between the changes in U.S. weather in the recent past to the larger trend of warming.” Whereas an innuendo about the indirect links, followed by a snide reference to...

31 Jul, 2019| Science Notes

415 ppm means we're all going to freeze

...as the Weather Network hyperventilates in telling us the last time CO2 hit 415 ppm there weren’t even people (making one wonder which emergent diseases AOC had in mind), it’s...

22 May, 2019| OP ED Watch

Cold winters and melting Arctic ice

...are out in force shouting about climate change, but if winter is cold they huddle indoors insisting it's just weather. But recently they upped their game, or at least their...

18 Sep, 2019| Science Notes

So about that storm

Or rather storms. Beginning in mid-December, it was as clear as it ever is with weather forecasting that something nasty was coming. Something cold, and cold kills more people than...

17 Feb, 2021| News Roundup

Climate air heads

...the onboard weather radar,’ says Paul Williams, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Reading and an international expert on the subject. ‘It is one of the few weather...

19 Apr, 2023| OP ED Watch

The Medieval cold inferno

...christened Durante di Alighiero degli Alighieri, mercifully shortened for non-Italian students to Dante Alighieri or just “Dante”. But it actually refers to a sudden spell of foul weather in the...

13 Jan, 2021| News Roundup

New CDN Feature: Everybody Knows

...claim being presented without question. This week our inaugural visit is to Huntsville, Alabama, where the local TV station showed just how bad the hot weather is getting. Since 1970...

17 Aug, 2022| Science Notes

It's hard to look away

...than 100 million people under weather alerts as massive storm moves east” because Ukraine is not the only story. Nor is it irrelevant to suggest that self-destructive green energy policies...

02 Mar, 2022| OP ED Watch

A demonstration we'd like to see

...thing, though, is that: “Silicate, which is based in Sligo, has developed an ‘enhanced weathering technology’ which aims to permanently remove millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere....

06 Dec, 2023| News Roundup

1919 or 2019? Victoria BC Edition

...are kept that governments use to forecast the weather in 2119. But we'll settle for just being able to tell whether rainfall in 2019 is so unusual compared to 1919...

10 Jun, 2020| 1919 or 2019

Don't say Canada will benefit

...nothing that comes of warming is good. Why, climate change will raise food prices in Canada by 4% next year. But wouldn’t warmer weather mean a longer growing season, unlike...

11 Dec, 2019| News Roundup

Hottest day ever... since 1979... models say

...If it’s so gol-durn hot, why does the weather seem normal to most people who aren’t journalists, politicians and climate activists? If the planet set a record, why didn’t your...

12 Jul, 2023| News Roundup

In case you were worried we would miss out

...prices and rent. While inflation is a global challenge – caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s illegal and unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine – we are helping families weather its...

21 Sep, 2022| News Roundup

Climate Emergency Tour: Black Thursday Edition

...so much better? Food production is up, malnutrition is down, literacy is up, poverty is down, etc. etc. But no, the alarmists cry, look at all the terrible weather we've...

11 Dec, 2019| Climate Emergency Tour

2023 hurricane season: worse than expected

In the upside-down world of climate science, where every bad thing is caused by climate change and there is a voracious need for weather disasters to prove just how bad...

06 Dec, 2023| Science Notes

Al Gore bombs in Davos

...bombs before. Nor is it a term meteorologists use. For instance, weatherzone.com asks “Is a ‘rain bomb’ really a thing?” And answers no: “there is no such thing as a...

22 Feb, 2023| Science Notes

They're dreaming of a brown Christmas

...be ice-free by summer 2027: What it means for weather, shipping and polar bears”. And from Scientific Communism: “The Arctic Could Be Functionally Ice-Free in Just a Few Years”.) Ten...

11 Dec, 2024| OP ED Watch

It's going to be a cold winter

At any rate, that’s what the Weather Network thinks, for Ottawa and much of Canada. But how can it be? Isn’t global warming, well, warming us up? Wasn’t 2019 the...

25 Sep, 2019| News Roundup

Models v reality: Economic impacts edition

Newsflash: We don’t heat our houses in hot weather. Too obvious to mention? Alas no. It’s the sort of detail that matters when grave experts gather to estimate the social...

04 Mar, 2020| Science Notes

And like clockwork

...Eastern U.S. this week.” No hesitation about causation. And then a fearless prediction that weather may happen: “As climate change continues, snowstorms are still going to be part of the...

29 Jan, 2025| News Roundup

Letter to a critic: Dear Idiot

...have the Internet on our computers so we checked and guess what? Same dismal weather. Someone better tell “the scientists”. Actually the data we obtained was not from within Glasgow...

24 Nov, 2021| OP ED Watch

Gross zero

...not as odd as it seems. Since many climate alarmists insist that the very mild warming since 1850 has already unleased “havoc” in the form of terrible weather we never...

07 Dec, 2022| News Roundup

It's called global for a reason

...minor changes in U.S. GHG emissions will affect the weather in the United States is scarcely more absurd than thinking changes in Irish emissions will affect the weather in Ireland....

21 Feb, 2024| OP ED Watch

Heat kills tropical plants

...habitats to ones that used to be cooler, away from the Equator toward the poles, in which case cold-weather life forms would hit the wall first (say, those obstinately flourishing...

22 Jul, 2020| News Roundup

CDN Bids Farewell

...climate policy.” Most Americans do not actually believe there’s a crisis, because all this supposedly worsening weather that sealed the deal for Kamala Harris was far more visible in the...

13 Nov, 2024| News Roundup

Bending the truth about the polar vortex

...jet stream would be getting bendier. Now they’ve discovered something else: the jet stream isn’t getting bendier at all. Sometimes cold weather is just cold weather. The article at phys.org...

18 Mar, 2020| Science Notes


...More from the random weather file: October 30th was Ottawa’s 208th consecutive day with a high above 6C. Which basically happens a lot here. It only made 10th place but,...

13 Nov, 2024| News Roundup


...becoming more common.” Could, might, maybe… or not. In fact hail is not unusual in warm weather in Mexico for reasons that are quite well understood. And there weren’t five...

10 Jul, 2019| News Roundup

Climate hammers

...French bees. No, really. According to The Guardian “French beekeepers expect their worst harvest in decades as unseasonably cold and wet weather due to climate change has prevented bees from...

27 Oct, 2021| News Roundup

You just realized it now?

...Emissions continue to climb, non-democratic non-Western nations thumb their noses at GHG reductions, and to hear alarmists tell it, the weather has become unspeakably foul once the avenging angel carbon...

29 Jan, 2025| OP ED Watch

The lack of fire next time

...won’t change the weather. Or the shortage of nurses. As Parker Gallant recently noted, very slightly over half of Canadian households use natural gas for heating. And the next great...

16 Feb, 2022| OP ED Watch

Hunga Tonga burnin' love

...vapour got injected into the stratosphere is hampered by a disagreement between estimates from weather balloons (50 Teragrams) and weather satellites (150 Tg), so the authors split the difference and...

12 Jun, 2024| Science Notes

And you know that how exactly?

...actual data, of all wretched things. Specifically, and h/t Tony Heller who has repeatedly attempted to draw people’s attention to this issue with limited success among the zealotry, weather record...

21 Aug, 2024| OP ED Watch

Mental gridlock

...issue a number of times recently, including people claiming something called “climate change” is making the weather different instead of grasping that the weather becoming different, for better, worse or...

24 Apr, 2024| News Roundup

Ottawa has a plan

...tiresomely asserts that virtually every important consequence of climate change will be bad. In “Appendix D: Climate Vulnerabilities and Risks by Focus Area” we find that warmer weather and less...

13 Jul, 2022| News Roundup


...girls, (and apparently the salary is a stingy $207,000) what has he actually done to save us from sinful bad weather, well, uh, there you have us. Irony can be...

13 Dec, 2023| News Roundup

Wait, greening?

...rainfall and soil moisture worldwide. Wait, what, greening? Yes. It turns out all that extra "carbon pollution" combined with slightly warmer weather has added so much foliage since the ‘80s...

17 Apr, 2019| Science Notes

#CoolClimateData: The satellite record

...method has withstood many challenges and has been validated independently by other data sets, including observations from weather balloons. You can see the Spencer-Christy data at the University of Alabama...

29 Mar, 2023| Science Notes

The end of winter 2.0

...story, South Shore’s high was 3C. Whereas in Ottawa it was… 3C. With rain. Oops. In the less drastic scenario where we do reduce emissions, Ottawa’s weather would supposedly turn...

20 Feb, 2019| Science Notes


...Concerns/ Scientists are worried about the effect this change could have on orbiting satellites, the ozone layer, and Earth’s weather.” Whereas if it were warming… And from the “summer is...

21 Jun, 2023| News Roundup

All bad all the time

...off a figurative or literal cliff. Which is why if there’s a bumper crop in, say, New South Wales, it’s just weather. It seems that news outlets have lost perspective...

30 Sep, 2020| OP ED Watch


...it’s nowhere near done. So they can do easy stuff like change the weather… but not hard things like twin an already existing pipeline. And another thing. Blacklock’s Reporter tells...

27 Mar, 2024| News Roundup

CO2 is bad for plants

...sage. You can say climate change makes penguins swim north to New Zealand, or that it brings cold weather and floods, or hot weather and floods. You can say it...

08 Dec, 2021| OP ED Watch

Good COP, bad COP

...“The world is already experiencing increasingly erratic weather, including stronger storms and more unpredictable and extreme rainfall patterns, leading to deluges in some places and droughts in others. Even if...

02 Nov, 2022| News Roundup

It went into the ground

...don’t know what would happen to the weather if they did suck out all the CO2 the US has added to the atmosphere since 1950, or 1988, or 2024 or...

24 Apr, 2024| OP ED Watch

A flood of conjecture

...of “trends” up or down. But that's the nature of weather. Flipping a coin repeatedly will cause some runs of heads or tails, and longer runs where one or the...

08 May, 2019| Science Notes

This time we fix Earth for real

...run more detailed weather models for research on solar geoengineering, said Kristen Rasmussen, a climate scientist at Colorado State University who is studying how human-made aerosols, which can be used...

19 Jul, 2023| OP ED Watch

They are all going to die, although...

...age is characterized by significant polar ice. And it matters that they are rare, because when discussing what “normal” weather consists of, and what nature would be up to absent...

21 Jul, 2021| OP ED Watch

Comments welcome, as long as you agree with us

...dangerous shifts in climate and weather. These real, observable changes are what we call climate change impacts because they are the visible ways that climate change is affecting the Earth....

01 Mar, 2023| OP ED Watch

Greenland is cool, man

...in running computers in heated labs that obediently do what their parameters tell them to than mucking about looking at actual weather stations on the ice caps they keep saying...

18 Dec, 2024| Science Notes

Not the usual wine

...taste better”. Even if they add an obligatory ominous “for now”. No, really. They actually admit that plants prefer warm weather. Next they’ll be letting on that CO2 is good...

18 Oct, 2023| News Roundup

Wrong kind of green

...without casualties however, with some farms hit by flooding, weather damage, harvest delays and, in some cases, the total loss of crops.” Well duh. When’s the last time farmers didn’t...

15 Jun, 2022| News Roundup

This just in: warmth, sunshine, CO2 good for crops

According to Iowa plant physiologist Dr. Jeff Schussler, global warming has yielded “particularly pleasant weather“ for North American crops since 1970. In a January talk at the Ontario Agricultural Conference...

01 Mar, 2023| Science Notes

Meanwhile at the carny

...suggest that if it “isn’t working”, and is instead offending people, it must have something to do with not accomplishing its general purpose of fixing the weather while making us...

05 Feb, 2025| News Roundup


...to climate change. ☀️🌡️/ 🌍 @environmentca is now assessing how human-caused climate change impacts severe weather.” 10C above average? So that 33C heat wave would have been 23C without “climate...

17 Jul, 2024| News Roundup

Credit where due: new data, new conclusions

...start hyping wildfires and climate, AFP says: “Neither human-induced climate change nor the El Niño weather phenomenon were determining factors in the devastating forest fires that killed more than 130...

28 Feb, 2024| Science Notes

Arctic sea ice: worse than we thought

...will be pleased to learn that Arctic sea ice is at higher levels now than it has been in 13 of the past 15 years. According to Perspectaweather, the North...

19 Feb, 2020| Science Notes

The original strike for climate

...of children, has been grotesquely common from Carthage to China, and from Tenochtitlan to Tanzania. So has bad weather. And variable weather. Indeed, the piece includes a chart of “El...

27 Sep, 2023| OP ED Watch

Quis custodiet ipsos fact chuckers?

...said global temperatures have risen 1.1 degrees Celsius since the 1850-1900 period due to humans burning fossil fuels, driving an increase in the intensity and frequency of weather disasters.” You...

26 Jan, 2022| News Roundup


...of fossil fuels” without explaining, and apparently without wondering or asking, how the wizards know what the weather would have been like in some other scenario, presumably one in which...

08 Jan, 2025| OP ED Watch

If only it were that easy

...a “silent majority” within the industry knows it. It’s a particular problem that they don’t work well in cold weather; as the Wall St. Journal pointedly asked, “Imagine if the...

18 Jan, 2023| OP ED Watch

This just in

...alive.’” Though what steps they could take to change the weather measurably in the next four years wasn’t totally clear. The UK government media outlet then committed a true howler,...

18 May, 2022| News Roundup

The elephant in the Arctic

...northern tip of Greenland.” And in their enthusiasm they are overlooking the extreme political incorrectness of the news that “During the region’s warm period, when average temperatures were 20 to...

14 Dec, 2022| OP ED Watch

The danger of looking things up

...National Archive in Chester Hill and found the actual handwritten records for the nearby official weather station at Brewarrina, showing 50.6°C on that day. Strange that the meteorological authorities couldn’t...

15 Jul, 2020| News Roundup

Intended yet somehow unexpected

...hot weather illustrates the threat from climate change caused by burning fossil fuels.” Or, as the Indians might understandably reply, the threat from not having enough energy to run the...

18 May, 2022| News Roundup

Meanwhile back on the real Earth

...arguably, the best time to try to give away billions to pay for bad weather on the other side of the world while continuing to hammer your own energy industry....

23 Nov, 2022| OP ED Watch

That was then, drought edition

...how climate change has shaped the disaster, but they know that global warming is sharply increasing the likelihood of extreme rain in the South Asia, home to a quarter of...

07 Sep, 2022| News Roundup


...of dollars annually on heating bills and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” according to federal cabinet propaganda. Except nobody did. Yet these politicians still think they can change the weather...

06 Mar, 2024| News Roundup

Everybody knows: climate change means more wind storms

...data friends at weatherstats.ca to obtain the available record on annual maximum wind gusts back to 1955. Here it is: https://fredericton.weatherstats.ca/charts/wind_gust_speed-yearly.html Yes, what you’re seeing is a downward trend. The...

23 Nov, 2022| Science Notes

Do they also get the cheese?

...summertime weather. And who wouldn’t prefer an old-time Blackpool beach scene to that awful Riviera? The idea is that by 2100 the UK could see a temperature over 40°C once...

15 Jul, 2020| OP ED Watch

The coral see

...Pacific El Niños, like those that occurred in 1997/98 and 2015/16 may be growing in intensity.’” So we’ve had unusual weather lately because we’ve had unusual ocean currents. But are...

15 May, 2019| Science Notes

New CDN Feature: The sunburnt lands up north

...a range between and -20C, March bounces between -10 and +5. So, not great tanning weather. Or great panicking weather. So we’ll keep looking for the heat up north next...

26 Jan, 2022| Science Notes

Meet SpongeBob, the climate scientist

...grants. And more headlines. The Euronews piece also insists that: “In the past several years, scientists have noted more extreme and harmful weather – floods, storms, droughts and heat waves...

06 Mar, 2024| OP ED Watch


...not in a scientifically good way. A trend to nowhere: thanks to the diligent, arguably obsessive “Ottawa Weather Records” account we learn that May 17 was “Ottawa’s 43rd consecutive day...

29 May, 2024| News Roundup

Raining cats and dogs

...too.) But the real story in the aftermath of the storm is the resilience of wealthy societies. Advanced economies are so well able to deal with problems, including bad weather,...

24 Jul, 2019| OP ED Watch

And your opera house gets it

...a paper.) You can’t believe the scale of the disaster: “Flooding, coastal erosion, landslides, strong winds, extreme heat, storms and cyclones are just some of the climate-related hazards hitting iconic...

04 Sep, 2024| News Roundup

RCP with your coffee?

...conclusion. The biggest contributor to increased yields hasn’t been genetically modified (GM) corn – it has been the longer growing seasons and mild weather promoted by climate change.” Whoa nelly....

09 Feb, 2022| News Roundup

Worse than a lie

...global GHG emissions are in consequence, calculate what difference this makes to the weather in Canada and then determine what this change in the weather does to the economic harm...

26 Jun, 2024| News Roundup

A hurricane for all seasons

...run. Or better yet, hide. Especially if you’re one of those people who says the weather is so obviously way worse today than ever in the past that the science...

02 Oct, 2024| News Roundup

Rhetoric melts ice sheets

A site called “Severe Weather Europe” tells us “An incredible temperature high of 18.3°C (65°F) has been measured in Antarctica! This is possibly the highest temperature on the continent since...

12 Feb, 2020| OP ED Watch

CDN by the lake

...out the extremes. In cool places and winter seasons, we heat and we insulate, using every trick in the book to keep deadly cold at bay. And when it’s hot...

27 Jul, 2022| OP ED Watch

Climate, son of Mordred

...whose episodes Min Bannister says “what a nice summer evening, typical English weather” and Henry Crun responds “yes, the rain is lovely and warm. Minnie, I think I'll take one...

12 Oct, 2022| News Roundup

Stand and don't deliver

...change the composition of the atmosphere in order to make the weather superb, it’s literal as well. Also speaking of reaching for the sky, as COP conferences gradually resigned themselves...

30 Oct, 2024| News Roundup

Climate Emergency Tour: Edmonton Edition

If you listen to its city councillors, Edmonton is facing a Climate Emergency. We prefer looking at the climate data, which is easily done courtesy of weatherstats.ca. Edmonton temperatures do...

11 Sep, 2019| Climate Emergency Tour

1919 or 2019: Really Flat Place Edition

On the prairies you can see the weather coming from far away. But if you want to see climate change, you might have to squint hard. One of these lines...

15 Apr, 2020| 1919 or 2019

Ten days in June

...or a lack thereof, that this statistic comes from the careful tabulator at Ottawa Weather Records, who always includes helpful tables of the various arcane records and semi-records he unearths....

24 Jul, 2024| OP ED Watch


...sea floor by Ocean Networks Canada in an effort to study the sponge’s response to the changing climate and weather patterns.” Sea sponges being, we say based on research the...

15 Jan, 2025| News Roundup

Death, where is thy sting?

...we expect the top item would be that there is an expert consensus, followed by it having warmed in the last 150 years, and then the weather getting worse, and...

20 Apr, 2022| News Roundup

More trouble in the tropical troposphere

...warming from greenhouse gases should be strongest and fastest. Thankfully there is data covering that region from both satellites and weather balloons although we don’t expect government agencies to make...

25 May, 2022| Science Notes

Al Gore rides the waves in Davos

...2015)” [IPCC SR1.5 p. 244] In the AR6 they had a bit more to say on the subject. In short they said that climatic events like droughts or weather disasters...

15 Mar, 2023| Science Notes

It's not really winter out your way

...own backyard. According to the data, Winnipeg will go from about having two weeks of 30 C weather to seven-and-a-half weeks by 2080. The data also shows that we will...

22 Jan, 2020| News Roundup

A 1,500-year temperature proxy from southwestern Greenland

...A relationship between the chironomid assemblage data and mean summer (JJA) temperature recorded at the Ivittuut weather station (AD 1873-1960) and at the Narsarsuaq weather station allowed the scientists to...

15 Mar, 2023| Science Notes

How Bad is CO2?

...to the atmosphere cause temperature to rise, weather to change, or anything else? If climate is very sensitive to CO2, everything we do matters. If it’s not, well, there’s no...

01 Mar, 2020| Backgrounders

How would you tell?

...seeks counterexamples before popping the corks or, in this case, tolling the funeral bell. The piece, in Euronews.green, leads off with “Wild weather swings from severe drought to heavy rains...

06 Sep, 2023| OP ED Watch

Do you want us to burn up?

...research suggests that we've ‘reached the point where a majority (perhaps a vast majority) of unprecedented extreme heat events globally have a detectable human influence.’” And the now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t prose style...

19 Jun, 2019| News Roundup

Clintel Report: Sundown on the IPCC

...solar cycles and weather cycles on Earth. And indeed they may be coincidences, because it is not always obvious why such changes in solar activity, very small as a percentage...

05 Jul, 2023| Science Notes

If I had a trillion dollars...

...one of the major problems plaguing humanity from time immemorial without also fixing the weather? Though if you put up your hand and mention the people who through a marvellously...

07 Apr, 2021| OP ED Watch

Oh Mann

...It almost seems as though the purpose here was not to vindicate Mann but to ruin Steyn, an acerbic and extremely popular right-wing commentator. It gets worse. To give such...

14 Feb, 2024| News Roundup

When in doubt, play the race card

...the rich poor, except the ones in charge. It’s that “settled science” again, this time from the “special rapporteur on extreme poverty” of the UN Human Rights Council, Philip Alston,...

03 Jul, 2019| OP ED Watch

No skyscrapers for you

...Hence if you drill down into the “livable climate” section of the “strategy”, once you get past the hoo-hah about “more intense heat, rising sea levels, and more extreme and...

01 May, 2019| News Roundup

Why in the sky

...weather all over the world. And still, clouds remain one of the least understood – or least reliably predictable – factors in our climate models. ‘They are among the biggest...

05 Jun, 2024| News Roundup

Scientists who say (1)

...adds, in lieu of evidence, “scientists say” or for variety “experts say”, supposedly putting the point beyond question. As in, “Climate change behind increases in extreme rain danger, scientists say.”...

16 Dec, 2020| Science Notes

Overdue cooling?

...may appear as an extremely intense cooling if the future natural climate is going to develop as an analog of some of the preceding warm periods.” Since this has indeed...

10 Apr, 2024| Science Notes

Green lurch

...the law is extremely unclear. … Here is how the Kamala Harris press release puts it: ‘COVID-19 has laid bare the realities of systemic racial, health, economic, and environmental injustices...

02 Sep, 2020| News Roundup

Clintel Report: Hiding the decline in the deep blue sea

...politicians into taking extreme measures. But clearly there is an element of model jiggery-pokery at work. Humlum concludes: “For coastal planning, as usual, observations from traditional tide gauges remain the...

02 Aug, 2023| Science Notes

The disappearing ice fields of Glacier National Park

...an extreme negative phase that persists for ~25 yr,” during which period the glaciers retreated “at rates of greater than 100 m/yr.” Continuing with their history, Pederson et al. report...

16 Nov, 2022| Science Notes

Right there in black and white

...al. 2020), based on models that use the implausible and extreme RCP8.5 ‘worst case’ climate change scenario (e.g. Hausfather and Peters 2020) that polar bear biologists find so compelling.” Of...

30 Nov, 2022| News Roundup

IPCC AR6: Streamflow, Unspun Edition

...variability (---) might affect the detection of trends in extreme daily streamflow events (---). However, these activities have a minor impact on annual streamflow compared to climate variations (---). Available...

12 Jan, 2022| Science Notes

Death and taxes

...relief. When the Trump administration finalized its long-anticipated plan to not proceed with the extreme end of Obama-era rules tightening motor vehicle fuel efficiency standards, which would have driven up...

08 Apr, 2020| News Roundup

The carbon-starved world of the last glacial maximum

...implying that “leaves of full-glacial trees had extremely low calculated ci values (averaging 113 ppm) that were 25% lower than in leaves of postglacial trees (ci of 150 ppm between...

21 Dec, 2022| Science Notes

We are all going to die of climate plagues

...scenarios of epidemics unleashed by global warming, scientists say.” Ah yes. The experts who say. And of course the governments who say. The Weather Network goes full metal alarmism, saying...

02 Sep, 2020| OP ED Watch

Fire freezes planet, plume at 11

...own weather system but may also be powerful enough to actually change the climate, according to scientists from Australia and the United States.” And everybody knows changing the climate is...

04 Aug, 2021| News Roundup

For peat's sake

...of urgency. The [research] collective is trying to keep pace with a well-funded and extremely motivated foe: mining companies. Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s dogged support of mineral extraction has led...

22 Mar, 2023| News Roundup

Climate porn fails to titillate

...economy instead. Porn is not too strong a term. For instance on the Daily Kos, an extremely popular left-wing American website, an April 1 article (the same day as Canada’s...

10 Apr, 2019| OP ED Watch

As hot as two decimal places

...instead quoted an NOAA scientist that “We need another dictionary to help us describe how these extremes continue to play out and unfold year after year”, instead of asking who...

13 Jan, 2021| News Roundup

Let's talk backlash

...his carbon tax hikes, insisted “he doesn’t understand why NDP is pulling back from carbon price support” in the face of its extreme unpopularity. Then there’s also Climate Home News...

17 Apr, 2024| News Roundup


...times. Finally, more settled science: “State-of-the-art climate models drastically underestimate how much extreme rainfall increases under global warming, according to a study published Monday that signals a future of more...

06 Dec, 2023| News Roundup

How not to report on climate

...(~775 ppmv) Cretaceous hothouse CO2 estimates, despite ample evidence of extreme warmth. Omitting Mesozoic stages increases the median hothouse CO2 value to 1199 ppmv, which is in better agreement with...

09 Oct, 2024| OP ED Watch

All fired up

...Forward” chipped in that a new study: “found a 27-fold increase in the number of Americans exposed to an extreme smoke day between 2006 and 2020. That was principally in...

14 Jun, 2023| News Roundup

Vultures circle collapsed building

...incidents are extremely unusual. At least in the developed world, where high construction standards both legal and moral mean very few buildings collapse. Miami, for instance, has a lot of...

30 Jun, 2021| News Roundup

Have a hot coffee

...know where they are, “The world has a coffee surplus and production is extremely robust.” And for anyone not given to curiosity about the globalized contents of their bowls, plates...

26 May, 2021| News Roundup

#GettingWorse: Global GHG emission trends

...simply are not on the extreme upward course the IPCC keeps claiming, and that means neither are climate damages. The data come from a useful tool provided by Resources for...

17 Apr, 2024| Science Notes

But we can call you names

...delights him. And reinforces his belief in uncritically swallowing the most extreme predictions by people who don’t know what the science actually says. Dude, the Enlightenment. You’re tipping it over....

01 Apr, 2020| OP ED Watch

Climate change not for the birds

...extremely unscientific. (Including Scientific American deciding the asteroid theory doesn’t explain the other mass extinctions and, for good measure, not the one 65 million years ago either; in all cases...

14 Jun, 2023| OP ED Watch

Nature is so unnatural

...for some people. As Miner recounts: “A friend sat with me and explained that she had just recovered from an episode of extreme climate grief brought about by studying rapidly...

13 Sep, 2023| News Roundup

Are skeptical science reports good for science?

[CDN Note: The CO2Science archive is extremely deep and sometimes we present older studies that remain timely and relevant, given that ideas that stand the test of time are the...

22 Dec, 2021| Science Notes

They figure you haven't suffered enough

Last week we noted an IRPP puff piece on renewable energy that breezed dogmatically past the extremely formidable engineering and physics obstacles and recommended massive electrification of major economies while...

21 Sep, 2022| OP ED Watch

Or out of it

...climate lockdown…. But now we’ve all seen proof that the kind of extreme cutbacks greens are proposing as part of a permanent solution to climate change don’t make a lot...

09 Dec, 2020| OP ED Watch


...a social construct or something and, well as in the old jingle, “Whssst chomp burp”. No, wait. All climate news remains bad. Hence the Weather Network thunders: “Severe storm risk...

13 Sep, 2023| News Roundup

Scientists beginning to say

...National Climate Assessment in 2018, itself a strained compilation of extreme worst-case scenarios that still couldn’t deliver the desired global meltdown.” Then he lists scientists who have finally had it...

21 Apr, 2021| OP ED Watch

There's that dang settled science again

...world “less tolerable to humanity, with greater climate extremes”, according to the study led by Hansen, the former Nasa scientist who issued a foundational warning about climate change to the...

08 Nov, 2023| OP ED Watch

The Michael Streisand effect

...here of which his audience is now more aware than ever: Mann is himself extremely rude and mean-spirited in his commentary, and a massive lawsuit against someone who criticized him...

21 Feb, 2024| News Roundup

Sweltering in Siberia

...we’re all going to die it’s liable to conjure up images of a vast network of extremely sophisticated, densely packed sensors, possibly waaaaay up in space, and scientists scrutinizing them...

04 Mar, 2020| Science Notes

Saved by the Biden

...Biden was, we feel obliged to point out, vice-president for eight years under the extremely talented and energetic Barack Obama, and between then they didn’t apparently get these things done....

27 Jan, 2021| OP ED Watch

Do not mention the sun

...a mystery: “The findings are ‘extremely exciting and unexpected, especially since Neptune’s previous period of low cloud activity was not nearly as dramatic and prolonged,’ [study lead author Erandi] Chavez...

13 Sep, 2023| OP ED Watch

It worked so well back home

...wildfires and droughts” as well as “societal problems like economic inequality and racial injustice”. (The truly affordable and reasonable answer to their list of weather extremes is simply to look...

06 Mar, 2019| News Roundup

Looking at the Sun

...to ridiculous extremes. Narrator: That bright yellow ball in the sky is basically Earth’s only source of energy, though a very small amount radiates from the planet’s hot core. The...

01 Jun, 2022| Backgrounders

Math am hard and so are economics

...also subject to a number of limitations. They typically do not adequately account for all sources of risk, including low probability high impact events, sea-level rise, extreme events and societal...

01 Jul, 2020| OP ED Watch

Dumbo farmers protest

...repeat that we are not fans of disruptive protests under all but the most extreme circumstances, and suspect that the typical protest including by farmers contains a strong element of...

21 Feb, 2024| News Roundup


...cold is merely weather (and also only happens in “snaps”, never waves or domes) it’s also yet another by-product of warming. The story added that “As the climate changes, he...

21 Feb, 2024| News Roundup

The gas stoves of death

...“The researchers based their projections on the emissions from stovetops from 53 homes across California” might have brought to mind phrases like “not very robust finding” and “extremely small sample”....

02 Feb, 2022| OP ED Watch

And about time

...interests, which will go a long way.” The question, we would add, is whether industry leaders will also finally start publicly questioning at least some of the more ludicrous extremes...

20 Mar, 2019| OP ED Watch

And forgive us our trespasses

...of context. You fiddle data in order to jeer at people. You tell people normal weather extremes are their fault. You terrify children so badly they need drugs to cope,...

25 Sep, 2019| OP ED Watch

Global warming saves lives

...on temperature extremes and cardiorespiratory deaths. Yes, it said, heat episodes can be fatal, accounting for barely 0.4 percent, as in four per thousand, of deaths in the US due...

06 Mar, 2019| Science Notes

Another alarmist hurricane claim blown aside

...la vie but ce n’est pas conditions météorologiques extrêmes. Despite which if you buy beachfront property in the path of Atlantic tropic storms, you should know by now what you're...

15 Jan, 2020| Science Notes

You just can't win with these people, hurricane edition

...uncertain whether past changes in Atlantic TC activity are outside the range of natural variability.” And one reason why is that Atlantic hurricanes are extremely variable annually and decadally and...

08 Jun, 2022| News Roundup

The stars foretell doom

...published this month in the journal Transportation Research called climate change an “existential threat” to public transit in Boston: Given the expected rate of rising sea waters, an extremely strong...

01 Sep, 2021| News Roundup

Scientific bloviation

...everyone’s just making stuff up. On and on it goes, including a Nov. 25 emailed “With extreme climate events forcing their hand, oceanographers are diving into research on chemical and...

11 Dec, 2024| OP ED Watch


...the way from Madrid to Montevideo, and sure enough “While such deaths are rare, researchers warn that climate change may be causing more extreme cases of turbulence, most likely because...

10 Jul, 2024| News Roundup

California summer: where did it go?

...below the long-term average. This remarkable run of unusually cool weather was linked to extreme oceanic conditions that prevailed over the same time period. As they describe it, “in less...

13 Sep, 2023| Science Notes

The "Simple Physics" Slogan

...model ocean currents very well. Convection is extremely difficult to model, you’re dealing with a turbulent process, the equations are very complicated and no one can model that very well....

16 Apr, 2019| Backgrounders

And Socrates thought he knew nothing

...We are moving full steam ahead with an ambitious climate plan.” But outside the suffocating world of computer models and press releases it’s extremely important that they don’t know what...

26 Apr, 2023| OP ED Watch

How It's Done: Tropical Cyclone Edition

...a scientist named James Kossin who insisted the IPCC proved it somewhere somehow: “It is extremely easy to show that. It is all there in black and white. There is...

11 Dec, 2024| Science Notes

Can't imagine why

Climate Home News is all sad that the latest extreme UN call to shut down everything to save the planet has not been warmly embraced at a practical level. See,...

21 Aug, 2019| OP ED Watch

Oh no, ozone recovery hides warming

...from 1921? Do they have data on its behaviour before 1850? No. Of course not. Air currents like ocean currents are extremely complex, non-linear phenomena. Plus if you plow far...

22 Sep, 2021| OP ED Watch

Well, wot about the workers?

...legally when there’s a problem.” When such people are becoming vocal about the extreme, life-destroying cost of climate change policies, even if they then whistle a bit into the wind...

18 Sep, 2024| OP ED Watch

We don't need no stinking snow

...period, when climate normals were first calculated, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. That means it’s getting wetter, but not snowier, with 80 percent of weather stations seeing...

16 Feb, 2022| News Roundup

So there's a market after all

...but rather than making a prudent transition we should leap into the freezing dark. Just as so many of them are irrationally hostile to the extremely low GHG, reliable base...

11 Jan, 2023| News Roundup

But not for thee

...Guardian, George Monbiot or his headline writer says “Make extreme wealth extinct: it’s the only way to avoid climate breakdown”. Which is the kind of thing that can fuel paranoia...

17 Nov, 2021| News Roundup

IPCC AR6: Atmospheric Rivers, Unspun Edition

...ARs occur throughout extratropical and polar regions (--) and are often associated with locally-heavy precipitation, including a substantial fraction of all midlatitude extreme precipitation events (--). ARs also affect East...

24 Nov, 2021| Science Notes

The first meeting of the Committee of Climate Safety

...lament about the wrong people being shipped to the scaffold: “Climate scientists are surprised to find that after years of promoting extreme climate scenarios they’ve become villains among the apocalypse...

16 Oct, 2024| OP ED Watch

Exposing the lies

...are extremely rare in large part because it is very hard to do something sinister on a grand scale while keeping it secret. To be blunt, paranoia is far more...

27 May, 2020| OP ED Watch

So about those glaciers

...Pole by now.” Instead even in grudgingly acknowledging it CNN kicks off its story “In a year of extreme heat, Antarctica’s last six months were the coldest on record.” Meanwhile,...

17 Nov, 2021| OP ED Watch

Where are the typhoons of yesteryear?

...lead Philippine delegate Yeb Sano declared “What my country is going through as a result of this extreme climate event is madness, the climate crisis is madness. We can stop...

24 Aug, 2022| Science Notes

So about that Miami

For some reason the claim that Miami is going under is trending again. Unlike the reality. Indeed the whole notion of accelerating sea level rise is under extreme downward pressure,...

10 Mar, 2021| News Roundup

Global chilling

In the midst of the climate crisis, with warming turning to heating to extreme heating, you might be caught off-guard by the news that there has been no boring old-fashioned...

08 Dec, 2021| News Roundup

Sudden climate change

...extremely sudden start and end of the Younger Dryas, he observes, rules out the customary orbital explanation for glaciation cycles, the “slow, Croll-Milankovitch orbital forcing, which occurs over many tens...

13 Jul, 2022| OP ED Watch

Or your coral gets it

...in 2017 than they were in 2014.” The story of course blamed the bleaching on global warming, saying Coral bleaching is a common response to extreme heat stress, and global...

25 Mar, 2020| Science Notes

If this is victory...

...by that date if not 2050 there may be other guesses. It’s also a fact that Africa’s population is increasingly escaping extreme poverty, which to some people, especially Malthusians, means...

08 Dec, 2021| News Roundup

UN-hyping global climate disasters in 2022

...António Guterres, who recently claimed that “The number of weather, climate and water-related disasters has increased by a factor of five over the past 50 years.” Climate scientist Roger Pielke...

11 Jan, 2023| Science Notes

Heck no, we won't go

...Mar offers an interesting defence of its position: too many people want to live in the allegedly soon-to-be flooded lands and the city can’t afford to buy any. “The extremely...

20 Nov, 2019| OP ED Watch
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