No sooner had fires erupted around Los Angeles than the vultures swooped hissing that it was climate change. Why, you might even get told “Human use of fire has produced an era of uncontrolled burning: Welcome to the Pyrocene”. And when it snowed in Florida, well, the Climate Adaptation Center went “How climate warming contributed to record snow in Florida”, to which Roger Pielke Jr. replied, “like clockwork”. And of course should it snow in LA, burn in Pensacola, flood in Kapuskasing or go dry in Managua, the little cuckoo will pop out and go “climate change” over and over as it always does.
The ravages of global heating in Pensacola, Florida Jan. 22, 2025 (courtesy of an alert reader who lives there) |
One California news outlet admitted that “The snow comes during an exceptionally cold pattern for the south.” But then it insisted that:
“According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Earth’s global average temperature has been rising since about 1850. Human activity including the burning of fossil fuels is accelerating the pace of that warming beyond what would occur naturally…. NOAA analyses show that ocean surface temperatures are rising faster than air temperatures. Warmer oceans can drive more intense evaporation and send more water vapor into the air for developing storms. More water vapor typically means heavy rain and snow rates.”
OK. So more snow despite that stuff about the end of winter. Got it. But in Florida?
Oh yes. You see:
“Of all regions on Earth’s surface, the Arctic is warming the fastest. This warming creates imbalances in the polar vortex, an area of powerful winds near the Arctic Circle.”
Oooh imbalances. It never used to happen, which we know because we don’t. But it must be so:
“When the polar vortex weakens, lobes of bitter, cold air can drop south and bring prolonged cold spells to the United States and other countries at the middle latitudes. This phenomenon led to the intense cold in the Eastern U.S. this week.”
No hesitation about causation. And then a fearless prediction that weather may happen:
“As climate change continues, snowstorms are still going to be part of the weather we experience. Shifts in moisture and temperature patterns will change where we see that snow and how much. Some regions could see significantly less snow in the long run as warming air favors more rain than snow. This is a concern for California, which relies on Sierra snowmelt as part of the state’s water supply. Changes in storm track patterns could also lead to relatively infrequent but unusually big snow events like what fell this week in the southern Gulf states.”
Could. Might. Unless it doesn’t.
Bloomberg wrote that:
“The region’s worst snowstorm in 130 years has seen as much as 10 inches pile up in New Orleans, according to public reports, smashing a record of 2.7 inches set in 1963. Temperatures fell to 26F (minus 3C) overnight. Similar accumulations of snow were recorded in Pensacola, Florida, and more than four inches hit the Houston area.”
And normally when you get a once-in-a-century event the media tell you it’s definitely proof that climate change has made it more frequent even with no data to support the claim. But in this case, crickets. Or not even those, given the temperature.
In fact often-loose talk of smashing records is appropriate here. As an AP story in the Winnipeg Free Press observed:
“Milton is just northeast of Pensacola, where 8.9 inches (22.6 centimeters) shattered the city’s previous all-time snow record of 3 inches (7.6 centimeters) set in 1895.”
As in nearly three times as much fell. So tell us the one about the end of winter again?
Human use of fire contributing to an era of uncontrolled fires?Like the human use of matches or lighters in the hands of an arsonist?Or a careless camper or cigarette smoker?I think Florida also saw snow around 1977,even in Miami!Wiped out the citrus crop that year.But then it was probably blamed on Global Cooling.That was the media narrative then,they ran with that for many years.Geez!
Born in 47 and remember several incidences of Florida orange crops taking a hit from Arctic cold. Nary a mention of a Polar Vortex.
We moved to Chilliwack, British Columbia in September of 2016 because the winters were normally shorter and warmer than Toronto except Mother Nature had other plans as the winter of 2016-17 was one of the worst in 30 years. Of course CBC or CTV, I can’t remember which, had some University Professor as part of evening news explaining with a chalk board how because of Climate Change the Polar Vortex bla bla bla has now changed and that this would be the “new normal” for Chilliwack and the Fraser Valley. Well, the “new normal” lasted one winter and for the next 8 winters, including this one we were back to the old normal. You can’t make this stuff up but apparently the alarmists can make up whatever they want with impunity.
I wonder if the fires could have been started by electric car or bike or scooter battery over charging???
I think the climate scammers have lost their mojo!
I’m all warm and fuzzy inside, because CDN used the picture of my snow covered Florida street. Or maybe that warm feeling is just Global Warming, since every thing else is. Funny, I thought “unfalsifiable,” was the definition of unscientific. If everything — warming, cold, flooding, drought, snow, no snow — all demonstrate Global Warming, doesn’t that make it “unfalsifiable?” I guess I just need to ignore my lying eyes and my freezing fingers from making Florida snowmen. Oh, excuse me, Florida snowpeople. .