Just in time for the holidays, a press release from the Canadian government announcing a handout (bien sur) says “Extreme weather events and natural disasters are a growing threat to the safety and economic stability of Canadian communities.” On the perennial question of whether alarmists think the climate breakdown thingy already happened, is happening now or is bearing down upon us they scoot back and forth with the time-bending agility of Santa himself. So it’s already here, is it? Can they point us to actual data showing that such things are increasing? Their own or, say, something specific in an IPCC report? Or does it just magically become true if they say it often enough?
They’re certainly giving the power of repetition the old bureaucratic try. Indeed the sentence “Extreme weather events… communities” has a tendency to turn up verbatim in press releases from other ministries, proving the robust independent originality of thought and expression that characterizes Canadian politicians. And Environment and Climate Change Canada, determined to politicize weather forecasting then complain about it, turns their traditional December wrap-up of wacky weather stories into dreary polemics in the 2024 edition by saying “With each year, Canada sees the impacts of climate change on weather events, making many extreme weather events more likely.”
With each year. Many events. Who writes this stuff?
Especially as they then list their “most impactful weather stories of 2024” (and who, at least among public-sector communications bureaucrats, can resist “most impactful” as a hook?) and three and a half involve wintery weather, from hailstones to a “winter wallop” to a “deep freeze”, all doubtless the ghastly consequence, of runaway heating, and one is hurricanes. Also the dreaded atmospheric rivers that were once heavy rain.
Evidently bad weather is a new thing. Which makes you wonder what they were babbling about in previous editions when they claimed there’d been “impactful” or possibly just severe storms before there was climate. But now, well, we’re climate-scarred veterans of the rhetorical wars:
“From coast to coast to coast, the severe and unseasonal weather events of 2024 left a memorable mark on the lives of Canadians across the country.”
Once again, they seem to think that no older person ever had a story about a bad storm when they were a kid. Still, we ask whether these severe weather events are really “unseasonal”. Not in the sense that hail isn’t typical summer weather but in the sense that we never had storms remarkable among other things for coming at a surprising time of year until Al Gore’s documentary came along, or Michael Mann’s hockey stick.
So is there any data here? Or just the usual arm-waving about how “Human-caused climate change is increasing the intensity of many severe weather events in Canada”?
Data? We don’t need no stinking data. But alas talk is not cheap when politicians do it. Thus a run-of-the-mill press release to the effect that “Upgrades to disaster mitigation infrastructure to help protect Gingolx Harbour” on the grounds that “Gingolx Harbour faces increasing risks from stronger storms and rising sea levels, which could result in catastrophic damage to the harbour and the sea crafts that use it” carries a price tag of “nearly $20 million”.
Of course the government isn’t merely spending that sum, a banal word and an old-fashioned one. Now, naturally, it’s an “investment”, making it more expensive and pretentious. But speaking of data, Gingolx is right near Ketchikan, Alaska where, as we pointed out five years ago, NOAA data show a steady decline in sea levels over the last century. So the oceans are not rising… unlike the spending, misinformation and polysyllabic verbiage.
Governments faithfully follow the Goebbels doctrine
On repeating the lie
It's worth repeating H.L.Mencken's, by now hundred year old remark, that “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary”.
All well and good, but when are you people going to rid the world of Baby Castro? This guy's government has collapsed, 80% of Canadians want him gone but there he sits. You Canadians need to take up arms....oh wait, you guys relinquished your firearms. Sheeeesh!
Indeed.And Climate Barbie was recorded repeating Goebbels words fairly closely,when she thought no one else was listening.Ironically,I just that Mckenna is now calling for Trudeau to step down as Liberal leader.
They forgot the 64 earthquake of course caused by Global Warming. $500 million damages. Also the Exxon Valdez spill. This is all bovine scatology on steroids.
Thomas: You are absolutely correct in that Canadians continue to coddle and forgive "baby Castro".
Although this point only barely connects to the theme of the article, it nevertheless is relevant. Before we become all hot and bothered about the current political state in Canada, we must ask ourselves (and answer truthfully), what is the real reason that this terrorist dictator is at the helm in Canada(?).
In short, we are allowing him to be there and we are allowing him to do whatever he wants with our country and our lives. We've allowed our politics to devolve into a situation where our elected(?) politicians no longer represent the people, where they make decisions without consulting the people, where they decide on their own salaries and pensions, where they have placed themselves firmly above the law, and so forth.
If we are really serious about change, we must work to make sure that the next leaders no longer enjoy such unrestrained freedom of action, without repercussions for their actions.
Most of us will have that choice in the next election. Will we be smart enough to seize the opportunity?
Mencken's rule for "practical politics" can be implemented by large gestures, "Scientists say, Do as we say or you, your kids and the planet will die!" or by small, almost unnoticed ones like substituting undefined "normal" for "seasonal average" in a weather report. "Hey presto, abracadabra!", you are instantly transported to a perpetually "abnormal" world and should be afraid, very afraid.
Fear + Guilt, the magic formula for control.
Especially with regard to 'Global Warming/Boiling etc.', I cannot think of the politicians involved without recalling the words of the Irish writer Flann O'Brien (Brian O'Nolan), '[They] are professional politicians, in the sense that otherwise they would not be given jobs minding mice at crossroads.'
This week it seems, and far too late to avoid the damage he causes