John Robson holds a Ph.D. in American History from the University of Texas at Austin and has worked as a historian, policy analyst, journalist and documentary filmmaker for three decades. He has been examining the climate change issue for many years, including both the science and the policy debates.
The Climate Discussion Nexus began with some start-up seed money and depends for its ongoing operation on crowd-sourced donations. We are a small organization, despite what some people have assumed from the quality of our videos. The start-up money is behind an organizational firewall and we have no idea what our crowd-sourced donors do for a living unless they write and tell us. In either case, our backers have no editorial input whether or not they choose to identify themselves.
Questions about funding often imply, or state outright, that we take money from the fossil fuel industry and that doing so somehow compromises our integrity. Because we do not believe fossil fuels are having a disastrous effect on climate we would feel no unease at all in receiving donations from people in the energy sector. On the contrary, we regard Canada’s energy industry as a world leader in everything from technology to environmental and labour standards and a vital contributor to our way of life, and believe those in it ought to be more vigorous in defence of what they do. Including clicking on the “Donate” button below.