Periodically someone sends us a paper, a video or just some reflections to the effect that “Greenhouse-warming theory has never been verified by experiment”. And it has a slightly annoying “gotcha” feel because some key aspects of AGW certainly have been experimentally verified, like that CO2 absorbs and scatters infrared radiation at certain frequencies, as does water vapour. But unlike silly assertions that someone just refuted all the conventional physics behind claims of man-made climate change, the point about experimental verification contains an important truth so large it’s hard for either side to see. It is that the overall global warming theory, even in its non-hysterical version, relies on assembling a bunch of individually sound pieces of science and logic into a vast speculative theoretical construct that not only hasn’t been tested in a laboratory, it couldn’t be, because you’d need one as big and complicated as the Earth, with all the processes that operate there. The Earth, in fact. So it’s no good saying what’s happening now is explained by a theory that was proved somewhere else. What’s happening now is the test, and its results are necessarily hugely ambiguous.
Some people think not. They say the huge increases in extreme weather prove that we’ve busted the planet. Which isn’t true on two grounds, the first being that not even the IPCC thinks there have been increases in extreme weather, let alone huge ones. And the second being that if the weather had gotten measurably worse, it still wouldn’t prove that it was because the planet had warmed, let alone that we had warmed the planet.
If natural climate changes happen, and always have, it is clearly within the realm of possibility that sometimes the weather gets a lot worse and it’s not our fault. Or that it gets a lot better and we can’t claim credit. It’s even possible that in a fairly stable climate, in terms of long-term averages of temperature and even things like precipitation, there could be a lot of short-term variability, some of it nasty. The climate really is very complicated, logically as well as scientifically. And it is a vital part of the picture that alarmists often neglect, and is usefully captured by the point that while bits and pieces of their theory can be demonstrated in a lab, the vast majority cannot. For instance that small temperature increases due to rising CO2 change the water vapour content of the atmosphere in ways that then cause large increases in temperature.
It could happen, sure. But it also might not. And there’s no gotcha here. Those who offer cash for anyone who “proves” global warming theory miss the point. Bits and pieces of this ramshackle intellectual edifice can be proven and have been. It’s how they fit together that’s the puzzle. And what a puzzle.
As we’ve frequently observed and frequently been ignored, surprisingly modest physical systems can become transcomputably complex surprisingly fast. It’s why, for instance, airplanes have to be tested in practice after being designed according to sound principles: turbulence is chaotic.
Moreover, chaos theory was not discovered by observing the whole planet over long periods of time, and it does not only affect things of that sort. But it certainly does affect them. So those who claim that because we know that in a lab CO2 will absorb and scatter infrared radiation, we know that cars are causing typhoons are guilty of cartoonish oversimplification verging on insolence. It doesn’t mean this behaviour by CO2 can be dismissed out of hand. But it also doesn’t mean proof of AGW is in our hands… or easily could be.
We also get critics of our position brushing such considerations aside by claiming that if we don’t know if the theory is correct we must play it safe, assume it is, and react accordingly. Which doesn’t even hold up in theory, let alone prove that their favoured reaction would be logical if the theory were true. We cannot possibly react in this manner to every potential threat even if the proposed remedies are minor. And we definitely should not try in situations where the proposed remedies are drastic, even arguably worse than the disease.
If we are told, for instance that purple dragons might be coming to devour everyone and their stuff, and we must slay every maiden in the kingdom to appease them, it is clear that the remedy is so drastic that the burden of proof is on those who claim to see the dragons and know what they intend and what would make them go away. Which is not a far-fetched analogy given that the policies advocated to “stop” warming really would have disastrous impacts on human flourishing or even survival.
Since it’s arguably far-fetched on other grounds, let us offer a less exotic economistic example. Such alarmists have compared the situation to buying insurance against unlikely but catastrophic possibilities, such as house fires. But the analogy breaks down if we are asked to pay premiums that will exceed the cost of the house within a decade, and pay nothing in the event of fire. In the case of climate change, most of the “prevent don’t adapt” policies will cost more than any plausible estimate of the harm, while preventing nothing.
All of which means there’s no way around the heavy lifting here. Certain well-established principles of physics do mean that, if they interact in ways hypothesized in some quarters and assembled in computer models that drastically oversimplify reality, human GHGs could cause not just warming but disastrous impacts of warming. But we cannot perform a definitive or even approximate test of whether they do so in a lab. We can only do it by observing the Earth. One Earth. One mind-bogglingly complicated Earth.
In a scientifically perfect world, we might have hundreds of Earths we could expose to subtly different inputs of CO2, methane or what have you. Though frankly there is nothing in our experience of this Earth that gives confidence that we could manipulate atmospheric CO2 if we tried; the carbon cycle is so huge, and the human contribution so small, that the assumption that all natural carbon is absorbed and about only half the human kind is itself not science but a rejection of science in favour of something easier but of no practical relevance.
For our part, we lean on historical evidence because it’s the closest thing we have to a controlled experiment. Not multiple Earths, but one Earth going through multiple scenarios. And we say again that when you test the theory that CO2 drives temperature against what we think we know about virtually any period in the history of our planet, it almost never checks out. That it seemed to from 1980 to 2000 may cause nostalgia in people who were young then. But once again, that sort of thing is not scientific evidence.
Here we also respond to a reader who asked us about the melting of the Matterhorn glacier. The Washington Post predictably fingers climate change as the bodies of climbers are recovered, “a grisly discovery that underscores the unforgiving nature of the world’s highest summits and how climate change is warping the magnificent peaks.”
Boo climate change. Warping magnificent peaks. And we all know mountains were straight until recently. But hold on a sec. In the interest of science, let’s consider the Post’s further lament that:
“Rising temperatures and melting glaciers have not only revealed more bodies, but also made the journey for other climbers even more dangerous, as melting permafrost increases the risk of landslides and rockfall. The volume of alpine glaciers has shrunk by about 60 percent since the mid-19th century, according to the Swiss National Center for Climate Services, and annual snow days have also decreased since at least the 1970s.”
OK then. The glaciers have been retreating steadily for nearly two centuries, and snowfall has diminished for at least half a century. So when did the human impact become significant? Because if things have been going on steadily since before that time, we didn’t do it. Cause cannot follow effect. Science doesn’t allow it.
P.S. The Post, undaunted, offers a “More on climate change” selection at the end of the Matterhorn story whose first item blares “Understanding our climate: Global warming is a real phenomenon, and weather disasters are undeniably linked to it. As temperatures rise, heat waves are more often sweeping the globe — and parts of the world are becoming too hot to survive.”
P.P.S. As for the question of whether it’s been proved that “warming” is “bad”, it really misses the point. How much warming? How fast? From what starting point? With what criteria of “good” and “bad”? If it’s cold and gets warmer, biodiversity increases, which sounds good. But there’s an austere beauty to an Arctic landscape, and some venomous or just really disgusting stuff in a jungle. A planet above a certain temperature would be lifeless, as one below it would be, and presumably lifeless is bad. But is Saturn “bad”?
Oetzi, the Neolithic mummy, was found under a rock shelter when glaciers retreated. Since, according to dogma, glaciers are always retreating and the earth was never warmer, presumably Oetzi had a long-lost ice auger and drilled a hole deep into a glacier so that he could bury himself.
You have missed the boat again JR. Yes, "some key aspects of AGW certainly have been experimentally verified, like that CO2 absorbs and scatters infrared radiation at certain frequencies" but the concentration of CO2 in the overall volume of air is so small (400 ppm vs 790,000 ppm nitrogen and 200,000 ppm oxygen) that your isolated infrared test is completely meaningless. If you really want to know the heat absorbing effect of say doubling CO2 content on air, then the standard "specific heat" test in the lab is the appropriate measuring stick. Also, you don't need a "vast theoretical construct" to simulate the net effect of CO2 concentration in our atmosphere because the overall system is the simplest form of thermodynamic equilibrium - the free expansion and as Joule discovered in 1840 "there is no work done on the system as a whole in a free expansion". What this means is that all you have to do is duplicate the conditions (heat source, temperature, pressure, moisture contents, wind velocities) in your experimental set up, let it expand to the desired equilibrium state and then run these tests on both sides of the CO2 ledger ! As you well know, that's what our ACTS (see will accomplish at the appropriate scale and no, you don't need the entire earth to do so. That's just you bogging yourself down in minutia and making the problem a lot more complicated than it needs to be. Michael Faraday did not need to build a full scale electric motor to discover the operating principle governing electromagnetism. All he needed was a magnet, some iron filings and a great deal of insight. Unfortunately for us today, the days of cheap experiments are over but to suggest that you can substitute them for statistical algorithms or historical generalities is just foolish. There's no alternative here. Pay the piper and get on with it.
You'll be claiming the $10,000.00 then?
Ok thanks and I'll put it towards my bet on the ECS results lottery.
Can someone explain the use of the term decarbonization. Carbon is the 6th element in the periodic table. CO2 is a gas with 1 carbon molecule and 2 oxygen molecules. How do you decarbonize without removing lifeforms on earth, animals plants rocks etc. Is this a misuse or an inaccurate use of the term? What do they mean when they use this increasingly common term?
As Australian scientist Ian Plimer has stated,there is not one shred of evidence to prove that the increase in temps since the end of the Little Ice Age is caused by the increase in CO2 ppm.The temperature always increased during the many warming periods since the last major Ice Age ended,all without input from humans,and at relatively low CO2 levels.And to repeat the broken record,there is no trend of increasing extreme weather,period!
Just a few examples to show how good engineering design can help you see through the “minutia” and get to the forces that actually control and drive the entire thermodynamic system:
1. It is not necessary to duplicate the exact process involved in evaporation. It is only necessary to duplicate the net consequence of same which is the moisture content of the air in the atmosphere as a whole. Fortunately this condition is rather small in the big “system” of things, ie, .1% to 4%. In other words, from a thermodynamic point of view, the atmosphere doesn’t care how the m/c got there as long as it gets there and in the right quantity. Therefore, this part of the ACTS simulation is an accurate duplication of the actual “ in- situ” condition. The fact that this condition exists in a system that’s in “free expansion” makes the control of same a lot easier than it would otherwise be. For example, the control of pressure under all conditions can be accomplished by using standard expansion tanks on the top of each and every cell of the ACTS. In this way the system is allowed to “breathe” just like the atmosphere does in free expansion.
2. The exact same principle applies to wind velocity. It is not necessary to generate a diurnal action when the net mixing effect can be achieved with a fan whose net energy input can be easily accounted for. Again, the amount of work (W) added is very small relative to the amount heat (Q) added from our solar reactor “sun” and of course, the free expansion plays the same role in our favor.
So there you have it JR. If I am wrong in any way, go ahead and make your case. “Prove it” !