A new assessment of extreme weather trends: floods
...lead to a mindless chorus about climate change. In our continuing review of the new assessment of global indicators of extreme weather we find the following regarding scientific evidence of...
...lead to a mindless chorus about climate change. In our continuing review of the new assessment of global indicators of extreme weather we find the following regarding scientific evidence of...
Via Roger Pielke Jr. we have learned of a new comprehensive assessment of extreme weather trends published in The European Physical Journal Plus. The authors go systematically through the major...
We continue our summary of a comprehensive new peer-reviewed survey of extreme weather trends, this week looking at droughts. The imagery of droughts is reliably horrifying, so whenever the media...
We continue our review of the latest published assessment of worldwide indicators of extreme weather, this week turning to the discussion of extreme precipitation. The authors present evidence that there...
...problems in place (energy, agricultural-food, health, etc.) with a more objective and constructive spirit, with the goal of arriving at a weighted assessment of the actions to be taken without...
We continue our summary of a new peer-reviewed survey of extreme weather trends with a topic that few alarmists seem to want to touch on: the greening of the planet...
Last week we drew attention to a new, detailed peer-reviewed analysis of extreme weather trends. Yes, yes, very boring, we all know there’s nothing to report. But the trouble is...
...informing Americans about the grave perils of climate change in dozens of assessments, reports and special studies since 2000. This prodigious output includes four full-scale multi-volume National Assessment Reports, with...
...doesn’t really count as a lie since everybody knew they were lying, they knew we knew, and we knew they knew we knew. But notwithstanding all the lying they should...
...to global warming), or reduced water temperatures”. Still, in the wacky world of climate, all news is bad news. Hence this assessment from Bar-Ilan University, via EurekAlert! in 2021: Narrator:...
...backbone and no principles.” He takes particular aim at an Op Ed in the New York Daily News, whose circulation collapsed from over two million in the post-World War II...
And boy was it big. The news in question is that a new United Nations report, this one from UNEP rather than the UNCCCP or some such entity (actually UNFCCC)...
...the Royal New Zealand Navy and the New Zealand Army.” Where exactly it plans to transport the New Zealand Army to is not obvious. And while we do not wish...
Canary Media says “Landmark transmission reform could dramatically speed US energy transition”. Transition to complete dysfunction, apparently. The New York Times blares that “New Rules to Overhaul Electric Grids Could...
...no new roads for the growing population” while a National Post headline complained “Steven Guilbeault’s latest command – no new roads for all the electric cars”, which is a particularly...
...to their great credit, wrote a letter to the editor of the journal that published their paper and said “When we add these new years to the previous results, the...
In Part 2 of our tour of the new Clintel Analysis of the IPCC AR6 Report we summarize their look at the IPCC’s latest hockey stick. CDN readers know that...
...that has been hitting New England and other states. Many in New England woke up to neighborhoods blanketed in white Wednesday morning with 3 feet of snow recorded in Moriah,...
In the National Post Rex Murphy lowers the boom on the new American left’s “Green New Deal”, crediting Ocasio-Cortez for being “a Greener who says what is on the Green...
...no agreement even about the direction of any global trend. A year later, many of the same experts put out a new paper to elaborate on the science. Their bottom...
...study day in and day out. The science went this way so it didn’t make the news. But it is news, and it’s good news. Steam, butter and share accordingly....
...instead of once. And, Somini Sengupta, the Times’s global climate correspondent, will be your new guide to the latest news and ideas as the newsletter’s lead writer. Please stay tuned...
As British voters on July 4 gave a large parliamentary majority to a new New Labour party, they were given immediate grounds for wondering what they’d gotten themselves into. News...
...75%. Why aren’t they? Well, the Times comes clean to its readers. They cost way too much: “An assortment of recent obstacles to projects in New York, New Jersey and...
...a newly published paper on this topic, Lynch et al. (2020) present a detailed overview of this “heat hypothesis” in which warming temperatures are postulated to produce more crime. In...
...snidely that “hitting its climate goals will require a total reversal of New Zealand’s current trajectory. New Zealand is one of the world’s worst performers on emission increases. Its emissions...
...Prime Minister of New Zealand who stepped in when Jacinda Ardern collapsed with “Canada and New Zealand enjoy a close relationship based on strong ties between our people, common values,...
The New York Times “Climate Forward” tells us triumphantly that “Biden Administration Issues Rules Aimed at Phasing Out Gas Cars/ The regulations, designed to ensure that most new cars and...
...especially Donald Trump. Leonhardt says the rain is exceptionally heavy and such events are “the new normal”. And the data say otherwise. According to Leonhardt, “Extreme rain is the new...
...gas operations; developing rigorous new fuel economy standards aimed at ensuring 100 per cent of new sales for light- and medium-duty vehicles will be zero emissions and annual improvements for...
It’s old news that the legacy media insist on calling heat climate and cold weather. But we will continue to point it out because it’s an important, ongoing source of,...
...going to zero in 2050 that Newfoundland’s minister should be fantasizing over. Here’s something to chew on: Newfoundland itself might not be around in 2050. There might not be a...
...Canary Media starts rather gloomily that “The Biden administration is poised to propose new regulations for coal- and gas-burning power plants, which could breathe new life into a long-beleaguered technology.”...
...herd of independent minds again) are involved with the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report whose excellence they find so excellent. This new attitude toward authority among those who think they have...
...or less evenly ever since including in the last 50 years. So there is nothing new about a gentle rise in the oceans, and no new surge either. (There are...
...The Conversation offering a “Welcome to the new abnormal” had the gall to claim that: “The most recent international climate assessment from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change...
No skyscrapers for you New York City mayor Bill de Blasio just struck a mighty blow against his own city, if not climate change, by banning the construction of glass-and-steel...
...bigger tastier veggies, comes in a new peer-reviewed journal article, summarized by Patrick Michaels at Judith Curry’s Climate Etc. blog, showing that the rise in atmospheric CO2 has yielded a...
...have been news to some, including those who report the news. But if you followed the skeptical blogosphere you knew a decade ago that a fungus was the likely culprit....
The current state of climate policy discussion furnishes more tentative confirmation of J. Budziszewski’s democracy-sustaining claim that people are logical, slowly. As long as the Green New Deal was some...
One politician who seems to have become exhausted by their efforts to remake the world through soothingly inspiring rhetoric is the Prime Minister of New Zealand. Jacinda Ardern just quit...
...beyond New York: Cities such as Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles are also confronting outbreaks.” Which makes it hard to ascribe to factors particular to New York including these famous...
...Hence “Families in western New York were scrambling to find food, medicine and other essentials Monday after a historic blizzard blocked roads and cut off electricity, forcing many major supermarkets...
...and, with it, credibility. For instance that NBC “news” story above was published “in partnership with InsideClimate News, a nonprofit, independent news outlet that covers climate, energy and the environment,...
In what the Manhattan Contrarian rightly labels “Comedy Gold,” a new climate fad is to signal one’s virtue by seeking psychological help to prevent a nervous breakdown over “the state...
...fossil fuel-powered electricity. Plus, there is a risk of more natural gas generation of electricity in the coming years in most provinces without new federal and provincial regulations.” Risk, you...
...bet on the opposite occurring. Which might help if your job now requires you to forecast something called “climate risk.” The New York Times celebrates the U.S. Securities and Exchange...
Professor Nicola Scaffeta of the University of Naples Department of Earth Sciences has just published a detailed, peer-reviewed assessment of the latest generation of global climate models. He begins by...
Another major leap forward into fantasy from the Deep Ecologists. In response to criticism from Jonah Goldberg of the prohibitive cost of the Green New Deal (and now would not...
...are disturbingly prone to burst savagely into flames. As JoNova recently pointed out, six people have died in New York in 2022 alone in house fires started by humble e-bikes....
...and its impact on health is the focus of today’s newsletter as extreme heat waves have taken the lives of hundreds in India and Saudi Arabia this week.” They’re just...
...consequential impacts”) and what you find usually isn’t pretty. New Zealand is. But even those who have watched The Lord of the Rings, several times, may not grasp that New...
...easy. But stay tuned because “New research Pettit presented to a meeting of the American Geophysical Union in New Orleans suggests the final collapse of the ice shelf may occur...
...helping to reduce emissions and develop new, cleaner technologies and energy sources.” The strategy of borrowing the alarmists’ slogans and conceding their assumptions then hoping everyone will somehow nevertheless come...
...more effective than lumbering dinosaur fossil fuels, and they still do, like so many people indignantly lecturing us on social media. Consider this news story from the Guardian in late...
...mere planet seems incapable of: get a lot hotter. Yes, the new 6th-generation suite of climate models apparently has some impressive new tweaks and features, such as being able to...
...when the ferocious Tropical Storm Henri failed to make landfall as a hurricane in New England, nobody went “Oh yeah, not such a big deal.” Instead the New York Times...
...or other new energy capacity”. And if they had some working batteries we could definitely add them along with other capacity… if I had some working new energy capacity, whatever...
...megaprojects recently and our particularly feeble performance on those involving energy. It is also important that green zealots insist that we could build their fanciful new economy at the same...
Oh joy. Just in time for summer we are offered “A new way to talk about heat”. The New York Times piece kicks off with: “Last month was not only...
...a warm landscape for about 10 thousand years before a new ice age starts up again. The warm intervals are called “interglacials” and the one we’re currently in, called the...
...when it’s climate alarmism they’re suddenly wishing he’d wave his sceptre. It turns out that the new Prince of Wales, William, did attend Climate Week in New York. Though we...
...grids. That’s the warning from a new report that finds there will be truly massive future power needs for EV charging in New York and Massachusetts, two states that have...
...in New York City, followed by the UN Climate Ambition Summit on September 20, 2023 in New York City, along with, as the New York Times “Climate Forward” boasted, “A...
...not write headlines, for better or worse, the CBC nailed it with this one “U.S. climate summit: Canada needs new and better policies, not another round of target bingo”. Bingo...
According to [news source] an [iconic thing] in [an iconic place] is going to get it because of climate change. Fill in the blanks and reprint as needed. This time...
The New York Times warns us that “Home Insurance Rates in America Are Wildly Distorted. Here’s Why. Climate change is driving rates higher, but not always in areas with the...
...better by absorbing CO2 more efficiently, so both existing and new plants draw more of it from the air. When there’s less CO2, plants die back and less CO2 is...
...pensions are among the biggest shareholders in a modern economy. In this case the New York City Employees’ Retirement System, the Teachers’ Retirement System of the City of New York,...
...leave less snow to run off in the spring. The authors of the new assessment make a similar comment: “Some reasons of the decrease in flood magnitudes are listed by...
...the climate emergency. You may have missed that they just released Volume II of their 6th Assessment Report called “Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability” since, Climate Home News...
...ways to make it worse. Thus the New York Times chortles “California to Ban the Sale of New Gasoline Cars/ The decision, to take effect by 2035, will very likely...
Oh yes you will. A big scary headline says the earth is warming faster than settled science said. Actually, not quite: only inside climate models. Science magazine says “New climate...
As we stated last week, Professor Nicola Scaffeta of the University of Naples Department of Earth Sciences has published a detailed, peer-reviewed assessment of the latest generation of global climate...
...ocean. Once that happens, a new ice cliff farther back would be exposed, and the new cliff would be even taller because it is farther inland. The theory of marine...
...like the one with Leonard Nimoy. But on the whole, they say, everybody knew about man-made warming even back then, and the level of agreement on warming today vastly exceeds...
...of new purchases”. The Wall Street Journal writes that “EV Sales Run Out of Juice in Europe as Germans Tighten Belts”. And in The Telegraph Lynne gets to the heart...
A Heatmap newsletter warns about an Inflation Reduction Act program which supposedly installed 50,000 solar projects in “Low-Income Communities” yet “New data provided exclusively to Heatmap shows just how complicated...
We’re starting a new feature here at CDN where we take on some common truisms about global warming that everybody knows, which turn out to be wrong or misleading on...
...or at least New South Wales is, and you guessed it. All climate change all the time and all your fault. New Scientist charges in as well, describing the flooding...
We ask again: Is this really the moment? And once again someone thinks so: Ex-Environment Minister Catherine McKenna enthusiastically retweets a New York Times piece about how “Lockdowns and distancing...
...Evans explains, new hydro projects look to flood thousands of hectares, with one in BC aiming to stretch for 83 kilometres, and even if you can find new sites for...
Referring to the horrific condominium collapse in Surfside, Florida NBC news noted “Local officials appeared to have few ideas so far about what may have caused the 136-unit building to...
...yes. For starters, this flooding is not “historic”. Rather, something very similar happened in 1990. And 1948; someone unearthed a photo of and newspaper article on devastating floods in the...
It is an established principle that all climate news is bad, and all bad news is climate. But still, Wired magazine takes it up a notch by wailing that “The...
...it, the new model explains everything. “How steep were the mountain slopes? Where did glaciers reach the sea? Did friction interfere with ice flow velocity? And how much? The new...
...blunder into energy security despite our best efforts. The New York Times’ “Climate Forward” frets “Will this wartime surge end up creating a new generation of infrastructure that locks Europe...
...know what Canada’s emissions were in 1990, or are now? We don’t. This newspaper alone has given figures of 682, 726, 694 and 705 megatonnes in stories over the past...
The Canadian Press reports that “Ottawa says New Brunswick’s proposed carbon tax passes the federal smell test.” Instead of paying the national levy locals will pay a provincial one come...
...and some bad news. The good news is that a massive media project has been launched to talk about something else. The bad news is that they want non-stop discussion...
When you need a quick serving of climate panic, haul Antarctica out of the icebox, defrost it and serve with a side of steaming hype. Thus “New Research from Antarctica...
...vast majority of affected humans, including the writer and their friends, are surviving without trouble, partly by taking breaks in warmer places than where they live. Or the New York...
...or not. It’s suddenly trendy. And it’s not a new or fringe idea. Back in September 2022 Newsweek asked “Could Refreezing North and South Poles Reverse Global Warming?” That nobody...
Bjorn Lomborg says when it comes to carbon emissions, we need to be very skeptical of government accounting. New Zealand, for instance, has consistently claimed success in meeting its carbon...
We’ve had plenty to say here at CDN about the elusive number known as Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity or ECS. If it’s a new topic for you please look at our...
...fact-free finger pointing, mostly aimed at Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and Gov. Gavin Newsom.” And in the New York Times David Wallace-Wells wrote that “In the end, President Trump’s...
...evidence wasn't strong enough one way or the other. The new study from Japan gets around this by looking at indirect evidence over a long geological interval. During the last...
...activity for the real kind and paying for it with fake money. What could go wrong? Well, lots of things. A new report from Canada’s Energy Regulator based on ludicrous...
...script, a number of news stories reported that developing countries from Bangladesh to South Africa were rejecting this new colonialism and developing coal power. So, enough with the neo-colonialism. Let...
...of the entire Earth,’ said study author Duncan Agnew, a geophysicist at the University of California at San Diego. ‘Things are happening that have not happened before.’” Leaving aside the...
...involved. But it’s not so. Instead a new study says that the current limit of 10 days of reliable forecasts might be pushed to 15 but no further regardless, “with...
...U.S. emissions in half by 2030 as part of Paris climate pact”. And the New York Times news department high-fives him too: “In a show of renewed commitment after four...
...challenge facing the international community and New Zealand” said Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Then she said agriculture is “incredibly important to New Zealand” which is true as the place has...
...all seemed to have the same messaging memo: neither doom nor complacency, but optimistic urgency. Hence The Guardian’s “The new IPCC report offers not only hope, but practical solutions. Governments...
We were a bit surprised to hear, in the midst of the thunderous sound of foreheads hitting desks as people tried to read the new IPCC WG6, that Canada’s former...
...across the world are planning to ban sales of new petrol and diesel cars, and to take older, gas-guzzling vehicles off the road. The Biden administration is proposing strict new...
...by the New York Times’ marquee climate writer David Gelles that starts with a baffled “Cleaning up the technology industry was supposed to be easy” and you realize that the...
...10,000 electric school buses appearing in New York City this decade, or even after, if I were you. Meanwhile Inside Climate News gushes that: “Chinese electric vehicle maker BYD is...
We unpack a few items from Dr. John Robson's "Wednesday Wakeup" weekly newsletter....
We unpack a few items from Dr. John Robson's "Wednesday Wakeup" weekly newsletter....
...scale to enhance prosperity: “as governments in the Western world attempt to smash the windows of the energy system and replace it with an all-new net-zero energy regime.” And chortle...
...to a new poll “a whopping 84 per cent of Canadians do not know what the ‘just transition’ plan actually is.” Which might be explained by its architects not knowing...
...more new policy, it is an argument for no new policy. And it is an argument for fixing the misleading models: Ultimately, there is no good reason why climate science...
...world affairs on the back of an ecologically catastrophic industry. Narrator: As Yahoo News put it: “China is dominant in the global EV sector, accounting for 69% of all new...
...from the journals down through the news media to ensure that the public only hears bad news about climate and the conclusion is always that we need more aggressive state...
...it hit hard, but not that hard, making landfall on August 29 as a Category 4 but rapidly weakening to a Category 1 storm that same day; the New York...
...And as the climate changes, our housing is uniquely vulnerable. As the world emerges from a record year for climate disasters, damages have reached a new peak. This year, there...
...view of climate alarmism. Which made us take hostile notice of the Reuters “Sustainable Switch” newsletter on April 2 that said “This week opens with devastating news from Gaza as...
...for the recent warming seen over the past 100 years, new research suggests. In one of three new studies published in the journals Nature and Nature Geoscience, researchers found that...
Earlier this year we reported on new evidence that global greening due to rising CO2 levels is not only continuing but accelerating. Which is great news, if you’re the sort...
From CO2Science: As almost everyone knows, nearly every aspect of weather imaginable is predicted by climate models to become worse in response to atmospheric CO2 enrichment; and, therefore, CO2Science reports...
...away from natural-gas use and gas stoves in homes and businesses. Berkeley, California – arguably the epicenter of the ‘electrify everything’ movement – banned natural gas in new buildings starting...
In the category of hallucinations by climate change zealots, we have to give some kind of prize to “America is Losing the Green-Tech Race to China”, the New York Times...
...for sure this time: “Sage’s two new announcements are the latest evidence of the ongoing renaissance in geothermal energy production. The energy source is not entirely new. The largest geothermal...
...uptick in climate news each time the conference rolls around, much of it from the conference itself.” We beg to differ. First, it seems to us that the newspapers are...
If you dissent from climate change orthodoxy you're liable to be confronted with a demand to see your academic papers, something that never happens to alarmists like Al Gore. So...
No we’re not talking about eco-tourism to an endangered rainforest or glacier dwindling to a sad little puddle. We’re referring to Michael Moore’s new documentary Planet of the Humans. Every...
...in New York City. A freak deep freeze in February had taken them out across New York State and other parts of the Northeast, buds shriveling on the branch as...
...with a new fudge factor that let them ignore all the other studies that showed ECS is lower than they’ve been claiming. The new fudge factor, as Clintel explains, is...
...to adopt the Green New Deal because “Capitalism is destroying our planet.” (Which doubtless explains China’s pristine environment, like that of the old Soviet Union.) Likewise the New York Times...
From New York City to Ottawa, schools are giving kids a free pass if they want to be at the “in” climate change march on Sept. 27. McGill practically invited...
...New World won’t arrive: “Without new regulations and bold political action. Without difficult cultural conversations. Without actual and sometimes uncomfortable change.” So there. You will be uncomfortable. And you will...
...they ever predicted” so their agreement on the effects, if unanimous, was also plainly defective. Climate Home News, while gushing that Kerry’s “appointment was broadly welcomed by climate advocates, who...
...it away. Speaking of away, a great distance from the Arctic in New Zealand there’s an ambitious “Predator Free 2050” plan to rid that nation, including its many islands, of...
A number of people have commented on YouTube suggesting that this video exaggerates the severity of the policy because it only bans "green" wood. So I should have been clearer...
...them written rules are useless. And the new Environment minister would be unable to perform his duties if the people he targeted with his own laws and regulations were to...
...“there can be a very high cost to building a new code or inserting a new method into an existing code. In any such effort, even real improvements will at...
...it was elected in 2018 and until recently was reluctant to risk driving up energy prices by making new investments in renewables. Six years later, we’re in a new economic...
...of rising aerosol concentrations. But the black line is the new data from the ice cores and the orange line is from a new model that tries to fit the...
...instance, has it ever actually happened? And does it matter? Not to her. Freeland used to be a public intellectual, whose trendy 2012 tome Plutocrats: The Rise of the New...
...new shipping routes through the Arctic. This could create additional complications for the region, including an increase in ship-related pollution and potential new geopolitical tensions around access to shipping paths...
...the east coast to the southwest: “In Georgia, demand for industrial power is surging to record highs, with the projection of new electricity use for the next decade now 17...
The big story is, supposedly, COP28 gathering to bicker and waste time as a stirring prelude to COP29. But what’s this? The New York Times “Climate Forward” whimpers that “It’s...
...balance method of computing ECS yielded an estimate of about 1.6° C. But afterwards the IPCC released new data on aerosol forcing, and some new compilations of surface temperature data...
Hi all, due to two-factor authentication issues related to international travel (aka we messed up technically) we almost certainly won't be able to send out this week's Wednesday Wakeup until...
...every news outlet clangs in the aftermath of a weather disaster, such as the New York Times (“European Floods Are Latest Sign of a Global Warming Crisis”) or NBC news...
A New York Times “Breaking News” alert says that “Europe released an ambitious blueprint to reduce emissions 55 percent by 2030, putting it at the forefront of the world’s efforts...
We have made several virtual visits to St John’s over the years, such as during our Climate Emergency Tour in October 2019 and our 1919 or 2019? tour in April...
Climate Home News says “Last July’s deadly heatwave in Japan could not have happened without human influence on the climate” and cites a study it summarizes: “decades of fossil fuel...
From the we-are-all-going-to-die climate file, always something new. In this case a warning from the Guardian that “Next pandemic may come from melting glaciers, new data shows”. And not from...
...customers in New York and Massachusetts, when three months ago it had none. Either way, 2024 may be when the industry begins to right itself. The pace of deployment may...
...Oh, and centrally plan, which isn’t at all a failed and divisive approach. It is remarkable the degree to which his new policy openly turns on conceited disdain for the...
One trouble with alarmism is those pushing it sometimes can’t decide what the problem is, only the cause. For instance when the CBC headlines a widely reprinted Associated Press story...
...Paper reviewed: Newman, T.R., Wright, N., Wright, B. and Sjögersten, S. 2018. Interacting effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and hydrology on the growth and carbon sequestration of Sphagnum moss. Wetlands...
...dams a bit before the storm they might have held. You don’t say. Well, some people don’t. The New York Times “The Morning” instead ranted that: “Most Libyans live in...
...competition, New York’s greenhouse gas emissions have actually increased substantially, as two large new natural gas power plants have replaced electricity generation from two prematurely-closed emissions-free nuclear facilities, while generation...
...climate change as an emergency, some are still migrating into harm’s way. America’s coastlines and desert cities continue to swell with new arrivals and new housing developments.” Right. Almost as...
According to that noted medical journal Rolling Stone, “Climate Change Is Ushering in a New Pandemic Era” in which “A warming world is expanding the range of deadly diseases and...
...Earth’s original carbon-capture machines, the most effective tools for getting rid of greenhouse gases. People needed to find new ways to grow plants — and soon. Her urgency came not...
...and absurd hype about a “green energy transition” that is transitioning us to brownout bankruptcy. But Climate Home News also says so, emailing that “we recently asked you what the...
...“MEC is pushing ahead with a new commitment to reduce our emissions in line with climate science. The goal? Cut our emissions 55% by 2030 and 90% by 2050.” (And...
...phase out new and direct government subsidies to coal except in limited circumstances at the discretion of each country, i.e., when a government wants to subsidize coal. Similarly, they’ll take...
In our Jan. 11 Newsletter we mentioned first that the general tendency was to dismiss wintery storms including in California as just weather and second that California was in fact...
...1966 paralyzed much of the east from Alabama to New England. Over 100 inches of snow fell in 5 days around Oswego New York.” And yet, he added, “Climate extremists...
With apologies for posting it late due to intercontinental technical difficulties.
A piece in “The Conversation,” whose slogan is “Academic rigour, journalistic flair”, just hyped the sexy new “attribution science” that claims to attribute specific weather events to climate change even...
Governments like to show us what climate change looks like by drawing coloured maps like this one, which is from the 2019 Canada’s Changing Climate Report (page 126) and purports...
...which we don’t mean they’re sluggish or hard to fuel. We mean a new study out of Australia says they emit more CO2 than gasoline vehicles. Et tu, Tesla? More...
...all-news-is-bad-news landing: “as Alejandra Borunda writes for us, when University of Nebraska researchers recently analyzed how yields have improved in that Corn Belt state since 2005, they reached a surprising...
...news story in the years to come — except maybe the climate crisis — than this clash of superpowers” (which is New York Times “International Editor, Opinion” Max Strasser on...
...from thin air for PR purposes. It has launched upon a project to destroy the existing economy and hope a new one descends from on high as clear as crystal,...
From the “climate change is the greatest” file we hear that the measures needed to combat climate change, far from bringing pain, open up a whole new world of prosperity...
With climate alarmism hopping from panic to panic like a polar bear on a melting ice floe, it’s useful periodically to take a quick look back. For instance the New...
...chronically underfunded care homes by introducing legislation which will force providers to meet new energy efficiency standards at great cost…. It came as the 60-year-old care home provider Abbeyfield, of...
Lily Tomlin once asked “What’s the point of being a hedonist if you’re not having a good time?” And it seems equally futile to have the hottest years ever crowding...
...was all for Idalia as major disaster: “Some 20 million Americans woke up on Monday to the news that they have just one full day to prepare for Tropical Storm...
...actual 20th and 21st century temperature data. And that, rather than fixing the problem, the newer shinier climate models are even worse. OK, you might think, but maybe they work...
...make head nor tail of anything before 1970. What Buffett said is news. And it’s important news, because there’s a vital engineering principle that it matters less whether something is...
In keeping with the new messaging that there’s a hideous climate crisis we can easily fix if we act now, National Geographic tells us “Forests are reeling from climate change...
...of dollars’ worth of land, according to a new report” bellows NBC about the United States, while The Economist has “America drowning”, ABC warns “US coastlines to experience 'profound' sea...
...require building the equivalent of one new 1.5-gigawatt nuclear plant every day for the next 30 years.” Or 36 billion new solar panels. Or 5.1 million turbines. Which Corcoran calls...
...And at the heart of the problem are the various official “assessment reports”, which Koonin says present a summary “spin” inconsistent with their own findings, and of the underlying research....
...has experienced warming rates that are among the highest reported anywhere on Earth. However, in recent years two studies have challenged this assessment. Paper Reviewed: Oliva, M., Navarro, F., Hrbácek,...
The Manhattan Contrarian offers a skeptical look at America’s new “Fifth National Climate Assessment” produced by a bureaucratic hydra consisting of 14 major agencies all united in believing that humanity...
The IPCC recently published something called the “Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report”. And there was a time around 1990 when the IPCC was a recognizable group of experts...
...IPCC, testifying before the U.S. Congress that, “if it did not exist, would have to be invented.” That said, the most recent IPCC assessment offered multiple troubling indications that its...
Environment and Climate Change Canada has put forward a plan to make sure the economic recovery, should it get underway, doesn’t emit CO2. The new “Strategic Assessment of Climate Change”...
...try to explain it away, the evidence shows the contamination of the temperature record is real.” This week’s dare comes from the IPCC 5th Assessment (2013) Report Working Group I...
...increases in Winter, with no annual trend after the late 1980s despite the observed warming. Yet, as Koonin notes, the most recent US National Assessment states as one of its...
...have lost their objectivity. Including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the US National Climate Assessment and even the US National Academy of Science. He remarks bluntly (p. 189) “when...
...Report on Weather Extremes, or SREX. It was a follow up to the 4th Assessment Report or AR4, and it was followed a year later by the 5th Assessment Report...
...its Assessment Reports, begins with assessment of plausible future socioeconomic development pathways, showing what the economy might do and what policy might be, then works out plausible emission pathways based...
...upon by multiple news agencies who made it one of their key headlines. And none of the report-writing officials who knew better spoke up to correct the record. Thus the...
Back in November we quoted the Minister of Natural Resources about methane, the new climate villain, being “responsible for around 30 percent of the global rise in temperatures to date”....
From the CO2Science Archive: Background: The authors write that “climate impact assessments require primarily regional- to local-scale climate data for the past and the present and scenarios for the future,”...
...arrived. If some clown in a newsroom were to entertain their colleagues by a wacky check of, say, the latest IPCC Assessment Report, they’d find this sort of soporific prose:...
...assessments of the IPCC and US National Climate Assessment. Why is this literature ignored? Misinformation on extreme weather and disasters sits out in plain sight, and is easily refuted –...
...at what the new IPCC report says on the subject. Herewith the AR6 Chapter 8 Section, as usual with reference lists replaced with (--) and a few details elided...
...“social cost”. And some economists have big complex “Integrated Assessment Models” that take guesstimates from climate models and combine them with conjectures from economic models, model how the models model...
...and down others. Big deal. That’s how it goes.” This one comes from the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Working Group I, Chapter 2, page 215 (with the “AR4” reference to...
...developing new oil, gas and coal fields today or face a dangerous rise in global temperatures. That’s the bold assessment from the International Energy Agency, the organization that has spent...
...they predicted.” In the 5th Assessment Report they had an extended discussion of the fact that after 1998 warming slowed to a crawl and was far below what models said...
...the science says, but what does the science itself say? At her “Climate Etc.” blog Judith Curry provides an excellent roundup of the topic, covering not only the overall assessment...
...core of the scientific method.] From CO2Science: In the title of their newly published article in the journal Scientometrics, Jankó et al. (2017) ask the important question “Is climate change...
...also suppresses that kind of cloud formation, it can translate into a lot of surface warming. So, key point here, by the time of the IPCC’s Third Assessment Report in...
...used well established climate vulnerability and risk assessment methodologies”. Those methodologies, of course, include RCP8.5. The overall document “Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessment” takes it for granted on p....
...associated with extreme phenomena such as tornadoes, hail, heavy precipitation (rain or snow), strong winds, and lightning. The assessment of changes in severe convective storms in SREX (Chapter 3, Seneviratne...
...Himalayan glaciers disappearing by 2035, well that’s quite the story. Here’s what the IPCC said in its Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group II Chapter 10, based on their supposedly rigorous...
...the good news, and when failure is the good news you know you’re in trouble, is that this time at least the cunning plan to redo the planet and get...
...and business leaders. But two new reports from the utility industry should put an end to such loose talk. In September, the Electric Power Research Institute, the research arm of...
...in nature and their inherent variability.” Indeed, it seems only obvious that the best and most realistic experimental conditions are required in order to produce a realistic assessment of the...
...primaries to the broader dynamics of a general election. In this instance, Harris’ volte face on fossil fuels appears to reflect a new-found sobriety among Democrats about the realities of...
The IPCC has produced its latest brick, Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change, aka the Working Group III component of its Sixth Assessment Report. And naturally it includes a...
...claim in the 2017 US National Climate Assessment that greenhouse gases were behind an upward trend in American 20th century extreme precipitation trends. Using data from cities across the US...
...and credibility. Alas, no. Instead he spews the scariest-sounding verbiage he can think of without giving any thought to the human consequences. After the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report he hollered,...
...upper end of the [long-predicted 1.5 to 4.5 °C] range,” whereas only two out of twenty-eight models were above this upper range in the previous CMIP assessment (CMIP5). So, why...
...700-page assessment prepared by a 10-agency consortium than we would in a brief report written by Sam and Pete down at the weather office. Weinkle’s paper reinforces this belief as...
...that we honestly doubt some of this language means anything. For instance “Successive IPCC reports have given assessments of the level of anthropogenic global warming, but no equivalent assessment of...
...their estimation, “are either not recognized at all in the assessments or are understated.” Some of the problems Pielke et al. identified were “a warm bias in nighttime minimum temperatures,...
...of the new IPCC report says about the science of attributing extreme weather events to greenhouse gases: “[New] approaches have been developed to answer the question of whether and to...
...top of these gloomy assessments, they go on to analyze the potential negative consequences of the fact that “N2O leads to stratospheric ozone destruction,” as noted over four decades ago...
...in Court today: ‘Dr. Judith Curry: Michael Mann knew who I was. My name appeared in one of the ClimateGate emails that Mann sent. He knew who I was. I...
...models.” Sadly in this case there are scientists who do not say who should, namely the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Christy notes that in their last assessment report the...
...IPCC 5th Assessment Report, Chapter 2, page 214, which reads: Sheffield and Wood (2008) found decreasing trends in the duration, intensity and severity of drought globally. Conversely, Dai (2011a,b) found...
...arriving at a weighted assessment of the actions to be taken without wasting the limited resources at our disposal in costly and ineffective solutions. How the climate of the twenty-first...
...emergency or anything else scary. Their most recent report on the science, the so-called Sixth Assessment Report published in 2021, contains only one reference to the terms “climate crisis” and...
...higher level of GHG concentrations in the atmosphere, broadly consistent with ‘high warming’ scenarios modeled by previous global climate assessments”. Baloney. RCP8.5 is, among other things, a scenario where global...
...Use your imagination, or thesaurus. While for our part we use a brilliant new essay by climatologist Judith Curry on her Climate Etc. blog in which she reframes the whole...
...European science service says: ‘Uncharted territory’”. But this too is statistical bunk. Measured how? The reason we have fairly confident assessments of the temperature back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth...
The headline “Germany Sets Windfall Tax at 90% for Clean Power Generators”, to fund subsidies to beleaguered energy consumers, is the sort of news that prompts people to growl things...
...to 300PPM.” A contemporary news clipping shows fears of 1,000 dead, far higher than from Helene. And Steve Milloy contributed the archival news there was devastating flooding in newly-afflicted Asheville,...
...And over a longer interval, the perceived increase in storm numbers was likely due to better monitoring. Bad news for ambulance-chasers in the global warming movement, but good news for...
...OK. Guterres is a raving nit. We knew it. But what to do instead? Apparently warming is going to continue, and so will fossil fuel use. We knew those things...
A new paper in the peer-reviewed journal Climate Dynamics by Italian climate scientist Nicola Scafetta reviews 688 state-of-the-art climate model runs over the period from 1980 to 2021 and finds...
...weather object was causing “winter alerts, ice storm warnings and flood alerts stretching from the southern Plains to New England” even as Ukraine was receiving air raid alerts and Russian...
The New York Times “Climate Fwd.” piles on with “See how the Antarctic is signaling major climate disruption”. Apparently sophisticated new “autonomous water-measuring floats” are letting us study it for...
As you may or may not know, the IPCC is fond of making summaries. After disgorging one of their mammoth 3-part Assessment Reports they make summaries of each chapter plus...
...change assessment and action plan. And also to our second-most-popular video, “Canada’s 2001 climate predictions. How did they do?“, which has had 400,000 views since being released in June 2019,...
...as well as economics, or at least knew other people who could. It’s true that the U.S. GDP is around $25 trillion, and is roughly a quarter of the entire...
...net minus, it’s now sweeping the world too. Just as we were finishing the draft of this newsletter, The Economist’s “The Climate Issue” newsletter chimed in unselfconsciously with: “Much of...
...have especially today. (For instance he comments that once you understand that liberals tend to like new experiences and conservatives familiar ones you will understand why someone might eat at...
...change impacts across society.” Right. Other than the 13 agencies that prepare the US National Climate Assessment every four years. But what we need now is more bureaucracy. Whatever one...
...approximately 95 km long by 20 km wide.” Yikes. So we think it good news that Ontario is talking about a new nuclear plant. We’re not getting giddy just yet....
...are not a desirable or sustainable way to curb emissions” because emissions rise again in the subsequent recovery. If it seems a heartless assessment of the very real pain caused...
...for 51% of the province’s total generation in 2019.” Blast. (As in furnace.) New Brunswick does better from the Guilbeault point of view: “In 2019, approximately 38% of New Brunswick’s...
...say. Why not? Was it in the 1930s? Likewise the New York Times chortled “Climate change has plunged the Western U.S. into its worst drought in two decades. And a...
From the CO2Science archive: In a recent study of Antarctic sea ice extent (SIE), Turner et al. (2016) note that Arctic sea ice reached a new record minimum extent in...
In the Wall Street Journal, Holman W. Jenkins Jr. offers some good news. Scientists are getting fed up with something too silly to ignore, namely the RCP8.5 catastrophe scenario we...
...(irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer application). This they did at a field site at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute’s campus in New Delhi during two growing seasons (2014-2015 and 2015-2016). Data...
...activity in the U.S. is trending down, not up as the alarmists claim without checking. Specifically the IPCC’s latest “Assessment Report”, called AR6 for short, said: “Observed trends in severe...
...2020 Climate Assessment Report, released by NOAA’s National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI), was accompanied by a map showing a giant red menace of extraordinary asserted warmth extending from the...
...the “Sixth Assessment Report” will arrive in instalments into 2022) which said exactly what you’d expect and generated exactly the news stories and statements by politician-activists that you’d expect. Basically...
...unleashed that exacerbate warming…. These tipping points are described in the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) as a critical threshold at which global or regional climate changes from a stable...
...a flimsy one. Journalists love numbers because they sound authoritative, and generally do not understand them at all. Including a new one that just appeared and looks set for a...
...hallowed walls of our Parliament and when the news broke they refused even to apologize let alone mend their ways. So much for “openness by default”. But we’re going after...
...world in the 21st century. He begins by taking a simple overview of a type of analysis called Integrated Assessment. IA models have tended over the years to show that...
...just poison-oak-picking rubbish. To begin with, as we’ve complained before, “news” about climate change increasingly concerns bad things that might be going to happen instead of events that, for better...
...we? Green is the new red: Reuters “Sustainable Switch” newsletter on all things climate-related tells us: “Today’s newsletter covers the war in Gaza as dozens of Palestinian families were killed...
...believe human-caused warming is making hurricanes more frequent and harsher. As Curry points out: "Rather than referencing these assessment reports, sensationalized news coverage of the issue tends to lean on...
...gigawatts of grid batteries are finally pushing solar generation into post-sunset hours at a meaningful scale, new data shows” and within weeks the New York Times was singing the same...
...most important scientific results of the entire AR6 assessment cycle, layering unawareness of the literature on top of misinterpretation.” So when Kossin told the Post that “It is all there...
...is. Of course it’s just one news story even if it waves the juju about a new “peer-reviewed study”. But it warns that “Most hydrogen used today is extracted from...
...insist that we can stop it by the simple and painless expedient of getting rid of the economy. Like the New York Times opinion piece on horror movies that started...
...is that politicians can even get themselves in trouble for quoting the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, with its very cautious assessments of things like extreme weather, rather than...
...these data series “have never been presented in IPCC or U.S. National Assessment reports, and I cannot recall ever seeing it in major media reporting on climate change (though I...
As we noted last week, it’s time for the year-end “this time for sure” climate breakdown roundups. And sure enough the New York Times’ “Climate Fwd.” feature joins in with...
...science, which has gone all screechy, tendentious and narrow-minded. Heck no. They’re the angels. We’re the fiends. We broke the unwritten pledge only they knew we’d signed in invisible ink...
...who notes that the CCA “has received nearly $55 million in federal funding since 2002 for ‘independent’ assessments of science” (but we deniers have all the money, though not its...
...And when he then asked “Can you confirm you have done an impact assessment on what this oil and gas cap will do to your deficit?” she shot back “It...
...impact assessments can be done. We declare no competing interests.” Certainly not any interest in exaggerating the impact of the “climate crisis”. Heavens no. Perish the thought. Due to heat....
...the Report, which is a selective and alarmist spin on the underlying science. The best way to respond to a new IPCC report is to tune out all the press...
...lost in Carrizo Gorge while rescuing some hikers who had no water with them and died of heatstroke became a news story. But the fact that the Gorge is located...
...quickly, depending on the baselines scientists use for comparison and which geography they include in assessments.” Also depending whether they know the difference between altitude and latitude. But who’s fact-checking...
...than now. But never mind. According to New Scientist the new research showed that “potentially almost half of the current episode’s severity was down to human-caused global warming.” Potentially almost....
At CDN we’re always happy to see people trying to look at the historical record. But not always with the results. Like this latest piece blaring “New data suggest 2023...
...Sargassum in traditional Chinese medicine: a phytochemical and pharmacological review. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 142: 591-619. Perumal, B., Chitra, R., Maruthupandian, A., Viji, M., 2019. Nutritional assessment and bioactive potential of...
...Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, New York, USA. Kitoh, A., Endo, H., Kumar, K.K., Cavalcanti, I.F.A., Goswami, P. and Zhou, T. 2013. Monsoons in a changing...
...also from Climate Home News, further muddying the math: “Stories of big polluters hiding their climate credentials behind dodgy carbon credits are nothing new. They usually go like this: company...
...body responsible for assessment on all scientific information relating to climate change – has gradually increased but remains low, with women making up just 32% of authors of a recent...
...fact the preposterous RCP8.5 scenario and “most scientists” knew it was bunkum though they were reluctant to say so. Finally telling us things we knew years ago, Wallace-Wells concedes: “Now,...
...of wide-spread weather station data records for relatively local areas, rather than on analysis of multi-decadal global, hemispheric and the main agricultural countries’ drought assessments.” So the authors decided it...
...is old news, and bad news. CBC was not alone in jumping on the extreme payout bandwagon. CTV also says: “The increasing rate of natural disasters like wildfires, frigid cold...
...significant errors in their assessments of the future impacts of ocean acidification on marine life. Recognizing this unfavorable situation, Hannan et al. (2020) note that “although we know that fluctuating...
...occurrence and time frame of potential tipping points and LLHI events persist. However, new literature has emerged on unanticipated and low-probability high-impact events more generally. There are events that are...
We understand if the news about the Ukraine and the world economy leaves you awake at night worrying, and it might seem odd that we recommend turning to a supposedly...
...The Seabrook [New Hampshire] demonstrators were worried about nuclear meltdown, nuclear waste, nuclear proliferation, nuclear terrorism. Those concerns are still with us. But for many environmentalists, they now take a...
...The National Academy cautioned that the state of climate modeling and the uncertainties around albedo cooling make it impossible to provide reliable assessments of the risks and consequences of geoengineering....
...the East Coast… wildfires in California and Nevada; the risk of ‘severe thunderstorms’ in the Central Plains; parts of Texas still waiting for damage assessments from Hurricane Hanna last weekend;...
...humans altered the planet’s functioning profoundly enough to change its geology, and if so, should a new geological epoch be declared? Some geologists initially suggested a new epoch should begin...
Here’s another reality check for the AGW set, courtesy of Climate Home News. It seems governments are not meeting their Paris targets and aren’t going to. Indeed, in what they...
...it to be high but every model that assumes it is performs even worse than its less hysterical cousins (on which see our coverage elsewhere in today’s newsletter of the...
...of climate variables, we need them made on a regular basis, and we need expert assessments of their uncertainties so people can better calibrate themselves to the accuracy of the...
Earlier this summer we presented a summary series on the Clintel Report on the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report. The report’s coauthor Marcel Crok also included a chapter tracing how scientific...
...quite the kerfuffle because the Bureau of Meteorology tried to hide the fact that newer temperature probes tend to record higher temperatures than older ones, and it took a series...
...it seems, become comfortable for so many people. It’s also awkward that so many activists who claim to be “following the science” keep writing things like “New IPCC Report Shows...
...Assessment Report, as quoted by Roger Pielke Jr. He goes on that in Western and Central Europe: “the IPCC and the underlying peer reviewed research on which it assesses has...
...shocking warnings about climate change that are “based on the science”. Narrator “New study warns of dangerous climate change risks to the Earth’s oceans” (The Guardian July 2015) “Global warming...
...And to provide further evidence for the validity of this conclusion, they go on in this – their newest study – to “confirm these findings in a larger, European context.”...
...opines “What is the real toll of natural and climate disasters? Science has staggering new answers”. Flipboard meanwhile staggers to an Associated Press feature “AP PHOTOS: Hallmarks of climate change...
Over at Roger Pielke Jr’s Substack channel he has been digging into the new IPCC Synthesis Report in which they supposedly summarize all the science reported in the underlying Working...
...should never ascribe to conspiracy what can be explained by stupidity. What new research has discovered about beaches is, in plain language, that they are sandy strips at the edge...
...coauthors threw shade on one of the arguments for high ECS presented in the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report. The IPCC claimed ECS is likely between 2.5° C and 4.0° C,...
...Agreement’s limits but rather a benefit-only analysis, ignoring the well-known costs of forcibly decarbonizing the global economy.” CDN readers will not be surprised by any of his assessments. As we...
...The New York Post also covered Koonin favourably. It is simply not going to be possible to hide him forever, no matter how much mud is employed in the attempt....
...with now retired Georgia Tech climatologist Judith Curry to review how the updated data in the then-newly published IPCC 5th Assessment Report might affect empirical ECS estimates. In their paper,...
...they couldn’t do it, and struck a world-historic decisive deal on a side issue of doling out non-existent reparations funds. As GZero Newsletter put it in a newsletter headed “Climate...
In this installment in our review of Bjorn Lomborg’s massive analysis of 21st century climate policy, we come to his assessment of the costs and benefits of the Paris treaty....
...and North America lose revenue. Other than that it’s win-win all over.” This gem comes from, you guessed it, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in their 5th Assessment Report...
...hostility towards the business community in Canada.” But this assessment is only partially correct. The Trudeau administration is certainly implicitly hostile to business in general, holding a mistaken view that...
Many of the claims in the new IPCC report are buttressed with the phrase “medium confidence”. And if you were a policymaker in a hurry, you’d want to know what...
...Climate Justice by former Irish president Mary Robinson under whom nothing was done but never mind. It also recommended the 6th IPCC Assessment Report but only the “Summaries for Policymakers”...
In this week’s installment of our series on the Clintel Analysis of the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report we look at Kip Hansen’s chapter on sea levels. The IPCC claims that...
...travel challenges and new surges in the Covid19 pandemic will lock out huge numbers of developing country delegates from the UN climate talks set to take place in November.” Not...
...in temperature would have varied effects.” Such an assessment is refreshingly different from the doom and gloom scenarios that climate alarmists consistently insist will befall marine life in the future....
...by comparison. In honour of the new Facebook fact-check brigade now prowling your pages in search of climate heresy, we decided to introduce a new feature where we offer some...
...brought 22.7 million hits in 0.71 seconds.) Hence the New York Times snaps its claws with “Alaska is the fastest warming state in the United States, according to Climate Central,...
...heat waves among other impacts...Today, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources, shared the results of two projects that have increased the capacity of New Brunswickers to adapt to...
...would be needed to validate the new numbers. Modelling results from more than 20 institutions are being compiled for the sixth assessment by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate...
...for biofuels in the future, where other power sources are available.” Compare that with the venerable New Yorker’s newly hip “Annals of a Warming Planet” declaration that “Renewable Energy Is...
...point about the lack of anything new or useful in the latest IPCC megablast, author David Crane said “In its fifth assessment, in 2013, the IPCC warned, in almost identical...
...did the HCO happen, and how do we know? I’m John Robson and this is a CDN Fact Check video on the Holocene Climatic Optimum. Narrator: In their First Assessment...
...to look scientific anymore. Crok goes over the history of IPCC scenario construction and explains that the RCP projections were actually done back-to-front. For the 2013 IPCC 5th Assessment Report...
...to this point. But Koonin’s wrecking ball keeps swinging and finding new targets, from sea levels to heat-driven mortality to crop yields to warming and growth. And on all of...
...for instance the IPCC in their most recent report. But let’s anyway. Chapter 11 of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, published in August 2021, had this to say about global...
...things prove climate change is a crisis, even when they’re not happening. The Guardian piece, by a climate scientist with a diploma in “Newspaper Journalism”, makes absolutely no mention of...
...But to its credit, Australia’s ABC News reports that even some economists who believe in fairly significant man-made climate change actually think we could adapt to as much as 4°C...
The best way to respond to a new IPCC report is to tune out all the press coverage and look at the actual document. But it seems to be the...
...about wildfires (which you can see collected at this link). Our assessment of his statement: Likely True. A scientific paper on global wildfire measurement published in 2016 gives not only...
...hectare. A similar assessment could be made for the tomato quality traits depicted in Figure 2. There, it is seen that in nearly every instance elevated CO2 improved tomato keeping...
From the CO2Science Archive: According to Naulier et al. (2015), the [then] latest IPCC assessment report shows that “northeastern Canada is poorly represented among existing millennial temperature reconstructions in the...
Another recycled climate scare back in the news is the melting of the Himalayan glaciers. This time for sure. And humans caused it to start half a millennium ago by…...
...extremely complex and precise data collection and understanding of the processes involved with glacial growth and decay. Most assuredly, however, it also involves a scientifically accurate assessment of the past...
...general point we’ve also made elsewhere, saying (p. 23) that “according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment Report, if, in 2007, we completely stopped emitting carbon...
From his valuable Sealevel.Info site, Dave Burton calls for brave souls to step forward as expert reviewers for the IPCC’s forthcoming 6th Assessment Report Working Group One Second Order Draft....
Climate alarmists have long argued that ocean warming will damage the world’s coral reefs. What do the data show? From CO2Science.org: A new study notes that “[El Nino] events are...
Little-noticed in last year’s release of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report was an online Atlas which provides a quick overview of their findings on available climate observations in recent decades....
...In the US, according to the 2017 National Climate Assessment, it is true that minimum temperatures have gone up more than maximum ones. Table 6.1 in that report states that...
Roger Pielke Jr. describes venturing into the hot new BSky app because “They told me that it is far more welcoming for discussion about energy and climate” only to find...
A recent story in The Irish News berated the government and the people for doing too little on climate with the usual blah blah blah. “The implementation of measures to...
...due to climate change, and that India will suffer heavier and more erratic rainfall with more frequent floods in the coming years.” Er, then why did the last IPCC Assessment...
...probably do better even with 3 degrees of warming.” That particular dose of denialist propaganda paraphrases the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Working Group II Chapter 7 (Food Security and Food...
...to 1.5°C. But luckily for the IPCC, just in time for their 6th Assessment Report a new paper by Australian climatologist Steven Sherwood and his coauthors appeared in 2020 applying...
...fluorescence elemental analysis and stable oxygen isotope assessments of Globigerina bulloides shells to infer sea surface temperature (SST) changes over the last two millennia (see figure below). Paper reviewed: Mary,...
...decades, the four Canadian scientists describe how they “employed climate scenarios from the state-of-the-art Regional Climate Models of the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP), along with climate...
...enthusiasm. Thus they provided just two months for comments, since after all they already knew the answer they wanted and why encourage cranks, some of whom responded anyway. Which brings...
From CO2Science: Noting that “forest fires are a serious environmental hazard in southern Europe,” Turco et al. (2016) write that “quantitative assessment of recent trends in fire statistics is important...
...even a thing, the article claims: “As the world gathers in Dubai for the 28th COP, the assessment of the first part of that stocktake is in some ways surprisingly...
...hissed the New York Times. His sin? He doesn’t think CO2 is a crisis, and annoyingly insists on pointing out that it benefits plant growth. Progressives love the idea of...
...(TC)-prone regions (see Chapter 3). This underpinned the SROCC assessment of medium confidence that humans have contributed to the observed increase in Atlantic hurricane activity since the 1970s (---). Literature...
...Biology, and Chemistry) – injects a whole new dimension into the contentious debate over what has been the cause of late 20th-century global warming and its early 21st-century cessation. The...
...Even the New York Times has written about “How E-Bike Battery Fires Became a Deadly Crisis in New York City”, adding that “City leaders are racing to regulate battery-powered mobility...
...East. A detailed assessment of the recent regional precipitation trends using the same datasets can be found in the Atlas. Global trends for 1980–2019 show a general increase in annual...
In attempting to convince us we’ve all succumbed to heatstroke, the media are suddenly measuring temperature a whole new way. And whereas real scientists are very suspicious of changes in...
...Smith, D.J. 2016. A 477-year dendro-hydrological assessment of drought severity for Tsable River, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Hydrological Processes 30: 1676-1690. The two Canadian researchers report that since AD...
...emissions, the better off we’ll all be.” As we noted last week, when the ferocious Tropical Storm Henri failed to make landfall as a hurricane in New England, the New...
...with the low end of the range for equilibrium climate sensitivity expressed as CO2 doubling temperature as given by the IPCC Assessment (Solomon et al., 2007).” So yet again the...
...“does not present sufficient cause” to change the environmental assessment of the Gulf leases they inherited from (ahem) Donald Trump and his cronies. It did add that “additional analysis of...
...IPCC was starting work on its Third Assessment Report. Out of all the people doing tree ring temperature analysis, they picked Michael Mann to write the summary. John Robson Jones...
...PBO assessment alone, the cost of TMX has increased from $12.6 to $21.4 billion. When one contemplates the way in which, for instance, the budget for major defence procurements balloons...
...the thing here is that the reason Trudeau is adding new stories to a vast edifice of failure and futility is not that he invented the conviction that policy details...
...for more talks. As Climate Home News put it, and even this assessment could be accused of unwarranted optimism, “The sense of urgency that emanated from Cop26 continued to fizzle...
...scales and above.’” However by the time of the next “Assessment Report” in 2013, “Some hints of concern about what the global climate models are producing were provided in the...
...its most recent Sixth Assessment Report, where they said they might be a bit more common now than in the past but maybe not, and even if they are there...
From the CO2Science Archive: Relatively little is known about glacier change and sensitivity to climate in East Antarctica, the assessment of which is necessary to determine if the East Antarctic...