RCP8.5 fever
...because… wait for it… the study is based on RCP8.5, the busted emissions scenario where coal use increases five-fold because countries become so rich they ignore the environment which collapses...
...because… wait for it… the study is based on RCP8.5, the busted emissions scenario where coal use increases five-fold because countries become so rich they ignore the environment which collapses...
...afterward. Which brings us to the RCP scenarios including RCP8.5. Needless to say, RCP8.5 is off the charts. But even the others are looking suspicious. A recent study by experts...
...that RCP8.5 is a low likelihood outcome, then throughout the rest of the report treats it as very probable, highlighting RCP8.5 projections above all the others. They’re not even trying...
...RCP8.5 is not “business-as-usual”, only to say that it is: “RCP8.5 represents a future that could be consistent with limited or no climate change mitigation policies…. whereas RCP8.5 is generally...
...scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5), which they ran with or without enabling plant-physiological CO2 effects (i.e., CO2 fertilization). As indicated in Figure 1 below, without incorporating CO2 fertilization the RCP4.5 model...
...scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5), which they ran with or without enabling plant-physiological CO2 effects (i.e., CO2 fertilization). As indicated in Figure 1 below, without incorporating CO2 fertilization the RCP4.5 model...
...hitting the RCP8.5 again, haven’t you? And of course they have. RCP8.5 is known to be a worse-than-worst-case scenario, a check on any modeling exercise because if your computer program...
...attached to them to indicate severity, from RCP2.6 (smallest change, least warming), RCP4.5, RCP6.0 and RCP8.5. The final RCP8.5 scenario was added as a speculative worst-case scenario, but to get...
...to plant water consumption, a key component of agricultural productivity and global food security. Alarmists frequently misuse the bogus overheated RCP8.5 scenario but it has one good use: to look...
...when making forecasts of the effects of global warming this century. But as we explained in our video on the RCP8.5 cheat, many experts have warned their colleagues that RCP8.5...
...to be 18% smaller than a hypothetical “no-climate change world”. A loss they computed by running a model powered by… you guessed it, RCP8.5. Such jiggery-pokery is common because it...
CDN readers are familiar with the RCP8.5 cheat in which climate modelers use a grossly exaggerated emission scenario to project grossly implausible warming over the coming century and then claim...
...it anyway because it almost certainly entails very large expenditures (in Calgary, $87 billion) on the basis of very dubious assumptions including, yes, our old friend RCP8.5, the exploded emissions...
...the most likely outcome, it was credible.” Which immediately made us suspect that tired old comic-book-Dracula climate scare story the RCP8.5 scenario. We wrote that phrase before tracking down the...
...fact the preposterous RCP8.5 scenario and “most scientists” knew it was bunkum though they were reluctant to say so. Finally telling us things we knew years ago, Wallace-Wells concedes: “Now,...
Roger Pielke Jr. has written many times about the grossly exaggerated emission scenarios used by climate modelers to justify scary global warming studies, especially the dreaded RCP8.5. Despite it and...
...Games by the end of this century.” Of course they are saying this based on (need you ask?) RCP8.5. And of course to mark the occasion Toronto just had its...
...Bridge to basically whatever you admire near you, and guessed that the “scenarios” involved “relied on RCP8.5 or something”. Well, thanks to the folks who created it, who may regret...
...you will be incinerated before reaching. As we’ve observed, lots of people keep using the drastic RCP8.5 climate breakdown scenario as though it were probable. And if you evaluate your...
...to the off-the-scale scam known as RCP8.5, but the IPCC now uses the so-called SSP projections, which also include a lot of impudently off-the-scale impossible projections, but also one rather...
...nearly 17,000 scientific studies have been published using RCP8.5, a bogus over-the-top emission scenario that is known to be hopelessly exaggerated, and which makes impossible assertions about future CO2 levels....
In the Wall Street Journal, Holman W. Jenkins Jr. offers some good news. Scientists are getting fed up with something too silly to ignore, namely the RCP8.5 catastrophe scenario we...
...National Academies of Sciences, 2019).” As for “The recreation value of coral reef tourism in Florida, Puerto Rico, and Hawai’i is expected to decrease by 90% by mid-century under RCP8.5...
...to increase”? Especially about what these wildly hypothetical models are using as their baseline scenario. Could it be… RCP8.5 on steroids? Why yes. Yes it could. And if one thing...
...identify further unless you drill down into their “Methodology document” and there it is: the exploded RCP8.5. It would be. The McKinsey document also uses it, while admitting they might...
...clock has only moved about 5 minutes in 67 years, there’s still time to debunk this one. Start with our video on the RCP8.5 scam. Or this one in which...
Many climate alarmists love to portray the monstrosity known as the RCP8.5 scenario, much-criticized not just by the usual suspects but even by some alarmists, as “business as usual” even...
OK one more RCP8.5 story. There’s a video clip of Bobby “Boris” Pickett, whose musical career consisted of one huge success namely “The Monster Mash”, promising to sing “a medley...
...caught your eye? You mean RCP8.5, right?” Actually they’ve moved on… to SSP8.5. Which is worse. Arguably you would not expect real scientists to use exploded scenarios. Or to start...
...spinning toward extinction due to climate change again. We hardly need to point out that these stories depend on the discredited RCP8.5 scenario. Even the Guardian has announced that it...
...It is chock full of hyperbole from authoritative figures, references to work of the ‘planetary boundaries’ folks & RCP8.5 studies”. For some reason he did not link to it in...
...the future, only under extreme emission scenarios (yes, the dreaded RCP8.5 again) does that line turn upward, but even then the impacts can be managed by adaptive behaviours. Next Lomborg...
...favoured RCP8.5 he’d merely be following the IPCC’s own example. The picture above for Oslo is mirrored at Stockholm, Helsinki and Copenhagen. The IPCC’s outlook depends on the trend which...
...we had merch for guessing that, yes indeed, once again it’s the exploded RCP8.5 scenario. “When you think about that being the average temperature, that also means the extremes of...
...suspect the alarmists’ favourite exploded worst-case RCP8.5 scenario is lurking outside our steamed-up window. And bingo! Under “Annual individual sleep loss and short sleep projections” it’s the basis for their...
...for the decades 2050 and 2070 by integrating temperature projections from 19 climate models using 3 commonly utilized greenhouse gas emission scenarios (the IPCC’s RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). And what...
...RCP8.5). [It’s] bias, not uncertainty, and until the modeling community finds a way to fix it, the economics and policy making communities are justified in assuming future warming projections are...
...third to three-quarters of the lakes in the state that now hold them.” No ifs, ands, buts, or citations… including to scientists speculating based on RCP8.5. What a fish story....
...hear about on the news? Yes, SSP5-8.5, the follow-on to RCP8.5 which we’ve discussed many times before. 150,000 MMt as of 2080 would require reaching about 14.5 tonnes per capita...
...Sensitivity) being very high and we smell RCP8.5 burning in the background. But in case it’s not scary enough, “We have already witnessed severe and historic weather events in Canada...
...global warming favors shrubs or grasslands in their ranges.” But when we hear “worst-case scenario” we start scanning the smoke-filled horizon for vast herds of RCP8.5. On this occasion we...
...But such predictions are based on the RCP8.5 scenario that is now being shown to have been absurdly over-the-top, as even the BBC admits. But presumably if the oceans refuse...
...them Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs), and just like their exploded RCP8.5 scenario the SSPs run into the problem that in the intervals where we can check them against what actually...
...emissions will continue to soar. And yes, of course the “high emissions scenario” is RCP8.5. It would be. And to be fair, its zombie-like persistence even after being thoroughly and...
...to human-caused climate change.” Moreover they don’t even expect fire conditions to get worse in most places around the world. And even if they plug the RCP8.5 jet pack into...
...projections of greenhouse gas emissions, a crucial causal input at least inside the models, were no good. Particularly the noxious RCP8.5. Now it seems they have abandoned RCP for SSP....
...immediate risk. On the contrary, as Roger Pielke Jr. notes, it walks back earlier IPCC statements that the ludicrous RCP8.5 scenario was “most likely” and now rates it as improbable...
...RCP8.5 turns out to be right, is going to annihilate even humans let alone most of the non-bugosphere? Did even a high school science student vet this production? Oddly, an...
...usual scenario. No, not RCP8.5. The one where a Deputy Prime Minister can get away with babbling “from my perspective this price increase in fuel costs is a reminder of...
...that governments can’t resist commissioning and then beating people over the head with. But the first question to ask is: “Is the report’s ‘business-as-usual’ baseline by any chance the RCP8.5...
...even trying to reduce emissions. Which brings us to another key point about modeling. We’ve written many times about the grossly exaggerated RCP8.5 emission scenario. Its faulty prognostications are based...
...of three uncertainty. Climate model predictions of alarming impacts for the 21st century are driven by an emissions scenario, RCP8.5, that is highly implausible. Climate model predictions neglect scenarios of...
...them. It relies on the now-debunked and discredited RCP8.5 emission scenario that even alarmists say is over-egged. And it hinges on the implausible ideas that climate has been stable in...
...worse than the exploded RCP8.5. BTW the Bank of Canada’s mission statement is impeccable: “We are Canada’s central bank. We work to preserve the value of money by keeping inflation...
...fail and taste bad, Miami Beach will become Miami Seabed and poison ivy will grow legs and a long poisonous tongue and eat us all up if RCP8.5 comes true....
...something other than pal review it would not be the case that, as Roger Pielke Jr. calculated a couple of years ago, nearly 17,000 peer-reviewed studies using RCP8.5 have been...
...zombie RCP8.5, suffer from one particular defect we’d like to zero in on here: They try to model policy and its impacts. But policy in a democratic country is very...
...follow a projected implausible RCP8.5 future.” So the people now writing popular journalism on climate, and much more besides, are making claims completely at odds with the science and the...
...order to weigh the chance of disaster, the predictions of RCP8.5 (that’s Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 to those of you who speak English or something resembling it) are driven by...
...on this model projection and demand politicians treat it as a slam dunk, just as we wouldn’t want them to treat RCP8.5 or other extreme climate warming projections as dead...
...RCP8.5 and other ludicrous government-favoured scenarios. To his credit one of the three FERC commissioners, which seems an absurdly low number for such a massive and ambitious agency, voted against...
...disappear by 2100, depending on how greenhouse gas emissions develop in the first half of the 21st century”. That the authors are using RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 instead of something that...
...not confidently project any increase at all, and second that the only case where a large increase loomed was based on the bogus RCP8.5 scenario, while more realistic scenarios showed...
...the sulphur soup some day. The RCP8.5 scenario alarmists love to cite envisions temperature increases of between 2.6 and 4.8°C by 2100 and it’s that sort of rise that is...
...growing faster than rich ones. Lomborg then discusses the dark arts of scenario-building so beloved of the IPCC. Yes, it’s where such gems as RCP8.5 come from. Since they are...
...one of the stories linking to the actual study/simulation so we could determine whether, oh, let’s say, it relied on RCP8.5 or something. (The Independent does mention “eight global warming...
...scenario) and an enormous amount (RCP8.5). The result? “We find a reduction in overall global TC activity as climate warms.” So if the fabled computers are right, the more it...
...when it is not. (And an alert reader notes that, infuriatingly, a 2023 paper on the topic by Williams and three others used the RCP8.5 scenario.) But then in 2024...
...if you read down far enough you discover that “their current trajectory” is the usual exploded RCP8.5 scenario the Climate Central study calls the scenario with “unchecked pollution” whereas “unchecked...
...or above 1.0 m requires the RCP8.5 scenario. Which, as we have seen many times, is wildly, almost insolently implausible. Then in 2017 a new multi-agency task force was formed...
...study at least has the good grace to call our old enemy RCP8.5 “the most pessimistic emission scenario” before saying that “even in the more moderate SSP3-7.0 emissions scenario, 4°C...
...keep 1.5°C Within Reach”) But 1.5C never was within reach. As we pointed out years ago, the same computer models that claimed man-made emissions were causing an RCP8.5-level heating catastrophe...
We reported last week on efforts by whistle-blowers in the climate science community to get their colleagues to stop using the RCP8.5 emission scenario as the so-called “business-as-usual” story since...
...much as. And of course “a high-emissions scenario”. Could it be the exploded rubbish RCP8.5? Why yes. Yes it could. (Or rather its even worse spawn, SSP5-8.5.) How did we...