
Search results for: "greening"

CO2-induced global greening and cooling

...C per decade to greening which is only enough to counteract about 5 percent of the warming taking place on land. In northern countries like Canada greening didn’t lead to...

08 Feb, 2023| Science Notes

Wait, greening?

...blamed on global warming, can we credit it for the positives too? Including a study in the April 2018 Journal of Climate on the impact of CO2-induced planetary greening on...

17 Apr, 2019| Science Notes

IPCC AR6: Global Greening, Unspun Edition

...think the greens would be happy. Even if they aren’t we are, because we like plants and trees. Herewith, from Section, the IPCC AR6 on Global Greening: “Vegetation index...

08 Dec, 2021| Science Notes

Global greening is the real Green New Deal

...wasted trying), yet CO2 itself is doing the job by stimulating greening of the Earth’s biosphere, which in turn is pulling enough CO2 out of the air to offset 17...

20 May, 2020| Science Notes

Stuff you're not allowed to know #6: global greening

...mass starvation facing poor nations if humans overall grew a fifth less food. The authors acknowledge that rising CO2 and the general greening effect is a complex issue, and without...

27 Sep, 2023| Science Notes

Greening schmeening

...too little. And it would be nitpicking to observe that a major aspect of the recent greening is precisely the improved fertility of marginal arid regions because when plants need...

16 Dec, 2020| OP ED Watch

The greening of sub-Saharan Africa

...reports from elsewhere in Africa and all across the globe that demonstrate rising CO2 concentrations are enhancing the vegetative productivity of the biosphere and causing a great greening of the...

07 Feb, 2024| Science Notes

Greens against greening is something to sneeze at

A Guardian piece tells us “the latest research suggests that the climate crisis is going to make the hay fever season a whole lot longer and more intense, with up...

25 May, 2022| News Roundup

Green Blackout Part I: The SPMs

Earlier this year we reported on new evidence that global greening due to rising CO2 levels is not only continuing but accelerating. Which is great news, if you’re the sort...

20 Nov, 2024| Science Notes

Green machine

...plain-spoken title: “The global greening continues despite increased drought stress since 2000.” And it begins with a refreshingly plain-spoken claim: “The global greening is an indisputable fact.” Even though people...

07 Feb, 2024| Science Notes

The Green Blackout Part IV: The Details

...thing about CO2-induced global greening. Even though it’s a pretty remarkable phenomenon, they don’t seem to want you to find out about it. Is it because they don’t know about...

11 Dec, 2024| Science Notes

Green acres are getting greener

...them pixel-by-pixel into natural vegetation areas and agricultural zones. Then they compared the greening trends. The first line of their summary says it all: "Global cropland is greening and trends...

06 Nov, 2019| Science Notes

The Green Blackout Part V: Chapter 3 and Worse

Last week we showed that the IPCC does, in fact, know that rising CO2 levels are leading to global greening. So the fact that they avoid mentioning it in their...

18 Dec, 2024| Science Notes

Everyone starves, film at 2100

...since 1980. Scientific American is all atwitter that the inconvenient “greening” of the planet over the last half-century secretly stopped 20 years ago and plants are now declining because global...

28 Aug, 2019| News Roundup

The Green Blackout Part III: The Synthesis Report

...CO2 fertilization or global greening. Each one makes a brief mention of urban greening as a means of cooling down cities, it apparently being big news that it’s cooler in...

04 Dec, 2024| Science Notes

You can't just turn down the sun?

...achieve any effect at all. But what if it failed to fail totally? As we’ve noted before, the global greening since 1970 owes a lot to CO2, and a great...

27 Apr, 2022| OP ED Watch

What little we know

...for us, good for the plants, good for the food. The CO2 is not a pollutant. It’s actually a fertilizer. Increased growth and drought-tolerance is greening the deserts and helping...

20 Mar, 2019| Science Notes

Trees schmees

...global “greening” as plants of all sorts survive better thanks to more CO2, especially in marginal areas where it’s unhealthily cold or dry and having a lot of “stomata” to...

11 Jan, 2023| OP ED Watch

Exploring African Vegetation Change Since 1982

...and the overall trend continues to be of vegetation greening.” With respect to the apparent cause of this incredible feat, the researchers note “as increases occur almost pan-continentally, large-scale drivers...

14 Oct, 2020| Science Notes

Speaking of odious

...cycles, the sun’s influence, global greening and the issue of temperature rises preceding CO2 increases, as if all these things were self-evidently contemptible. We cannot reproduce her tweet directly because...

03 Mar, 2021| OP ED Watch


...“Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists” about how “Desertification was supposed to be the ‘greatest environmental challenge of our time.’ Why are experts now worried about greening?” and X-grouses that “Campaigners...

28 Aug, 2024| News Roundup

CO2 fertilization effects on global leaf area index

...the globe, leading to enhanced ecosystem productivity and a great greening of the terrestrial biosphere. Atmospheric CO2 is not the demon so many make it out to be. Rather, it’s...

20 Jan, 2021| Science Notes

Golden oldies

...the atmosphere.” It’s a bit odd that ICN speaks of “an influx of beavers as the warming climate has fostered” greening. But surely it’s CO2, not warming, that has done...

16 Mar, 2022| News Roundup

Have a hot one

...or something called “tree spinach”. So much for CO2 causing greening, we suppose. Or at least greening of anything you actually want to eat. (Though like the scientists saying climate...

19 May, 2021| OP ED Watch

A new year's resolution

...whole thing out of balance instead of stimulating it to greater absorption. Especially given the massive greening that we know has occurred in the last four decades as plants absorb...

10 Jan, 2024| OP ED Watch

Science notes in passing

Not only does the IPCC not want to talk about global greening, their models get the role of plants in the global carbon cycle woefully wrong. A new study which...

27 Nov, 2024| Science Notes

Seeing the forest for the trees

...were going to do. The piece even manages to turn global greening into a deforestation crisis: “Now fossil fuel emissions spewing from coal plants and tailpipes are rearranging forests in...

20 Apr, 2022| OP ED Watch

We have ways to make you think

...“far exceeded” the level at which it improves plant life. Not only has NASA found a dramatic greening of the Earth in the past third of a century that shows...

19 Jun, 2019| OP ED Watch

Hey, let's mine the ocean to save the Earth

...hosts a greater abundance of life.” Because everybody knows cooler temperatures lead to flourishing life forms, which is why the glaciations saw so much more greening than the Cretaceous. And...

02 Aug, 2023| OP ED Watch

The Top 10 Inconvenient Facts About Climate Change

...remarkable worldwide pattern of greening and increased agricultural output. Narrator: Coming in at number 6: 6: The famous 97% consensus only applies to the basic concepts, not to the claim...

29 Jul, 2024| Fact Checks

The iron law of modeling

...not just of temperature. In the piece noted above on global greening, Michaels references a previous Climate Etc. post in which economist Ross McKitrick shows a graph from a 2019...

20 May, 2020| Science Notes

Trees wither into saplings

...as it has much other plant life. Making it grow more abundantly and in places where it used to struggle. This greening has saved millions of lives by improving agriculture...

10 Jun, 2020| OP ED Watch

Hands off the thermostat

...just get down from 400 to 280 and watch the greening of the Earth reverse, plants wilt and hundreds of millions of people in poor countries starve. Oh sorry. Were...

22 Dec, 2021| News Roundup

The incredible shrinking social cost of carbon

...data. First, they took account of the evidence on global greening. They make the remarkable observation that, of the three big economic models governments rely on to calculate CO2 damages,...

05 Feb, 2020| Science Notes

No trees in Davos

...how it can be climate change devastating trees squares with the massive greening of the Earth since 1980. On a less edifying note, the fact that one person cited in...

25 Jan, 2023| OP ED Watch


...alarmist climate narrative.” Remember, climate change only ever causes bad things. National Geographic warned (in 2019) that greening is really browning: “Thirsty future ahead as climate change explodes plant growth/...

20 Mar, 2024| News Roundup

Then all the plants died and...

...As we’ve noted before, the recent increase has led to a hugely beneficial “greening” of the planet that alarmists seem to find revolting or irrelevant. But should CO2 fall only...

11 Dec, 2019| OP ED Watch

Gnomes of Zurich to the climate rescue

...“the Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System… which includes central banks and regulators of major European countries as well as China, Russia and Japan, started with...

30 Jun, 2021| OP ED Watch

Math am hard and so are economics

...Greening the Financial System”, is putting this prediction where we can test it. They show 5% net negative world GDP growth by 2030 if we do nothing, reaching 10% by...

01 Jul, 2020| OP ED Watch

Solar panels cooked my planet

...that one cause a runaway greenhouse effect? Ah, because it was natural and only man is vile. Indeed a recent study of warming greening the Sahara duly concluded that this...

17 Mar, 2021| OP ED Watch

Carbon cycle blows tire

...humans were emitting about 36 GT not 12). Indeed, the more evidence there is of massive greening, for instance NOAA’s recent finding about “Global plant growth surging alongside carbon dioxide”,...

24 Mar, 2021| News Roundup

Atoll tales about sea level rise

...to the same conclusions. There are some climate change stories that are actually positive, like planetary greening, where the additional CO2 is good for plants including food crops, or where...

06 Mar, 2019| Science Notes

Heat kills tropical plants

...green morality that anything natural is good, whether it’s desertification or inundation, but anything human-cased is bad, even if it’s otherwise indistinguishable. Even Bjorn Lomborg’s throwaway line about global greening,...

22 Jul, 2020| News Roundup


...the air, that we have fertile soils.’” If true, biodiversity might actually generate a robust carbon cycle that happily absorbs an increase and turns it into, who knows, global greening....

27 Oct, 2021| News Roundup

The old bury gas in dirt trick

...equity: whose land gets used?” Which is dang silly because there’s been a vast greening of the globe in the last 40 years, including big improvements in agriculture in some...

13 Dec, 2023| OP ED Watch

If this is victory...

...efforts and children alike, improved conditions including global greening that boosts marginal agriculture have seen population rise from a surprisingly low 388 million as recently as 1973 (surprising because Africa...

08 Dec, 2021| News Roundup

CO2 hurts plants

...climate praised in a newspaper” advisedly. As Matt Ridley just asked indignantly, why is no one talking about the remarkable greening of the Earth? His piece includes a dramatic image...

10 Jul, 2019| Science Notes

CO2 is bad for plants

...spells hunger and misery as unnatural disasters wipe out crops. And in case they don’t, well, just announce that CO2 is bad for plants and global greening be hanged: “Climate...

08 Dec, 2021| OP ED Watch

The unhelpfullest cut of all

...mid-1970s so we don’t just get back les nieges d’antan, we get the Little Ice Age and more. Either would reverse the enormous greening the planet has seen since around...

12 May, 2021| News Roundup

Climate Emergency Tour: World Food Production Edition

...enough to derail a superb interval of human progress. It’s even probable that increases in atmospheric CO2 have contributed to the greening of marginal farmland as of the planet generally....

20 Nov, 2019| Climate Emergency Tour


...coast is slumping into the ocean, compounding the danger from global sea level rise.” It isn’t cool to say so. But “The rate of global greening caused by recent increases...

28 Feb, 2024| News Roundup

This just in: warmth, sunshine, CO2 good for crops

...they don’t lose as much water during respiration (a vital aspect of global greening as plants do better in dry, cold or high-altitude marginal land), making them more drought tolerant....

01 Mar, 2023| Science Notes

Like whatever man

...CPI points out, citing an estimate by the nonprofit group Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System (another group partially funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies).” Yeah. Could. Unless...

28 Feb, 2024| OP ED Watch

Attack of the sea snot

...of course the recent increase has been a boon especially to the older, C3 plants, leading to a very measurable “greening” especially of the bleaker parts of the planet, thus...

23 Jun, 2021| News Roundup

The 3rd horseman falls off his mount

...a pundit when instead the advanced world underwent an obesity epidemic starting in the 1970s and global population continued to rise due, among other things, to a “greening” effect linked...

03 Apr, 2019| Science Notes

So about that CO2

...that this statement is flagrantly wrong, since not even hard-core alarmists deny that there’s been a massive greening of the planet in the last half century as more CO2 has...

30 Aug, 2023| OP ED Watch

Experts say

...the truth is that the globe is greening and many poor countries are seeing record harvests, while in the United States wheat production has held steady while planted acreage has...

28 Apr, 2021| OP ED Watch

Get more fibre

...been a “greening” of the less fertile parts of the planet, which is good for everyone and everything except, perhaps, desert enthusiasts. But if turning CO2 into nanofibres is technically...

15 May, 2019| OP ED Watch

What if they died?

...the natural cycle of wildfires and regeneration, the overall greening of the Earth and so forth, we get the usual predictions of bad weather and pestilence, in the form of...

18 May, 2022| OP ED Watch

All this and CO2

...a CO2-induced greening of the planet, the monetary benefits of rising CO2 on crop yields, and much, much more.” Then again we regularly publish paper summaries from CO2Science.org that manage...

13 Apr, 2022| OP ED Watch

But if it's a science...

...Suppose for purposes of argument the extent has been 1°C. Then consider 12 key supposed impacts, from sea level to atmospheric CO2 to greening to ocean pH to ice mass,...

21 Oct, 2020| OP ED Watch

The Holocene temperature conundrum

...new paper in Quaternary Science Reviews in November 2023 that looked at whether Sahara greening and other land surface changes could explain the difference. From 15,000 to 5,000 years ago...

03 Apr, 2024| Science Notes

Even cornier

...grow. For that reason it’s also not surprising that satellite data shows a considerable greening of the Earth over the last few decades. Politicians may label CO2 “pollution” but plants...

27 Mar, 2019| Science Notes

The monsoons of death

...Sood, the president of Spchetna, an NGO studying the effects of climate change in India.” How is climate change to blame for deforestation, given that more CO2 is greening the...

09 Oct, 2019| OP ED Watch

You wanted energy with that transition?

...Italian government is “pushing back on an array of initiatives aimed at greening the economy, arguing that local business can ill-afford previously agreed transition goals.” Note that ‘agreed’ doesn’t mean...

07 Jun, 2023| News Roundup

Talking to the arbres

...that if scaled up it could make a significant contribution and buy the world some time.” Or not, since there’s already been a massive greening over the past 40 years...

29 Nov, 2023| OP ED Watch

Henderson the carbon king

...down goes the CO2 and the thermometer. Guess what? Unless something is very wrong with our understanding of biology, we see a rapid reversal of the global greening of the...

20 Apr, 2022| News Roundup

The problem of green immorality

...in 2019.” (That Africa’s population has risen dramatically in recent decades due to global greening should not distract you from the pattern of “a jump in food insecurity… and mass...

04 Nov, 2020| OP ED Watch

If only they knew that they don't know

...This means solar and wind deliver just 1.8% of global energy supply. And electricity is the easiest of these components to decarbonize: We haven’t yet made meaningful progress greening the...

29 Jun, 2022| News Roundup
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