
Search results for: "thwaites"

Thwaites all folks

It’s really over this time. Yes the Thwaites glacier, aka the “Doomsday” Glacier, “could melt faster than previously thought”, says NBC’s “Climate In Crisis” department. If the name sounds familiar...

14 Sep, 2022| News Roundup

Bad news for the Obamas

...thinks so, with the unsubtle headlines “Ice shelf holding back keystone Antarctic glacier within years of failure/ Breakup of the Thwaites eastern shelf will ramp up sea level rise”. No...

22 Dec, 2021| News Roundup

They stabbed me through the ice shelf

...(0.65 meters). Once Thwaites starts to destabilize, it also will destabilize neighboring glaciers. So, what happens to Thwaites affects all of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, and that affects sea-level...

11 Sep, 2024| News Roundup

The Doomsday Glacier that wasn't

...Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica can be melted for the purpose. The idea is that as the downstream Thwaites ice shelf disintegrates into the hotting seas around Antarctica, the upstream Thwaites...

07 Jun, 2023| Science Notes

Faster than expected except where slower

...what journalists claimed up front. For instance we learn from Eurekalert that the Thwaites Glacier ice shelf in Antarctica is being “thawed by a warming ocean more quickly than previously...

18 Sep, 2019| News Roundup

Alarming loss of Antarctic ice

...the alarm about what is happening to the Earth’s most isolated continent. For example, the Thwaites Glacier, also in West Antarctica, is melting rapidly. A 2022 study said the Thwaites...

06 Mar, 2024| News Roundup

Climate porn fails to titillate

...new carbon tax and the twice-as-fast warning) howled “A glacier the size of Florida is on track to change the course of human civilization”, dubbed the Thwaites glacier in West...

10 Apr, 2019| OP ED Watch

A Vesuvius of misinformation

Well this is awkward. The BBC, like other media outlets, has been covering melting of the Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica as proof of global warming and a potential harbinger...

05 Feb, 2020| OP ED Watch


...or stay home. You aren’t saving the world six ways before breakfast. Antarctica’s Thwaites “Doomsday” glacier is melting yet again. Climate change threatens Valentine’s Day yet again. And finally, one...

22 Feb, 2023| News Roundup

The ice cracks

No, not Thwaites again. At least not this week. Rather, in the spirit of seeking harmony rather than assuming the worst of our foes, we note that David Leonhardt in...

16 Feb, 2022| OP ED Watch

All steamed up

...unless they don’t. “Massive Antarctic glacier in danger… The massive Thwaites glacier, one of the biggest on the coldest continent, is sliding into the sea, thanks to rivers of warm...

03 Mar, 2021| OP ED Watch

CDN by the sea: Monterey California

...year” before having the gall to melt the Thwaites Glacier yet again and send the waters up two feet in short order. But is it true? Are they “rising faster...

06 Apr, 2022| Science Notes

Antarctic ice vanishes unless it doesn't

...if Thwaites collapses, it could trigger a catastrophic rise in global sea levels, flooding coastal cities around the world.” Yes, yes. If catastrophe hits, it could be a catastrophe. This...

13 Feb, 2019| Science Notes

You'll need a magnifying glass to see it

...might things get worse? Slooowly. “If it and neighboring Thwaites Glacier speed up and flow completely into the ocean, releasing their hold on the larger West Antarctic Ice Sheet, global...

23 Jun, 2021| News Roundup


...rising sea levels, the Thwaites glacier getting it and so forth. “Extreme heat also leads to crop failures and water shortages, and it supercharges wildfires: In California alone last year,...

09 Feb, 2022| News Roundup

Nothing To Sea Here Folks

...disappearing. Scare stories about it are a dime a dozen… and worth every penny. If you do a word search on the CDN website on the Thwaites glacier, also known...

02 Oct, 2023| Fact Checks
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