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Javier Vinós Challenges Climate Orthodoxy

03 Dec 2024 | Webinar

5 comments on “Javier Vinós Challenges Climate Orthodoxy”

  1. Thanks - an important piece of climate journalism, and a good supplementary resource for readers of his books. (Which everyone should buy.)
    Vinos' critique of the standard model and his alternative hypothesis concerning drivers of climate change deserve careful attention. Perhaps new management at the US Department of Energy can find room in their vast research budget to fund some of this necessary work.
    Plus: His temperament and attitude are first-class, a valuable example for students and practitioners in all disciplines.

  2. Thanks for sharing this informative discussion, which stimulated, among other things, this observation in the context of Oscar Wilde's literary spoofery. That is, on the Importance of Being Paradigmatic. With no apologies to Thomas Kuhn, the concept belongs nowhere in scientific inquiry, except perhaps as a foil for hubris. Let's celebrate the I don't know but I'll try to find out ethos. Let's insist upon transparent means of presenting truth claims about phenomena in the natural and rejoice when empirical evidence shows those claims to be false. Finally, let's keep in mind Richard Feynman's distinction between "knowing the name of something and knowing something."
    The cant of climate pundits is repeated so often and so mechanically that it's become essentially empty of meaning.

  3. This is a genuinely worthwhile discussion that should be shared broadly.
    I immensely enjoyed reading "Solving the Climate Puzzle." It was incredibly insightful and has altered my understanding of climate science.
    However, if you've got technical skills or a background in this field, Javier's previous book, "Climate of the Past, Present and Future," is a must-read. It's my favorite book in the climate science arena.
    I have featured both books as references in my novels - partly as a tribute to this gifted scientist.

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