Here’s a good one to bookmark so that when you’re in one of those irritating conversations at the family dinner table you can plunk your computer on the table, open it up and show your undergraduate nephew that what his political studies professor told him about hurricanes during the unit on the global climate crisis was untrue. Every year about 80-100 tropical storms develop around the world of which about half become hurricanes and a quarter become major hurricanes. This is not a new phenomenon and was happening long before fossil fuels were invented by the patriarchy. Greenhouse gases do not appear to have changed anything. Since the modern records began in 1980 the number of tropical cyclones has not gone up, nor has the number of major hurricanes, and since 1990 neither has the index of Accumulated Cyclone Energy or ACE. The pictures tell the story.
This chart shows global annual number of hurricanes (top line) and major hurricanes (bottom line):
This chart shows the ACE index for all hurricanes (top line) and for major hurricanes (bottom line) since 1970:
This chart shows the division of the ACE Index between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres since 1970:
This chart shows the global number of tropical storms (top line) and hurricanes (bottom line) since 1970:
The pictures tell the story, and what a cool one it is.
Pielkie has been on the warpath on this subject with the IPCC but he keeps trying to be a little bit pregnant, suggesting there is outright fraud but it still serves a useful purpose