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Greenland used to be green land

05 Feb 2025 | Science Notes

Turns out they weren’t lying: way underneath the centre of the Greenland ice sheet, as in 3 kilometers down, comes proof that the entire island used to be ice free and covered in plants. But not in the time of Erik the Red a thousand years ago. Way before that, sometime between 250,000 and a million years ago, in a previous interglacial. Strangely, though, CO2 was much lower back then than today. Whatever can it all mean?

The data were actually collected back in 1993 but only just recently analyzed and published in August 2024. It’s a remarkable technical feat to drill 3 km down into an ice cap and retrieve the cores from each level. When they got to the bottom of the ice the researchers hit a layer of boulders, then till, then rock. They carefully sifted the till and found minute fragments of scale from a willow bud, an insect leg and fragment of a compound eye, moss megaspores, a poppy seed and more. This collection indicates that the island must have been largely ice free. Unfortunately the material doesn’t lend itself to precise dating except to say that it is older than 250,000 years and younger than a million years.

The authors estimate that central Greenland had to have been about 14 degrees C warmer than today when the ice wasn’t there. Fourteen. It’s a lot, especially given a recent claim that if it gets 3°C warmer humanity will expire. But hold on, objects Pierre Gosselin at NoTricksZone. How can it be so if CO2 levels were around 280 ppm, compared to 420 ppm today? A third less CO2 and 14C warmer?

It is, as Gosselin notes:

“a very inconvenient fact for the climate alarmists and it suggests that the climate system is indeed far more complicated than the straight line CO2-temperature claims made by the government-funded scientists and non-questioning media want us to believe.”

It’s also inconvenient for the warmest-year-ever crowd because to melt all that Greenland ice would have required thousands of years of warmth far beyond anything we observe today. And it happened without extra CO2 in the air. Almost like the climate system is highly complicated and variable all on its own. And CO2 does not drive temperature.

6 comments on “Greenland used to be green land”

  1. Some planetary catastrophists postulate that a pole shift is the real reason. There's enough evidence to suggest the south pole was somewhere off the north west coast of Australia at least once which makes the north pole somewhere east of Cuba! Hmm?

  2. We can guarantee that none of this information, nor any contrary evidence, will ever be published in the mainstream media.

  3. Just wondering why data collected in 1993 was not analyzed for over 30 years?Seems very odd to me.Was this data or the much-delayed analysis supressed by the powers-that-be because it doesn't fit the climate alarmist narrative?Does anyone know?

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