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1920 or 2020? Wilson's Promontory Edition

15 Dec 2021 | 1920 or 2020, Science Notes

Speaking of Tasmania, the nearest spot to it on the Aussie continent is Wilson’s Promontory on the southern tip of Victoria, whose lighthouse sits out on a peninsula far removed from urban heat islands or any other influences that distort temperature records. Which makes it a perfect place to see a century of climate heating, which we present for you in the following graph and invite you to guess which year is 1920 and which is 2020.

Here’s the answer:

If you guessed wrong, don’t worry. You can hardly be expected to see every existential crisis that comes along.

7 comments on “1920 or 2020? Wilson's Promontory Edition”

  1. This series of century temperature comparisons is very telling of just how farcical the claims of global warming actually are. These should be highlighted to the alarmists and the media, though I still don't believe that will change much the hysteria narrative.
    Thanks, as always, for bringing this and your climat science articles to us John.

    Dublin, Ireland

  2. Sanity is rare on the interweb; it all seems to be on this site. If only the wider public took the time to look beyond the certainties offered by the Press and their governments, and behaved like adults in this debate. Being credulous nowadays is the new normal. Sigh.

  3. I don’t doubt you but could you please quote the source of these graphs cite where I can look them up. I like to check these for myself. I speak as an Aussie from Victoria by the way.

  4. The mean monthly temperatures, however, at the Wilson’s Prom lighthouse, according to the BOM, were 16.1C for 1920 and 16.8C for 2020. Over 100 years, choosing these two dates, shows a difference of .7C, with 2020 being warmer. The early part of the 20th century shows a slight cooling, despite rising CO2 levels, and then a rise into the late 2010s, with 2019 recording an average mean monthly maximum of 17.5C. The mean in 2000 was 16.8C and in 1910 (as far back as records go) was 16.4C. Graphs are helpful in getting an overall picture, but actual figures tell the story in better detail.

  5. What’s truly interesting, is the graph of atmospheric CO2 against CO2 put into the atmosphere by human activity.
    This shows a clear increase in atmospheric CO2 from 1750 to about 1810 without any increase in human contribution to atmospheric CO2. Clearly, something other than human activity (call it natural increase) was at play. Assuming that a linear extension of the natural increase can be drawn, human contribution is only 25gt, not 35gt. Of course, use of this type of graph does not paint the complete picture and is deceiving. There seems no attempt to measure the CO2 humans TAKE OUT of the atmosphere, illustrating the fundamental dishonesty of the climate catastrophists.

  6. "Aussie continent". Funny, I thought the place was called Australia. Must be okay to say the Kanucklehead Landmass then.

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